How many of these have you read?

How many of these have you read?

It always makes me laugh to see that you guys included Cormac McCarthy in the top 10
Get some actual fucking taste you boring, plastic white faggots

I don't read books


Everything except for DFW, Pinecone, Wolfe and Stirner, i.e. everything that is actually good.

Entry level as fuck my man. Everyone here should have read these books before ever finding /lit and if you are still reading them kys.

Five (5)

>if you still read books kys
>it's a retarded elitist teenager episode
Shouldn't you be on /mu/ shitposting about your obejctively better taste?

62 now what do I win

Am I cool enough dude?

an average of 3 per row, so about 30 total. I don't browse here that much, but I never even heard of the following:

>White Noise
>The Book of the New Sun
>In Search of Lost Time
>The Savage Detectives
>Book of Disquiet
>If On Winter's Night
>Invisible Cities
>Journey to the End of the Night

any of them good for a casual?

Pleb here
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Ficciones (actually Labyrinths, but they're mostly the same stories)
>Notes from Underground
>The Metamorphosis
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>Fahrenheit 451
>Of Mice and Men
>A Scanner Darkly

My favourites are Melville, Joyce, Salinger, Borges and PKD. What should I read next?

How the fuck did you read Aleph but don't know about Fictions and Invisible Cities?



Same as me. Which ones did you read?

If i read these books will i have unique and refined taste?

>Literally never heard of In Search Of Lost Time


No they are entry level as fuck my man. Go beyond the list. The list will confine you. Turn you into a pseud.

wow I've read 61/100

>saying "entry-level" unironically

You read the only book of the meme trilogy that's actually a meme so you lose.

Nearly none of them. I have a thing for not reading an author's most popular works. For example, I've read Melville's works Typee, Omoo, Redburn, and Israel Potter; I haven't read Moby-Dick.

Like 15

That's good for getting a well-rounded understanding of an author, but usually popular literature is popular because it is good, so you shouldn't actively avoid the books on this list...

I've read a lot of Melville (Typee, Omoo, The Confidence Man, etc.), but in my opinion Moby Dick is by far his greatest achievement and is very different than his other work. Sometimes the masses get it right.

You could have just said "I'm a contrarian faggot" and left it at that

It's psychological for me. The thought of reading the same classics as everyone else is dull. Even in translations I'll look for the lesser popular ones: the New Testament in St. Joseph New Catholic Version, the Old Testament in The Schocken Bible, Euripides by Anne Carson.

You say that as someone who's on a website where the qualifier contrarian marks all.

same for me
and I often wonder if it's so strange to do so


There's few up there that I'm not picking if my life depended on it. Hammingway is overrepresented, one of his should easily go to Kerouac. Still, it's by far the best lit list around.

Half a dozen or so. I've tried The Illiad, but found it hard work. Why is it so highly regarded as a great in this day and age?

I haven't got the attention span for Infinite Jest to be honest. Ideal for me is 200-300 pages. After that I start wanting something fresh, unless it's looking like it's reaching a final conclusion.

Not strange, just retarded. Especially because you wear it like a badge.

Around 30, but I read a lot of them (basically all the french classics on that list) when I was a teenager in high school, so the number of them I would actually be comfortable discussing and analyzing off the top of my head is more like 16 or 17.

Pale Fire, Ulysses, Magic Mountain





Still on the lurking stage of Veeky Forums

Including 2 of those, and I have White Noise to read soon

36. I'm on my way to meme heaven, boys.

Highlights for me would be
>Madame Bovary
>The Savage Detectives
>To the Lighthouse
The list seems to be skewed towards anglo lit though, and I read mainly in Spanish

2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 46, 47, 51, 53, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88 (Dickins is the most overrated author ever, fuck him), 92, 97, 99, 100

its the redditors and other newfriends my man
i defy you to find one good post about BM (praising it) in the archive. It's always
>whoa dude... gnarly... brutal, btw why'd the judge rape the kid?


Fucking 12, what's wrong with me?


What's retarded about that? I expect coherent rhetoric from you.

Nearly everything. I'm not sure why it needs to be explained. It seems self-evident. Reading everything by Melville except Moby Dick makes sense on no level to me. Does it give you semi or something?

What exactly is retarded about it? "Nearly everything" is vague and doesn't mean anything.

Ok. Can you tell me why you would read all of Melville's work but not Moby Dick? And don't say because of the popularity, that is inherent to my question.

59 read and 5 unfinished.

same number here but I have like 7 more of them just sitting around here waiting

I enjoy the idea of reading more obscure books, so popularity is inherent in my enjoyment.

>I enjoy the idea of reading more obscure books
But you're reading authors from the Veeky Forums top 100 list. You're either stupid or disingenuous. Typee is more obscure than Moby Dick the way Moby Dick is more obscure than Harry Potter. You're not doing any digging, you're just being a silly contrarian. Depriving yourself of a book like Moby Dick for your reasons just makes no fucking sense. I bet you like obscure films too, like Hour of the Wolf.

>But you're reading authors from the Veeky Forums top 100 list.
I'm not trying to read the most obscure authors.

>You're not doing any digging
Not sure what you mean by digging.

>you're just being a silly contrarian.
I'm trying to be contrarian, so thanks.

