fuck these fraud institutions

go autodidact

that excerpt is ''alt-right, libertarian rational neckbeard blog'' tier

Im even starting to consider the possibility that this is maybe more than a meme

It's not.
It's usually uneducated idiots (usually youtubers) on the internet who think that university is corrupted by a leftist conspiracy, and that think that university is necessary only to get a piece of paper.
What they don't consider is that the best way to learn something is with a teacher, directly interacting with what is being presented in the presence of someone who knows what you're talking about. This is infinitely valuable, and absolutely irreplaceable.

>It's usually uneducated idiots (usually youtubers) on the internet who think that university is corrupted by a leftist conspiracy

How do you deny it? Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 5 to 1.

>Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 5 to 1

>he thinks that liberals are leftist

that's because liberals have higher IQs

Okay let's just redefine words when the facts become inconvenient.

btw this is statistically true
Also I'd say that leftist causes, usually, have the upper hand when it comes to ethics and morality
To justify the status quo you need to compromise, which is not something that you would expect from someone who is studying that subject at its higher level.

Liberals are for capitalism and minor social reforms. This is not what most leftist academics are arguing for, and in fact you will find very few academics that truly have their ideals and values represented by major liberal parties (such as the DNC in the US).

Apparently liberals are conservative now so what you're saying is people that are right wing have higher IQ's.

>think that university is corrupted by a leftist conspiracy
There's a fucking Women's Studies for crying out loud.

If that was the case, they wouldn't be self destroying their own societies.

Like not breeding for one.

>there are like 10 courses out of 500 with which I disagree

Stop pretending that Women's and Gender studies are what university are built upon for fuck's sake.
Also stop pretending that you know ANYTHING about those studies, and that your knowledge of them goes beyond dumb feminists you've seen on tumblr and youtube.

I'm a PhD student at an Ivy League university.

If you people knew how the rich see themselves, and see you, you'd stage a full-scale fucking revolution.

They talk about you like you're the necessary dregs who make their coffee.

>Liberals are for capitalism and minor social reforms

So when I say that liberals outnumber conservatives 5 to 1 on college campuses do you think that number 5 is referring to the sort of people that support free market capitalism? I'm using the language of the time and "liberal" refers to people who support left leaning politics relative to the United States.

>60% of people in the US are in deep debt
>the new expected standard is to work from 40 to 60 hours, usually only to afford rent and food
>expect these people to pop 3 to 4 kids, while still mantaining the standard of their lives

There's a reason for which poor people outbreed smart people, and that reason is ambition. What you're asking for is completely uncompatible with current society, unless you're ok with either being miserable for the resto f your life or simply not care after those kids.

I'm a ditch digger at a construction company.

If you people knew how the poors see themselves, and see you, you'd stage a full-scale fucking culling.

They talk about you like you're the unnecessary dregs who make their lives miserable.

They're right.

Well, they're not wrong.

They're right in 99% of the cases

t. I work in the academia, they wouldn't hurt little old me, they need me

Ivy Leagues have always been a luxury good, and they only attract attention because of that. People confuse the fact that they have good research and publications with the fact that they are terrible institutions of education.

The rich and the visible minorities go there, and either pay themselves or attract further government funding. They get a piss education that gets praised as genius due to the institution's name, while the good parts of the university gets funded.

>t. I work in the academia, they wouldn't hurt little old me, they need me

This argument makes sense only in hyper-capitalist countries in Asia.
In most of Europe education is free, if not retributed, and in the US only a fraction of academics can come out of college without being in deep debt.
I'd say that most academics nowadays are poor, therefore there is no reason to think that they would be killed in a revolution.

there's still a functional education system under the sports teams, student loans, and liberal arts departments, right? we could just chip away the excess, salt the leeches, and it would downsize back to its original scope

or would the actual functional parts of the university be damaged during the operation, given that there's been enough time to entwine them into the profiteering aspects of upper education? i feel like they could hold the legitimate parts hostage with the football rapists and tenured genderqueer studies professors

"ALL OR NOTHING!" the leeches would say. "we built a very flimsy jenga tower. one false move and it all crashes down. if you like your scientific advances, you better keep those loans coming!"

