If you're IQ isn't at least 120 you can ((NEVER ))post on Veeky Forums again

If you're IQ isn't at least 120 you can ((NEVER ))post on Veeky Forums again.

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>tfw to smart four Veeky Forums
Out of my way brainlets

how confident are you in these test?

/chem/tard comin' thru

just a dick measuring stick. Don't think about it.

Now i can post my doubts in /SCI

But that would ban all Veeky Forums users.

>"Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure"



i think you need to raise the bar by at least 10 points. i'm at 121 and barely understand half of the stuff that's posted on sci.

That's probably because you lack the technical knowledge necessary to understand it. That doesn't speak to your intelligence level at all

If you trust online IQ tests you can NEVER post on Veeky Forums again.
>Remember that it is a good idea to practice tests such as this - there are many others available online.
They're not even pretending this isn't just a bragging tool. Practice and you can impress your brainlet Facebook friends too.

Im agree,

>not being born with an intimint knowledge of every subject.


post score


i only visit this place for the iq threads anyway, so you're probably right.

sub 200 iq thinks he's smart

140 iq

Imagine a world where only smart humans exist... Please Elon make it a reality.


Basically this. If you have an IQ of 120 you're capable understanding any subject to PhD level. You won't excel or be noteworthy, but you'll be able to lecture and do specialised research .

Go watch the newest episode of Rick and Morty. Rick is the smartest man in the universe and a society was made of all the Ricks from every dimension so every citizen in this huge society has the highest possible IQ and can learn to do anything perfectly and still society devolves to the same shit: Crony capitalism with predatory politcs

Without mortys the society would be perfect, but an influx of low IQ low skilled immigrants really brought what could be a great society down.

Man what about the board of oligarchs that used to run the citadel? No Morty's there.



u almot made it fellow, may bee next time yu can be as smart as the rest of sci

I only take iq test from pyscologist it's the only way be absolutely sure


>im agree,
We should probably use an English test too

i'm a smart man not a well speller man

Outside can also mean too low.

But I didn't expect you to realize that.

I'm not an intelligent person.

dont b mean

I will never be here again.

that's me I'm the Autist with the 140 score and a deep need to learn everything about physics I really enjoy quantum mechanics

I usually get 131-134 on these but got a 124 the other day because I ran out of time....Am I getting dumber?

Welp. Time to an hero

Am in mensa. now bow down and tender my ballzies

Confirmed brainlet

>Not recognising a bait.


130iq should be able to get this ez

Most of these shapes are just XOR logic additions.

Until the later shapes, what the fuck are those?

I got 143, post whatever i'll give you the answer if yall help me with these

I'm just a 130 neet.

That last q was utterly fucked. If anyone knows, please share

top to bottom. flip the top add to middle. Remove overlap. Answer is bottom right.


here i flipped it for you to see and highlighted the deleted parts. Just watching some netflix before bed if you got others

I also got 119. Be honest Veeky Forums, is this bad for a STEM major?

that's the joke
low iq detected

105 iq

Try and stop me nerd.

Filled out one of these for the 1st time ever.
Now, does any of you anons know the BEST interactive website where I can brush up on my algebra?
Didn't wanna make a new thread for my question.

i was rather restless toward the end of the test and don't think i got this one.

Good stuff user keep up good work

I won't stop you, but you have to put this on. For your own safety.

Stoned af, and finished in half the time.
How does it feel to be dumber then me but still accomplishing more.

No, an IQ ~120 is fine for any field or profession, except maybe pure math/theoretical physics...

You dont need to be smart to succed in those, it just helps.
Of cause you are much better of defining everything yourself. But you can also learn.

Good because I'm doing an environmental science major. Thanks.

is it b

I'm really stumped. Mind explaining?

pattern for each shape appears to be "all have it, only two have it, only two have it" for each column and each row of a set of three squares, b meets those requirements but it's too basic so i don't really know.

actually this appears to be wrong, some 140+ should clear it up

w-what do you need for pure math or theoretical physics?

It's 'A'. Pattern is: there needs to be "shape" that spans across all three rows. Can't be the same for all the columns. ex- first row its triange, X then Circle. second it's X, then O then triange.

Last is Circle, Triangle. then...X. So our X should span all columns in our answer in some capacity. Answer either A,B,F or D.

We've never have more than one shape span all three rows, D and F is out.

This pattern also hold for rows: One shape must span accross the rows. and only one.
Line one it's Circle, X, X
Line two it's Circle X, Circle
Line three then, if this pattern holds, cannot be B.

So A

Wouldn't have been able to solve without your suggestion.

This pattern also hold for rows: One shape must span accross the rows. and only one.


>and only one
Middle square ruins that, but at least one, I think it still works.

