Career Thread

Are career threads allowed?

>Your Major
>Your desired job
>Your current job

I'll start
>Math and stats
>undergrad faggot

Other urls found in this thread:

NASA Astrophysicist
4th year undergrad

Physical Geography
TJX Companies and Kelly's (2nd year undergrad)

>nuclear engr/physics
>Working in a national lab preferably in Los alimos
>paid 60k to work on my mastors by J&J.

Comp sci
working for some comfy startup where the boss smokes weed and does acid regularly
undergrad fag

300k starting

Business Administration / Accounting
General manager

>Some head honcho at the CDC
>giving people diabeetus at Culvers

cell and molecular bio(premed) and physics
general physician
2nd year undergrad

Automation Engineering

Major: Biochemistry w/ Biotech minor (It's basically just additional courses that are training to work in biotech labs)
Desired Job: Researcher/Professor
Current Job: Unemployed ;^)

computer science
data/AI scientist at a big four company

>cell/developmental/molecular biology
>bioethics/biotech lawyer
>grocery store clerk/3rd year undergrad

I don't know. I want to own a cabin in the mountains some day

Mechanical Engineering
Undergrad fag

> Finance/Economics (already done) --> Master of Applied Stats
> Some analyst gig at an Investment bank
> TA, postgrad student

Civil Eng
Business owner

Same but electrical engineering

> math and stats
> data scientist
> undergrad faggot, only managed to get a job in a fucking factory

>Plastic Surgery
>3rd Year

>taco bell night shift

>mechanical engineering
>nothing. i don't want to work
>HVAC designer

>physics, electrical engineering.

>independent researcher

>assistant researcher for fag gen bio proffessor.

pic related

>mech eng

>doesnt want to work

as expected from brainlets

race engineer/aerodynamicist
undergrad fag

>high school

Petroleum geologist
Geotechnical engineer

Close enough.

Political Science
Fantasy Writer
Financial Manager

Because duh

Working for anything between an oil refinery and a brewery

What ? Is Grandma's boy your inspiration for CS?

Aerospace Engineering
Entrepreneur or Pilot (I get sick in all vehicles, boats, that one is impossible)
Part 145 "engineer"

Actuarial Science
Investment Actuary. I'll take insurance or a hedge fund
Undergrad student

Software Developer

>Chemistry, planning to double major in physics
>undergradfag while working at the supermarket that makes me want to kms everyday

>I don't know anymore
>grad student

>Your Major
>Your desired job
Something with terramechanics
>Your current job

>mfw all these Undergrads

Fucking highschool degrees handing out advice

>Computational scientist at a national lab, or R&D for a company
>Graduate student TA

Any of you cucks got recommendations for how I can secure a 4th year project with a company (I'm a mechanical engineering undergraduate 3rd year)

>Anything but medicine lol
>4rd year

Undergrads giving advice to other undergrads is bad?

Nepotism. Worked for me.

Medical student

Am I fucked in life if it takes me 6-7 years to complete my undergrad in Electrical Engineering? Also if the first couple years are spent fucking around and destroying my completion ratio and GPA?

Do I still have hopes of finding a nice job and one day making decent money? Or should I find a trade now?

this is my dream as well
>what that user said
>assembler of airplanes and sheeeiiiiit

>environmental science
>academic research
>grocery store clerk/undergrad/slacker
I don't think I'm gonna make it


>theater arts
>lol idk what i want my job to be
>i bag groceries at walmart

not even the cashier lmao

What can I do if I major in physics?

never watched that movie. I just thought it'd be cool to work in a place that isnt all corporate and where you can go smoke weed during work or something. Probably happening soon I managed to land an interview with this hippie guy for an internship

CLS, in the 1 yr program next year
Microbio lab assistant at a hospital

Experimental Biologist
Lab chief at Royal Labs
Undergradpleb with a minor on chemistry
thanks for being a ballast to science, med student shit

lol what was that for

Which country? If you are in the US it should be alright. Time to complete your degree won't matter once you get an EE job. It would be better to complete earlier, but even if you go in debt, a reasonable EE job should allow you to pay it off comfortably. If you do well on your last few years companies won't care as much about your past, showing improvement can also be impressive to some employers. Also, you may be able to replace some old classes with new ones and raise your GPA. Aim for a 3.0+, but hell even people with 2.6 gpa can get a job somewhere. And this gpa again will not matter at all after your first job in the industry, with a lower gpa you might start at a less than stellar company/job, but once you gain experience you can move up to more desired places.

>working on non major-related stuff while undergrad
Fucking poorfags, don't even bother with science.

Computer eng
Research in either bioinformatics or fault tolerant systems
Full time undergrad

Spotted the spoilt brat

None since I have some willpower
Move up to management or make and sell a game
Data scientist

>CS and Economics
>I do DoorDash sometimes

Wow, you work as a school? What’s that like?


at least I'm doing what I like, unlike many of you. How come you guys got yourself cucked in the current situation?

designing spacecraft
i deliver pizzas part time while studying aero

Comp. Sci.
Embedded software for areospace industry

>Computer Science with a minor in Astrophysics
>Design 1 game that blows up or NASA
>Undergrad in a 5 year bs/ms program

Don't know. You can't feed a family of four for sure though.

data scientist
unemployed (2 years now)

>Anything but medicine lol
Is medicine really that terrible? I always thought the overworked busy med student is just a meme.