Undergraduate here, it's true.

Well alright then

>education is free

Seriously, spend a day at a construction site. These ogres want kill anyone with glasses. If they perceive a sleight, they would blast your face. They hate the state, they hate the politicians, they hate their wives, kids, jobs, taxes, cars, other workers, boss, themselves,...

fuck capitalism, immigration, and the 'asian upper class'

all cancer

They do love heroin and fireball though

In the American context, "liberal" refers to someone who leans Democrat, a party that obviously supports capitalism. Are you retarded?

>liberal arts
All liberal arts is, is interdisciplinary education.

A physics major at any institution taking an English minor is technically engaged in an interdisciplinary education, and hence is engaged in liberal arts.

Sports teams, however, are awful things. I've yet to meet an athlete that has come to my university by academic merit. They are about 1/5th of the population here and flood the classrooms with their shit.
The nouveau riche in general are just awful. The AUC, to make things worse, don't even try to speak English, so they either slow down lectures through stupid questions, or through their chattering. They also love to rev their stupid cars at night.

I thought renting a place walking distance from my campus would be nice, but instead I have annoying brats drinking, smoking weed, and driving.

I think that a love for narcotics transcends the class divide though.

>University in the age of the internet

Kek, brainlets


i guess i meant the microcosms under the 'liberal arts' umbrella, where the ultimate goal of your education at the university is to teach the same discipline at the university. the department's creation was artificial and only brought about by saying " we SHOULD have this."

i think it's the same with most sports. there's money / virtue to be had so everyone needs a basketball team for some reason, even if they had to invent one (and a mascot to match) in the late 70s or something. there was no precedence for it. it's purely a money-making venture

>they need me
Pfft the leftist traitors who are ok with flooding their countries with nonwhites will be the first

>implying that it is common for people to have the discipline required to become a physicist without the aid of institutions and peer pressuring

It may work if you're an actual genius, but you're probably not (if you were one chances are that free education opportunity would be available to you).

That's totally correct.

If you want an education, read all of the books.


Universtities have been shit since they let women, minorities, and poor people in. Now not only are these "people" allowed in, they are given preference over their supioriors! SAD. Luckily since the popularization of the Internet, University is actually inferior to this free alternative :DDDD

Sure, there's money in athletics. The issue is, athletes are given special privileges, a lot more funding, and so on. They take a terrible major, such as physical education/physical activity which every major I've met admits is ridiculously easy, and still get everything handed to them despite not working nearly as much as most students.

tone it down

I don't think that sports are inherently bad, (I'm a member of two club sports myself) but I do agree with you that sports team members are, generally, of a far lower caliber than the rest of the student body. In most cases, their athletic ability is the only reason why they're even able to attend school. I think that it's good for people to be involved with a sport but sports teams should not be financially supported by the university.
I'm glad that my current university doesn't have a football team.

Reminder: Universities were a creation of the bourgeois

The middle class is the worst class

Athletics are fine, and even good for community. The issue is, they're 1/5th of the population here. I am at a 1000-student university. Funding goes to athletics and STEM.

I don't think of those sort of people much but your post reminded me of this.

Reminder that in Europe this paradigm has been overcome, and that this argument is made only by people living in that dystopic nightmare that is the US.

Are you joshing me?

How has it been overcome in Europe? Genuinely curious

>not going to uni just to fuck, party and prolong your joyful unemployment
i bet you are a Burger too

muh democratic socialism and 'free' university

Its been overcome because Europe is already dead and had given up without a fight in a Post-WW2 world, while US is only just reaching critical mass on its identity crisis.

Any more of this?

He points to comparative literature and gender studies at a problem, but what about the 10000% increase in college administrators?

Tuition fees combined with an inability to default on your student debt essentially makes America a serfdom for young people.

University is free, enrolling is easy (you don't have to be a genius, nor a good student if that matters) and in lots of countries if you can't afford studying full time the government will pay for your basic expenses (in Northern Europe they will actually give you a decent wage).

There is no economic barrier for education.

University is not that much of a burden, I pay something like 20$/year and what I get in return is an institution that works properly and that enriches immensely the society I live in.
Don't act like it's a oppressive system.

