What cheese do I use for authentic quesadillas?

What cheese do I use for authentic quesadillas?

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Mild or medium cheddar

It would just ooze out

Quesadilla cheese. Google it nigga. You can get a 5lb bag.

even in germany?

Why do mild and medium cheddars exist?

If you can't, write to your local representative.

HEB has some.


I don't think it's Haram, should be okay.

For quesadillas

God tier grocery store based out of Texas. One more thing we've got going for us.

I thought there was HEB in Germany.

Cheddar, Jack and Cotija.


Whatever cheese you do, please follow the proper methods:

Dick cheese desu op

Chihuahua or Oaxaca. Chances are you won't find these outside a mexican market though.
Montery Jack is the closest widely available substitute

American cheese

monterey jack is ok if you cant find a mexican store

How is uhhh Mozeralla?

Sharp cheddars are good for sauces or toppings but they're usually too salty to use for something like quesadillas or sandwiches when cheese is going to be the main filling.

cheddar and mozzarella


Post a trigger warning next time, that's just way too scary.

Oaxaca is the only option, else don't bother making a quesadilla.

Qusadilla is a shit poverty meal so usually whatever cheese i have handy

>doesnt live near any mexican markets
Do you live in north dakota, user?

I live in NYC and the closest Mexican market is 45 minutes away

I can get those at most regular grocery stores though because they're not exactly obscure

theres nothing authentic about a quesadilla.


Gouda, Manchego, Chihuahua. Even mozzarella or Cheddar.

Need a soft white cheese. Monterrey Jack. Oaxaca is that real shit too.

>authentic quesadillas

cricket cheese, turkey cheese, and fish cheese. cuz thats all the meat they had then.

Get that queso cheese.

Ive been thinking bout that queso cheese.

Quesillo its a natural type of sharp mozzarella or scamorza

Quesillo is a world class cheese which may be hard to find and fairly pricey, expect to use a finer cheese unlike many mexicans as price is a issue and unlike americans where lousy taste is a issue

Try corn tortillas over flour always its just nutritous, corn masa may feel much like playdoh or modeling clay

Just understand its a staple of mexican food which allows for many types of plates

This thread caused me to grill up a chicken breast and make chicken mexicans.

sprinkled a litte McCormicks taco seasoning with shredded Cheddar, it was better than anything you can get in Mexico.

Authentic mexican food is a meme, it's garbage.
t. DEA 12 years in mexico.

>DEA 12 years in mexico


Queso quesadilla, they usually have it at HEB. Oaxaca is good too, pretty interchangeable. Monterey Jack if ur a pleb, but it works.




Pinche gringos