>No degree
>Live on an old tall ship rent free and sell tickets to visit it 10-5. Getting paid to watch Star Trek.
>No internet in the harbour so I've sweated out a decade of internet brainwashing and dissonance.
>Time for night courses and without electricity nihilisms died back enough to consider becoming a mature student.

Almost worth having to deal with the public and their literally retarded questions. The most common of which is
>Is this boat real.

Get real with your dreams you fucks. You're not 8 anymore and believing to have these dreams.

As for you, you may be happy but you're a fucking faggot ass hairdresser. Laughable 'job' especially for a male.

Redundant post. There's nothing unattainable mentioned and hairdressers make good money for skilled work that weathers hard economic times.

How is "undergrad" or "student" a job? How do you eat?
Is it scholarships, parents or some meme I don't know about?
pic unrelated

Computer Science
Systems programming and CompE
4th year undergrad, engineering school

>national park ranger
>pizza shop employee

>going out of your way this much to nitpick about semantics
i can tell you are on the spectrum

>CS and Economics
That's sound sooo fucking nice, I currently study mathematics and Economics BA

culvers? You from northern IL or southern WI?


Pure Math Major
300k starting
Basically doing whatever I want.

>Wildlife Biologist

research in total synthesis
running HPLC at a factory that manufactures 'food' from food-grade raw materials.

I have an MS and 10 publications, I was a Ph.D candidate. I have top scores and many honors and certificates. I have 10 years of experience now, all with a history of success. I studied Human Systems Engineering and focus on Usability. I have won awards for design layouts and conducted countless proper experiments to analyze interface elements. My protfolio includes designs for Garmin, government websites, and equipment interfaces for airplanes and USMC equipment. I stay up to date in my field, with my most recent formal education being in 2014 and I have had constant access to paywalls.

I am 32. I cannot find a job in under 4 months. I got immediately rejected for at least 300 positions in my last job search. Others I never heard back from. I got 2 offers, both underpaying me by tens of thousands when compared to BLS, GSA, GS, and Glassdoor.

The position I had to take only paid $70k. I have been denied for a Sr or Lead position, I have seen every black and Woman I work with promoted above me despite half my experience, no publications, and no doctoral level education.

I have been employed here for 3 yrs and treated like a second rate member of the company the entire time. I have never had over a 3% raise and only once per yr. I have been applying for new jobs for 3 months, instantly rejected for all of it.

I am only applying to usability or UI/UX jobs. I am capable with programming but a usability expert shouldn't be a developer. It's clear from job listings that boomers don't understand what usability is, it is a research position. I can figure out predictable human performance from various designs before we implement them. I was praised at my last company meeting, winning an internal award, for saving the company >$4M by improvements to the site and measurable increases in traffic and sales. My bonus was a $100 gift card. My boss drives a Porsche and has a 4 car garage house. I rent and still drive my first car.

This is bullshit.

I'll just snap some day and shoot myself and everyone in my life will be like, "omg where were the signs" Perhaps living in a modern hell where I work my ass off and everyone else is given a free pass. I should mention, they gave the $100 bonus to my black colleague as well, who did not do half of what I was doling. This individual is now a project manager.

Working hard doesn't get you shit. I should change my last name to be Jewish.


why is it always weed lol

wow that was my father's major and the career he ended up with.

>BA in Math
>MS in Applied Math
>now 1st year PhD, also Dept of defense electronics researcher

>Security Engineer (Master of Science in Technology)
>Black cap world controller super hacker
>White cap



Undergrad TA and research assistant

>chemistry undergrad TA and research assistant
>desires to be entrepreneur
user... that's the path to this

The guy in the picture is Israeli, I'd bet 10 agurot on it.

Nope, my mistake, it was Drake.

>Patent Researcher

They gave me a book twice the size of a phonebook on Friday and asked me to start studying patent law so I can move up to being an agent. This is all engineering stuff and 95% of my coworkers are engineers which is why they wanted someone who could write on the team, everyone here is scared of writing. I'll start earning $100,000-$150,000 once I pass the test to be an agent. Pretty good for a writer.

>Equivalent to CompSci
>Something on IT that lets me slack off most of the day
>fresh out of high school
Will it happen if I don't slack off while studying?

> Health Sciences
> Physician
> Community Health Worker for a unique university program.

Give me strength to finish these secondaries, senpai.

Elementary school dropout
Personal assistant

You're white, right? Fuck. Do you know any languages other than english? You could make a very good living in a decent 3rd world country where they venerate white americans/europeans and there's no such thing as affirmative action/"positive discrimination"

Fluent in Polish but would have to brush up on it. People are fleeing from that country through due to lack of employment and poor wages. I don't think I want to be in that region when a war breaks out due to heightened geopolitical tensions snapping when the asset bubbles pop and a debt crises leads to war.

Electrical engineering
Flight computer engineer for some aerospace company

Move to an out of the way, tech-developing asian country.

Vietnam is cool.

You could also move to South America. That place will do better when the rest of the world ends up defaulting on their debts. SA will just keep on being SA.