Is pretty weird to find decent profs.
Going autodidact is aesthetically superior too.

>University is free, enrolling is easy (you don't have to be a genius, nor a good student if that matters)


>implying I like to "party" (I cringe everytime sombody uses that phrase)
>Implying I dont just fuck girls off tinder
>Implying unemployment is joyful

No, it's paid by taxes. You pay taxes. It's cheaper at most, not free.

Where do I sign?

>University is free, enrolling is easy (you don't have to be a genius, nor a good student if that matters) and in lots of countries if you can't afford studying full time the government will pay for your basic expenses (in Northern Europe they will actually give you a decent wage).
>There is no economic barrier for education.

That makes it worse, not better. Brainlet. "Free" education is trash. Lower classes dont gain anything from it because they are nitwits, upper classes can afford better. Only midwit, middle class scum support it.

When will the lower and upper classes join together to vanquish the vile bourgeois?

If Europe is so educated, why dont they know that bringing in millions of Islamic low IQ migrants is giong to be a disaster? Right.

you sound like a loser that slayed literally zero pussy in his entire, tragic life

>say I fuck tinder girls
>replies with HEH VIRGIN LMAO

Reading comprehension my man

>slayed pussy
cringed irl

The problem is you end up with state sponsored educations that are indoctrinating as hell. Now you have a bipolar masochist of a continent that preaches tolerance for getting shit on by foreigners who hate their culture while goosestepping down peoples blocks with """"antifascist"""" slogans trying to fight anyone who doesn't revel in the destruction of their culture.

literally fuck everything this thread makes me want to go full mass shooter

Which, as I've already stated, is not a burden: the pros vastly outweigh the cons.
What would you prefer, were you in my situation? Owning 20$ more while living in a oligarchic state in which only the wealthy elite can go to university, or would you rather have an all inclusive education system that still doesn't hinder your existence?

That said, in Europe universities are far more common than colleges, so they're easier to mantain (they're usually in historic buildings, exempted from taxes), and most of the problems I see associated with US colleges are simply unkown here (bureaucracy, the top getting mad bonuses, having to pay for stadiums and sport teams).

>Lower classes dont gain anything from it because they are nitwits, upper classes can afford better. Only midwit, middle class scum support it.
We still need architects to make projects for fire escapes. You're making a pretty speculative implication, which is that if a job requires a physic degree the guy who have to do it have to be a genius. It's not, there are tons of menial, dull jobs that still requires higher education.

With your logic we would have something like 50 working labs in Europe.

>Now you have a bipolar masochist of a continent that preaches tolerance for getting shit on by foreigners who hate their culture while goosestepping down peoples blocks with """"antifascist"""" slogans trying to fight anyone who doesn't revel in the destruction of their culture
Stop equating dumb feminists you've seen on FB with academia at large.

The only reason to go to University is to shoot it up.

I don't live in the US, I live in Canada.

does this explain the glut of Chinese kids at Harvard?

>I fuck tinder girls
you are lying and we both know it

>We still need architects to make projects for fire escapes.

No. We dont.

Thats the problem with the world, everything is mediocre because midwit middle class people design and build it.

Only upper class people should have "academic" education.

Absolutely. Wealthy Asians, not just Chinese, go to a foreign country to get away from their generally strict culture. When they return, they have a 'luxury' and 'exotic' education.

>"I can read minds over the internet, im totally not projecting"

Woah dude

>Thats the problem with the world, everything is mediocre because midwit middle class people design and build it.

Blame the people who creates those jobs, not the people who take them. Do you really think that architects have any sort of artistic freedom when they have to design a fire escape for a house in the projects?
No, the only criteria for that fire escape is how much does it cost and how much can we save and wether that fire escape is legal or not. The architect has no blame in that. That's the system he lives in, not the system he's creating.

Im not saying its the middle class's fault, its the failure of the aristocracy that they exist in the first place.

They are still scum though.

>They are still scum though.

Although they're not enriching the world they're still making it safe. Why can't you respect that?
Also stop thinking that there is any sort of aristocracy, and that wealth is directly linked to virtues. We don't live in a virtue ethics-based society, these idealistic arguments find no place in the real world.

