
Why has the definition of autism changed so frequently every decade?
>1940's - Autism is exclusive with schizophrenia
>1950's - Autism is similar to schizophrenia but doesn't require psychosis
>1960's - Autism is only a social disorder that included psychopathy and catatonia
>1970's - Autism is caused by organic brain damage from immune responses and makes kids retarded
>1980's - Autism is actually a neurodevelopmental disorder LMAO we're dumb. Autism isn't brain damage but something is fucked up in there.
>1990's - We should separate retard autists from smart autists and call them aspergers aka sperg retards. Also puzzles n'shieet lmao.
>2000's - Autism is caused by over 50 genetics and chemicals and shieet. It also has ADHD, OCD, Sensory issues, higher than average IQ, synesthesia, motor issues, etc. It's caused by a lack of synaptic pruning in early development. Eidetic memory lmao.
>2010's - Autism is just a spectrum guys, there's nothing wrong with it! :) :) :) btw Minecraft lmao
>2020's - Autistic people are superior to the neurotypical and should never be insulted you fucking ableist lower IQ plebeian. btw 99% of math majors LMAO

But seriously, what is it? I'm diagnosed with it.

It's a spectrum






You motherfucker

Now begone to where you came from.

's - Autistic people are superior to the neurotypical and should never be insulted you fucking ableist lower IQ plebeian. btw 99% of math majors LMAO

You need to take a break from image boards dude

What else is there? Reddit? FunnyJunk? Fucking Gaia?

No you need to take a break from the internet because you're unable to discern memes from reality

But Autists are superior.

Your brain is too meme-addled to even be able to follow a basic conversation. Seek help, this is not normal.

Trust me, if we had a real conversation I would be coherent. I don't meme IRL.

>I can quit anytime I want
face it user

Call me then.

I've already called you out, there's little more I can do for you. I've pointed out that your thread is hot garbage, it's on you to improve.

What is your reasoning for this argument? I post a greentext that is mostly accurate information but also humorous and you say it as I'm some degenerate isolated schizo or something? I don't think you know me personally.

Come on user

Are you trying to stir shit up or are you just trolling for the fun of it? Do you want to discuss the topic of the thread? Did I offend you by naming the subject "Tisms"? I am asking you questions and you don't answer.

The ideal outcome would be that you gave up posting here and went back to pol

Are you confused? I don't browse /pol/.

You could've fooled me

I do browse Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /tv/, /co/, and /news/ every now and then. Am I wrong for having interests?

You're wrong for making a thread so bad I instantly thought you were a pol crossposter even if you're not from pol. Let that sink in

I am going to be honest here, I actually made a thread similar to this one made for /pol/ so I can get their retarded opinions but the thread 404'd with 0 replies so I just copied and pasted the topic. I thought it would be something they would grasp.

Head on over to plebbit faggot

Maybe they will care

its only one part in a model ment to control society based off of the bell curve and "norms"

this is what happens when you tell a doctor/psyciain that we need a theory of the human psyche.
they end up treating every aspect of cognition and behavior as a disease, condition, syndrome, or what have you

I don't ever use Reddit and I've used this very site for 6 years. I said in the OP I'm autistic. How obvious do I have to be that I'm not socially fucking perfect? You people are getting real confused on who you call "Reddit".

Go outside dumbass.

It's almost like psychiatry is based on bullshit opinions and checkbox feels based diagnoses rather than actual physical evidence of brain problems.

I was joking. You take everything I say a bit too literal.
It took neuroscience to prove that Autism is caused by a lack of synaptic pruning in early development and nothing more. Psychobabble theorists spent decades and millions of dollars on fucking nothing once again. Autism treatment is typically pretty shitty too. Instead of exposing autistic kids to sensory environments so they can be "desensitized" (like when you go into a pool when it's cold but your body makes it become warmer), they put them in safe spaces with little lighting and colorful toys and tell them that they are no different whatsoever.

I think it just has to do with how our understanding of the human brain has evolved over the decades.

We know things now that forty or fifty years ago, we had no clue of.

What do you think it is?

Because of jews
Autism doesnt really exist.

Then explain the pic in the OP then, /x/.

>be a huge autist
>get a job as the cashier at a super busy Cafe
>learn to deal with noise, crowds and people constantly talking to me
Working there made me want to kill myself but it really improved my ability to blend in to social situations.

Nothing to explain. The image is fabricated. Either by jew scientists promoting autism or maybe just OP himself.


Shitposting aside, I think autism/Asperger's is not exactly one thing, but rather, the result of converging forces of all kinds (genetics, child nutrition, brain development, upbringing, etc). Think of it as vectorial sum. A single vector could be the result of infinite different vectorial sums. I read somewhere that, at least in some cases, autism is related with a mutation in some neurons' receptors. I have been diagnosed as being on the spectrum since I was 1 and for my whole life I have demonstrated plenty of symptoms like lack of empathy, unusual intelligence, irritation from human touch, noises, too much light, extreme anxiety, etc. This life is some kind of hell.

Autism affects the nervous system.