>Depriving yourself of a book like Moby Dick for your reasons just makes no fucking sense.
How does it not? If you want to read more obscure books from famous authors, then you wouldn't want to read their most famous work. I don't see how that doesn't make sense.

>I bet you like obscure films too, like Hour of the Wolf.
Not really a big film person, but I do like popular films like 12 Angry Men.

>Crime and Punishment
>Blood Meridian
>Catcher in the Rye
>Book of the New Sun(Half of it)
>The Odyssey
>Slaughterhouse V
>The Great Gatsby
>The Hobbit
>Of Mice and Men

Yeah I know, super entry level. I'm going to read Notes from the Underground and later The Idiot when i'm done with this fuck-huge biography.

You'll be better of by reading smaller books

Not memeing

What would you recommend?

200 pages or less

>mccarthy the reddit pick
>not Catch-22

Americans love to prop up their shitty authors. They have overrated McCarthy so much it's unbelievable. Tolstoys two greatest works should be in the top 10.

You sound like a fag.

illiad, odyssey, most of the bible, moby dick, corncob mccarthy, the rye catcher, the stranger, inferno, hemmingway, hamlet, slaughterhouse five, gatsby (didn't like it), the hobbit, meditations,

there's far too much high school lit on this chart

great book



OK, you convinced me. Calling me a fag shows that you're aged with experience and aren't someone with the mentality of a 14 year old.

17. Kinda mad because I thought I'd read more. Oh well.

You do sound like a fag though

Only ten.

Can't believe that many people read Infinite Jest.

Can't believe more people didn't read Gravity's Rainbow

It's a lisp. Fuck you.

I own 16 of them. I have read 11 of those sixteen. I am pleb.

I couldn't get through Gravity's Jest desu, the Kenosha Kid section left me far far behind. Infinite Jest is pretty easy to follow if you just keep reading past the disorienting beginning bit.

28 btw

fuck Gravity's Rainbow, not Jest

i need to sleep

Stirner, books are a spook


10 and I'm surprised it's that many desu.

99% chance you haven't read him


21 of them, with a bunch of others on the "to read" pile

Count of Monte Cristo is really slowing me down with how long it is, but fuck it's so good

>The thought of reading the same classics as everyone else is dull.

What is the point in this? It seems like such a complete waste of time to avoid something because it's popular. It's far more idiotic than only doing something because it's popular. You deny yourself possibilities simply because other people like it.

Not the other user but...

> I'm not trying to read the most obscure authors.

Why is one your thing and the other isn't? If you're into obscurity surely more obscure authors would make more sense.

> Not sure what you mean by digging.

I assume he means digging for obscure books which you claim to enjoy.

> I'm trying to be contrarian, so thanks.

But are you trying to be a silly one, because that's what's happening.

> How does it not? If you want to read more obscure books from famous authors, then you wouldn't want to read their most famous work. I don't see how that doesn't make sense.

It lacks any useful motivation. If you were a fictional character people would say you were one dimensional and unbelievable. What do you get out of it other than having done it? If nothing else then why do you want to have done it at all? Do you just like to be able to say you've read some obscure books by certain authors while having not read their more famous ones? Have you talked to anyone about this?

More to the point what do you have against popular books that you don't against obscure ones? Would you dislike a book that was previously obscure but became popular?


Actually feel enlightned!

really shows how disgustingly american-centric lit has become

Wair, i actually read 13:

Crime and Punishment
Divine comedy
Old man and sea
Magic mountain
Heart of darkness
Name of the rose
Alice in wonderland
The sound and the fury
Don quixote
Blood meridian

To be fair, I read the first nine when I was a kid, so I can't remember almost anything

Only 19 of those books are American

now look at the 2016 chart...

it was a total abortion

I have almost all of them on my shelf but I haven't even read half of them. I guess I just like looking at books more than actually reading them.

13. I'm still reading though. I only just started enjoying it recently. Before 2017 I had only read six books

The Odyssey
The Stranger
A tiny selection of The Canterbury Tales

what a huge contrarian faggot are you


>What is the point in this?
There is no point. We live, and we die, but I choose to do something differently than most.

>It seems like such a complete waste of time to avoid something because it's popular.
What's considered a waste of time? Are you not wasting time posting here? I don't think it is, because I derive satisfaction from the time spent.

>You deny yourself possibilities simply because other people like it.
That's called opportunity cost, and people do it all the time. I'm guessing you don't read the greatest book ever written every time.

>Why is one your thing and the other isn't?
I chose it partly because I already had the books to do it, so I went all in.

>But are you trying to be a silly one, because that's what's happening.
I don't mind being silly, because I don't take it seriously. Literature isn't my life.

>What do you get out of it other than having done it?
Pleasure and whatever one might get from the particular book.

>Have you talked to anyone about this?
Just people here.

>what do you have against popular books that you don't against obscure ones?

>Would you dislike a book that was previously obscure but became popular?
I don't dislike any books.

Insulting others is great rhetoric. Keep it up.

I read 46. In the middle of Dead Souls at the moment so should be 47 by the weekend. I got halfway through The Trial and put it down. I should put a few more days in and finish it up.

Most of the rest already on the 'to read' stack.

I've read 15 of these books.
it should be up to 30, but the other half I never got around to reading them.

I've read 0 of these books.
it should be up to 100, but the I never got around to reading them.

Just speaking the truth brother

Does it make your baby addled brain feel better?

He is right though, you are just retarded.