Food Poisoning

When was your last bout of food poisoning, Veeky Forums?

I just got it two nights ago, hadn't had it since I was very young. I feel better now but extremely tired still.

I'm not sure what I got it from, so should I just toss all my open food? Only thing I ate that I still have is some cheese and almonds. I have no idea what food to trace it back to, I had all kinds of things leading up to it from meats to salads to cheeses, no idea what gave it to me.

Statistically, most food poisoning is caused by the diner not having washed their hands properly and contaminating their own food.

Yeah, I was thinking that. Maybe I touched a countertop or something. I'm a germaphobe though, so I wash my hands a whole lot. But, hey maybe I missed the ball this time. I didn't do the cooking, but the person cooking with me didn't get sick. Only thing different I had was a packaged salad (pre-washed, probably should have washed it again!) and some cheese.

This shit right here. I ain't going back there, it's not worth it

they should just sell shit and vomit pizza so you can skip the intermediate step

>Only thing different I had was a packaged salad
found the source of your food poisoning


You ate a pre-made salad without washing it first? That's highly likely the culprit.

And since when would a germophobe eat that in the first place? It's probably the most bacteria infested thing in the whole supermarket. I'd trust raw chicken before I'd trust unwashed produce.

ate some very past date raisins, about 20 minutes later I run to the bathroom to puke and I black out in my living room. felt very lightheaded and feverish but recovered somewhat quickly

I got it after eating an entire frozen pizza about a half year ago
Was watching japanese game show when it hit


You fags actually know what food poisoning is?

I think the last time I got it was actually from a Subway that later was shut down by the health department. Funny thing is my mom also got it and she is a health inspector but not for the area the subway was in so there wasn't much she could do.

At a music festival, of all places.

Worst and last time of food poisoning turned out to be collitus ulcarose when I was traveling in Germany a year ago.
Can't drink alcohol anymore but all other foods and drinks are fair game.
Still sucks.

Ate ate a mexican place last fall in the student center at my college. By the evening I was sick all over. The worst part is that it was two days before thanksgiving, so I was hardly able to eat thanksgiving feast :(

High School Graduation 2013'. Family decides to take me out to eat and ask where to. I decide chinese buffet and til this day I regret ever going. That day I ate myself to death and finished off with wonton soup. Came home and shit ted complete ass water; Which sounded like i was pissing like a girl. This went on for two days. I also met my ex of threes years on that day which started our relationship. I regret ever going to that buffet. Talk about "butterfly effect".

I don't get food poisoning because I don't eat uncooked hamburger meat, you dumb shits

I suffer from heavy emetophobia. It's typically a woman mental illness but i'm a man.

It's a panic fear of vomiting. Life is hell i can't eat outside, i have to control every single food i make and i wash my hands like a motherfucker every single day. Your stories are my nightmares.

Dominos gave me food poisoning.

Actually, I had it last week. I went to a sushi place and had some raw shit that looked fucking nasty but I was starving. I was bed ridden with painful stomach cramps and cold sweats for the weekend.

>not thanking us for validating your fear
you're an ass


Babbies first summer


I either got food poison or stomach flu and I'm on day 6. Feel alright now but I seem to relapse at least once a day for 8 hrs. Last night and this morning was hell.

>stomach flu

Wash your hands next time. Literally. Stomach flu is 90 % of the time transmitted through hand contact.

Never had it. I have a strong stomach though.

About 4 years ago we bought some frozen sashimi grade tuna. Sliced it on a sanitized cutting board while it was still frozen. Wife and I ate it all that night with rice and vegetable miso soup. The morning of the second day after eating my wife was sicker than shit and couldn't get out of bed. It hit me a few hours after her. After the initial vomiting and diarrhea every inch of my body ached like the worst flu you can imagine. High fever. Could barely crawl to the kitchen to feed the dogs. This went on for 3 days. I decided on the 3rd night if we didn't start improving by day 4 I'd try to get us to a scumbag medfag. Finally on the 4th day we started improving with reduced aches and less fever but weren't really 100% until 2 weeks later. A few days after we were able to finally get out of bed I saw that brand of sashimi quality tuna was recalled for salmonella.

Salmonella is no joke and it's easy to see how weaker people die from it. It ain't just diarrhea and vomiting for 24 hours.

>eating anything raw
Never ever ever. Ever. No exceptions. Fuck sashimi, fuck tartare, fuck everything raw. Fuck, we evolved thanks to our ability to cook shit, why would you eat anything raw ?

Did you check them for mold as you ate them? Dates are really, really good at growning mold.