
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this man? Favorite books by him? Other contemporary authors similar to Houellebecq?

i aint no hollebecq girl

how did he get to fuck so many bitches, if he looks like that?

It's the alpha mindset man

Currently reading Submission, my first Houellebecq.

I'm about halfway into the book and I don't know if he isn't as demented as people paint him to be, or if just this particular book isn't, because I'm finding it a light, enjoyable read.

I've yet to read Submission but I read The Elementary Particles which wasn't really "demented" but it was relatively dark and the characters are really pitiful

The Possibility of an Island is his masterpiece

Also read it (I think the english translation is called "Atomised")
I really liked when he cut between the funeral stuff and the description of decomposing.


This guy is the best

i like him, ive read whatever, particles and the possibility of an island couple years before the infamous circumstances of the publication of submission

ive always thought of his novels as particularly lacking in plot, it's like he puts up a marginal storyline to get to express his views

after the first two books i tried to read platform but i couldn't get past the first 20 pages because it was always the same plot as the other two, some french lonely man going out of town to get to fuck

>some french lonely man going out of town to get to fuck

isn't it? in whatever iirc the protagonist goes out of paris to work and tries to fuck young girls at the disco. in particles they needs to go to hippie-fuck-camping both in adolescence and adulthood. platform starts with a man flying to get jerked off by thai spa employees

You're right, you just made me laugh

Yeah I always saw it more as a character study than plot based. Also fucking giggling about "some French lonely man going out of town to get to fuck".

I recommend his manifesto (To Stay Alive) and also his non-fiction book about Lovecraft (Against The World, Against Life).

Post-theoretical Dickens. Ending of Platform had even my sjw ex get the feels. He dances to black sabbath alone. Patrician lad

Remind me of the cut between decomposing and funeral?

Also Atomised is one of the saddest books I've read. The story about Michel hooking up with his first love after decades apart and how she was pretty much ruined by the sexual revolution, and then dies from cancer is very sad.

He's everything I hate in an writer. His novels are like essays. Edgy shock material. Transparently unnecessary science references. Self absorbed. I get absolutely nothing from his novels.

mah nigga

Fuck outta here Chad. You obviously prefer the pretty sounding garbage that comes out of MFA programs year after year.

Beyond the shock value Houellebecq is a great thinker and has a fantastic, almost casual-seeming way of articulating uncomfortable facts about Western society in a way that he knows will make many people hate him but that will make plenty more feel relieved that someone else feels that way.

If what you want is to read lengthy sentences about the "pearlescent moon shimmering across the whispering black of the sea below" then go buy MFA Graduate #115's new book 'Memories Of Tomorrow'. No wonder the other wizards call this place 4chad holy fuck. Remind me never to visit this shithole ever again.

platform is dope. i had to stop 3-4 times my reading to jack off


Submissions is more of a satire.

>bruno's blowjob friend who throws herself off the window
>the woman bruno fucks in the end who throws herself off the stairs after going wheelchaired

he used to look normal

>similar to Houellebecq

Not sure, but some people put him together with Maurice G. Dantec (right-wing SF). Also with A.D.G. (right-wing crime novels). I wouldn't even try them though, I think Houellebecq is superior tier.

He's obviously trying to look like Céline. I'm pretty sure there's some old kind of superstition that can be traced down to Socrates : the uglier, the smarter.


my nigga

also my nigga, houellebecq's sex scenes make me diamonds

here your (you), now go back to reading Nsekule Mbukwe's "How It Is Being a PoC Bitch in Racist America" you normie fuck

>Other contemporary authors similar to Houellebecq?
Frédéric Beigbeder's "99 Francs" seems to be influenced by Houellebecq and is kind of similar to H.'s stuff. But Beigbeder later on emancipated himself a little bit from this influence.
Beigbeder considered himself a friend of Houellebecq, but well, I don't know if that was "just his opinion".
"99 Francs" is an interesting book but not necessarily a must-read - nevertheless, I don't know if there's a good English translation of it.