>making it safe.
>implying thats a good thing
I dont fear fire, I fear the rotting of culture. I'd prefer it the opposite way.
>wealth is directly linked to virtues

It use to be, thats the point. Nowadays, Mark Cuckersperg gets 30 billion by making his retarded products that apeal to subhumans, of course Mr. Cuckersperg is a genius but what kind of genius? His genius is in producing software with mass apeal, thats it.

You can see the decline just by looking at these people. The richest of today look like fags, and dress plainly. The richest of yesterday were masculine and dressed regally. As the quality of overall culture declined, so did the quality of the people who most profited from it.

tldr: The rich of our society have no virtue because our society has no virtue.

this thread = upper-middle eating the bourgeoisie eating the petite bourgeoisie

if you don't regularly fly on private jets you are not upper class, mass marketed handbags and designer watches, even caring about ivy degrees, are staples of the middle of the middle of the middle of the middle class

likewise if you don't experience hunger pangs daily, and never worry about where your next meal is coming from you are not lower class

>thinking that by "upper class" I mean those of the current economic system

My ancestors were all nobility and aristocrats, their wealth was stolen by the lowe rclasses in Russia. The same happened everywhere else, usually not in as dramatic fashion as what happened in Russia...

Today we still live in the after effects of that slave revolt, which is why the "upper class" of today are mostly weak faggots.

Soon this pathetic excuse for a society will collapse and we (the genuine aristocracy) shall be back.

who are "you"
there are poor people at ivies

I'd rather have Louie V than a PhD tbqh

Universal education was a mistake

>What they don't consider is that the best way to learn something is with a teacher, directly interacting with what is being presented in the presence of someone who knows what you're talking about. This is infinitely valuable, and absolutely irreplaceable.

False. Many subjects can be self taught perfectly well. You brats just want someone else to do half the work for you. The truth is that you'll rarely see your professors to begin with. They're the laziest people in the world and shirk teaching as much as possible.



It's so fucking hard. For example reading a book per day and writing a 10 pages paper per week for 2 years...

burn humanism burn

Yeah, my biggest regret after completing university was that I didn't go to the profs more

Do you also admit that black people have lower IQs? Or do you only selective use IQ when it fits your narrative?

>everybody I dont like is ugly!
heh, nice try kid

No, you're looking at it all wrong. Firstly, Free education is demonstrably not trash given the efficacy of our public education system. But, what is wrong is the emphasis of University over other forms of post secondary education

Than religious conservatives, yes. But free-market libertarians have higher IQs than liberals

>The nouveau riche in general are just awful.
'social mobility' is an evil, not a good. especially when its based on wealth. France's estate system had it figured out. Only way up was through the clergy.

>efficacy of our public education system

r u rlly dis dumb

Most "people" today are historically, economically, and artistically illiterate domesticated wiggers. Schools suck in general but were better before

this is 100% true
the 'sympathetic' ones treat the poor/dumb as objects in some greater personal project. they 'exploit' them to increase their own social standing.

>They get a piss education that gets praised as genius due to the institution's name
hahahahaha what shit uni did you go to mate?
>inb4 community college

for most of history, the appeal of college was that it gave you access to knowledge that the common man could not have

but now in the modern age, where even the lowliest of laborers can find almost any knowledge online or in books, colleges have to change their appeal. so now they claim that college is not about knowledge but teaching you about "how to think"

you can spend all day plunging the depths of philosophy and science at your library on your days off from working at mcdonalds, but if you don't have a 4 year degree from a college institution you will never be considered part of the "educated" class. what a joke.

>were better before
I don't know if that's exactly true. Sure school may pump out a lot of stupid people, but what can you do.

Taleb doesn't think highly of rationalism. I wonder if he is aware that he is being appropriated by 'the alt right'. I saw Spencer retweet him as well.
Not sure what to think of it. I like the man.

>10000% increase in college administrators?
probably the number one problem in universities today

admissions committee ruins the student body
'diversity officers' ruin the tuition and fees

just think, your tax dollars and tuition dollars are probably going to fund a campus center for ""undocumented"" students.