I made a 115... I took it pretty quickly though...
As a comparison, I also made a 1980 on the old SAT
I've always felt like a brainlet on the verge of intellectual realization
I will be trying this again tomorrow

>If you're IQ isn't
>you are
>If you are IQ isn't
I rest my case.

haHa it was an ironic jok HahahAH

Think i can become a 140+ wizard if I lurk harder?

I still got above average after bullshitting every other answer. What a retarded test.

if u study real hard and eat your vegitables maybee one day

>The world's finest and foremost minds
>on Veeky Forums

Computer Science

This might possibly be the most retarded argument for anything.

Read a fucking book user.


First time I took this test I got 119.

I thought some of the puzzles were interesting so I screen grabbed every question. Then going about my days I would sometimes think over them without having to worry about time pressure and eventually I think I figured them all out except maybe one of them.

Took the test again and then got 143.

What does this mean?


it means you cheated

>140 IQ brainlets

I think I got literally every question correct. Even had like 10 minutes remaining on the clock. They were kinda nice and introduced elements gradually though, like half of the questions were just repeats of earlier questions.

Do you feel accomplished because of a browser-test?


>tfw we are to smart four Veeky Forums but two dumb for einstein

aren't IQ tests supposed to be impossible to prepare for? Impossible to get better at?

Actually is right
I know because in Mensa/Danks test I got every answer correct
It's B


Smarts don't mean shiz if you don't have passion. :'(

God, I wish I wasn't such a nihilist fuck.

I've done a real test and my result was similar. However, I'm posting here not to circlejerk about my score but because I want to discuss something I've been thinking about a lot. I scored perfectly on the fluid reasoning parts of my real IQ test, but only like 125-130 on everything else. I've noticed that although people claim fluid intelligence is the most important part of intelligence, many people completely disregard it. Because I struggle to explain my ideas, I'm dismissed by people who don't bother to think about the things I talk about. Why is this? I also honestly don't understand people who don't have high fluid intelligence. Often people won't understand why things are stupid and I can understand that only in the context of not bothering to think about it. For example, trying to measure something from the end of a ruler when the end of the ruler is not 0. If you'd just thought about it for one second before doing, you would realize why it's retarded. Why do people not take the time to consider the things they do? It's so fucking painful. I feel like I have to trick people into thinking for themselves or do the thinking for them. It's intellectually lazy but everyone gets away with it, especially people with high verbal intelligence. You'll see people convincing others of things that obviously won't work by only citing misleading historical examples. This is especially true of politics and communists and anarchists are especially guilty of this. Their ability to bullshit allows them to tell people what they want to hear while glossing over the parts that would cause their ideas to fall apart. I just don't understand why people don't critically analyze the ideas presented before them, is it really that difficult to just think about things?

Any thoughts or insight into this matter?

>Any thoughts or insight into this matter?
Yeah, you should work on your writing. Oh, and measuring with a ruler when the end isn't zero is not "retarded". You just need to subtract that from whatever measurement you got.

You should also try and be more humble. In my experience intelligence has way less of an impact than actual experience does, and most of the time (especially since I think you're relatively young) other people are going to have more experience than you.

Here is an image to supplement my above example with rulers. The top ruler you can measure from the end but the bottom you must measure from the 0. I know when I've given this example to others they assume I mean you can't measure from the other end of the ruler, but I mean that you can't measure from the part that has no markings.

if you were a true nihilist you'd be pursuing greatness in realizing that nothing else is worth pursuing

you're just a sadsack untermensch

>trying to measure something from the end of a ruler when the end of the ruler is not 0. If you'd just thought about it for one second before doing, you would realize why it's retarded.

can't you just subtract out the difference? Like, you measure something with a normal ruler turns out to be 6 inches. You measure something with a ruler that starts at 8inches, result on the ruler says 14inches. subtract 8 and still get 6inches.

>tfw to smert four Mensa

yeah i guess you're right until you measure the 'unknown space' on the ruler to find out how much to adjust for.

If the point of this is about communication, you just gotta talk it out and explain it thoroughly. I see what you're talking about now that you've elaborated.

You're prob right about the "sadsack" but pursuing greatness doesn't make sense. Care to explain why greatness is worth pursuing?

Refer to for the ruler matter.

I realize that I should work on my writing, however my original post was rushed so I'm aware it comes off as a bit of a wall of text.

I'm unsure what your point is about being humble. I don't care much about how I come off, and I certainly don't act like this in real life. The nature of this discussion naturally lends to me coming off as bragging but please understand this is not my intention. I really just want to understand where the point of failure is for others so I can better communicate with others. I tend to skip over things that are obvious to me and can't really explain why I know them.

I use the ruler example because I once was working on a group project with someone and they caused problems by including the unknown space in their measurements. Despite repeatedly explaining this to them, they failed to understand and I took the measurements myself. There was no easy way to get the measurement of the unknown space because there was only one other ruler and no piece of paper or similar that could be used to obtain the measure.