Um... well...
not really.

Beigbeder is sent up by Houellebecq in La carte et la territoire, which also has him as a character. I'm not sure how close they are to each other but in the novel Beigbeder is described as someone who sees Houellebecq only occasionally, but by the standards of Houellebecq, comparatively a lot.

I liked 99F, "Short stories under ecstasy" much less. What definitely ruined my opinion on Beigbeder is that he holds Brett Easton Ellis as the greatest american writer alive. Also, he loves partying.

I always find it amusing how most writers that write about sexual frustration and inadequacy tend to still be luckier than most. Beigbeder's a good example but even Houellebecq has had long-term girlfriends, and attractive ones at that. When I first read Philip Larkin I thought I'd found someone who was writing from the position of deep sexual inadequacy and self-loathing that I felt I could empathise with, but just like Houellebecq, Larkin had a fair few lovers and was never at the kind of beta incel level that his poems would suggest. Same goes for Houellebecq. The only writers I can think of who geninuely were as lonely as they made themselves out to be are Fernando Pessoa and Emily Dickinson.

Defeatist coward


Did Pessoa die a virgin?

Apparently so, but I guess there's no way of knowing for certain. He's definitely more likely to have done so than Borges.

It''s very likely. He only ever had one relationship with a woman outside his family but that was conducted largely via letters.

Lovecraft was also a lonely ultrasperg, probably a gay pederast though. He did marry and have sex but his older Jewish wife was the one pushing everything on him. They broke up after like a year or something and then he went back to spending 2 or 3 months of his year living at the homes of young male admirers.

Lmao didn't know that about the young male admirers. I thought he lived in his mom's house

Naw, he was openly aesexual. He despised physical contact, but he was definitely homoerotic.

never visit this shithole ever again.

Wow, you guys are clueless. Did you ever heard about whores?

What's he satirizing?

What about Elliott Rodger?

Intellectuals without convictions

my nigga

>99 Francs
Houllebecq is by no means a genius, but "Map and the Territory" manages to penetrate at least the outer reaches of a man's mind; it is not deeply profound, but its simple observations are put to words with a certain amount of skill. After all, author's job is sometimes just sculpting ethereal logos into clear form, writing what we already know/feel, but articulating it better. His work is solid: themes are well-defined, symbols represent clear metaphors (the portrait of H. is especially nice), et cetera. There are a lot of great books like that: Catch-22 or White Noise, for example.

99 Francs is a pulpy mess. It wants to be read like a movie but instead reads like a redditor trying to impress a wayward woman with botched references to an episode of Every Frame A Painting he watched high last week. It's dynamic but doesn't move on its own; authorial voice somehow overacts and underacts at the same time; you don't even get annoyed, just bored. 99 Franks is a kind of book you can safely call cliche even when you praise Faust v.2345 for its originality. The ending slips into a realm where one might truly worry if all that cocaine hasn't ruined author's neurobiology.

It's not even "American Psycho", it's a "Kill Your Friends". Houellebecq is not a genius, but the gap between him and Beigbeder is not even quantifiable. It is a phase shift - yeah, Franzens and Houellebecqs of the world can't compete with the weakest works of Western canon, but they can stand on their own, unlike mister ."Frenck-knockoff-of-BEE"-gbeder.


I only read Lanzarote.

It was pure, pure shit.

Pessoa never had sex with prostitues. Trust me, He'd have written about it.


his literary persona is like a lobotomized celine too

gett outt

no, he got fucked over pretty hard as it was

now that's the literary lifestyle

who, exactly?

lol i'm not among "them", i gladly follow some of you tho

>I get absolutely nothing from his novels.

Your just to low IQ, Bubba Dean...

