Calculator app

Post you're calculator app

i know is bait but your

Pretty fancy, even has a grapher

My brain.

Objective Calculator


not an app


>These noobs don't even have arbitrary precision floats

Holo calculator
Has more functions when you swipe left and right and also a grapher though I never use it


graph of derivative of x^2


you're calculator app

I made my own calculator

>programs are not apps
>apps are only apps if they are on a smartphone

all apps are programs but not all programs are apps. this is an app. op should have said phone calc app.


nice app, what is it called?

abacus you nigger

he probably dosent know 'app' means 'application' which means something being applied

> tfw everything is an app

The one came with my TI nSpire CAS CX
actual tactile feedback >>>>>>>>>> shitty no battery phone app

That's nothing get a load of this.

holy shit

HiPER Calc

> 1/0
> not infinite


Free Calculator Gratis 100% Free Pro 2.0 Premium (remove ads for just $10/month) app



Is that an abacus for complex numbers or something?

Why do you event want to use a calculator? Unless you're some physicists or maybe even engineer there's no need to use a calculator, maybe occasionally if the numbers are too big, but you don't need anything fancy for that

i got one of these for $10

i have no idea how to use it and it auto starts some sort of well drilling app

I bought a TI89, after a week some coworker spilled acetone on it melting the buttons together and destroying the screen, rip expensive calculator