Stop drinking low-fat milk

stop drinking low-fat milk

I think this guy has had a bit too much full-fat milk.


You shouldn't drink milk at all. Milk industry has been shilling a lot, and even the "good for your bones" is a bunch of BS.

I've never seen Hitchens speak on Anglicanism. Did he ever espouse on why he chose the Church of England over Roman Catholicism, or which school of Anglicanism he favours?

from his q&a
>Q. What are your religious beliefs?
>A. I am a broad-church Anglican, Catholic and Reformed, opposed to religious factionalism and sectarianism and uninterested in telling anyone else what to believe. In return, I ask not to be told what to believe by other people. I am bored by theological disputes, and take an inclusivist view of other faiths. My own religious opinions are best summed up in the Church of England’s 1662 Book of Common Prayer, especially the Collects. I am not a Bible literalist and believe its many differing books must be read with discrimination and understanding. Some are poetry, some prophecy, some political tract, some legal manuals, some history and some exhortation. It would be absurd to treat them all the same.

>believes in an imaginary magic man in the sky
>superior Hitchens
I don't think so Tim.

Interesting. Thanks.

they were two halves of one superior hitchens entity.

nice try puny brittle man, I drink straight from the udder


there's no way he doesn't miss his brother. imagine them as youths and their high level banter as their minds developed and split in ideoloogy.

Who's the Big Boss of the Hitchens'?

Obviously Christopher is Solid Snake and Peter is Liquid.

Peter was a commie in his younger less moral days

chris was a marxist at one time, so that was before the divergence.


Orwell, obviously.

>Shilling your talk this hard on Veeky Forums

Embarrassing, go back to dork.

low-fat milk is bad to give your child

this meme has gotten old

so you're saying that if I die before I get to chance to catch cancer I won't get cancer?