Same with Schopenhauer. Some people like to dismiss his misogynist rants as the ravings of a virgin, but he was notoriously popular with women when he was young

Submission is probably his lightest work. It's a good staring point though

Is this what love feels like?

No, but licking her sweaty armpits should be closer to it.

I would, fucking gladly. I've never felt this way before. At least not about a picture.





His name is Alain Dreux Gallou, but he's usually referred to as ADG (whole name doesn't appear on his novels). I went to him through Jean-Patrick Manchette, left-wing ironic crime stories, because I had heard ADG was a bit the same, just right-wing. But the novel I started reading was too annoying.

He's an anti-smoking PSA, which could be related to his death-seeking tendencies


>Beyond the shock value Houellebecq is a great thinker and has a fantastic, almost casual-seeming way of articulating uncomfortable facts about Western society in a way that he knows will make many people hate him but that will make plenty more feel relieved that someone else feels that way.

so what, basically Céline 2.0?

Except Céline is the greatest French stylist of the 20th Century and one of the greatest ever. Houellebecq's style is dull, sometimes poetic but never as beautiful as Céline's.

...waiting for his next book
...hating people who depreciate his insight

I like Houellebecq but honestly he's not that sophisticated of a writer, his work veers into genre fiction territory and really isn't that interesting outside the novelty of a writer that is willing to be ballsy these days

>mfw post screencaps from this subculture all the time
>mfw don't even have a twitter account because I'm neither clever nor funny, nor do I have any idea whatsoever for a brand

boualem sansal
mathias enard

just get a pepe avatar and make fun of woke blacks all day

Ugly weird cunt, he's like a French Nabokov

Why do people say he's an edgelord? I've read three of his books and never once have I thought he was trying to provoke for the sake of provocation. Every word he writes is sincere, thoughtful and measured.

Because most people don't browse Veeky Forums and get frightened by sincerity

I guess you don't know much about these guys.

Defining Celine's style beautiful is retarded to be honest

> Nsekule Mbukwe
> How It Is Being a cuck in Racist America

thanks for the (you) user, was waiting patiently

I'm hiding this thread.

This dude's face creeps me out too much.

There's a scene depicting a blowjob in The Elementary Particles/ Atomized that's in the same ballpark as this as well

>all the triggered normies in this thread

You're like a child

Am I the only one that assumes Houellebecq's sex passages are a massive critique on the void, dead sex lives of the May '68 generation's offspring?
I'm more so horrified and embarrassed by the pathetic swinger lifestyle and cheap internet prostitute house calls.
Reading Platform was a nightmare, I've never been more repulsed and angry at main characters in a book.

Question Veeky Forums, If this type of sex writing turns you on...would it also be possible for you to get turned on by 50 Shades of Grey?

>Am I the only one that assumes Houellebecq's sex passages are a massive critique on the void, dead sex lives of the May '68 generation's offspring?

That's pretty much his whole shtick. If you read Houellebecq and don't get this you might as well not have read him at all

Defeatism is just realism when you're right that it's all fucked.

Let's have a masturbatory, fruitless discussion on the meaning of the word "beautiful" for the next 100 posts, OK? And....

no thank you

But this is the internet! That's what Mark Zuckerberg invented it for.
Also, why is Veeky Forums discussing works published less than 50 years ago by an author who's still alive?
And finally, why is there a "q" on the end of his name? I know a little about French spelling conventions but I can't figure it out.

I reckon you're new here
you should chek out our wonderful Mira Gonzalez threads

to stay alive is excruciating and precious, i read it at least once a year

It's the nature of their vocation that makes novelists lonely people. Novelists are literal parasites. They collect material from real life, real people, real conversation. Henry James would attend parties solely for the sake of gathering material for his novels. Kinda hard to develop a lasting relationship with someone you know is just using you for his/her next book.

Every Wellbeck book is pretty much the same thing

>Look at me I'm a dirty old man
>I live in a degenerate world
>But I also kind of like it
>Such moral complexity hon hon