How to know if i'm stupid? serious question

how to know if i'm stupid? serious question

You're stupid, now go from there.

take an iq test online

report back with your score, then I'll tell you if you're stupid

When you realize that you were stupid, it means that you actually were.
Just wait.

have an opinion on something

You can't be that stupid if you've got enough self awareness to wonder.

iq tests are not an accurate measurement since they only take logical-mathematical intelligence into account

probably this. you can always improve. i don't think there's really a human being that has reached masterful levels in all different areas of intelligence

i took one like a month ago, it was 115

this guy probably got like a 87 on his iq test

i've never took one
i think they are misleading and dangerous

if you know you're stupid, then you're a genius

you are stupid because you are alive

all smart people realize life is pointless and kill themselves at some point

I just finished the one I took, it said I finished with very incredible speeds. I got a 178, it says just shy of genius? Not quite smart enough to be another genus (heh, i can make jokes like that now right)?

well no one cares what you think since what it seems like you're telling me is your iq is so low it can't be scored

by contextual evidence you can surmise you're on the right side of the iq bell curve, that is, smarter than most, stupider than many. can you be content with that or will you only be satisfied knowing you're smarter than Wittgenstein?

Danger is my middle name.

There's an app on the App Store that has a good IQ test based on pattern finding and other methods of thought based on identifying and completing patterns

129 never-gonna-make-it-core reporting in


I feel the opposite is true

the most opinionated people are usually retarded, smart people don't really seem to give a shit about most things

If you feel the need to ask that question, you probably aren't very bright. From my experience people that can't form their own opinions and/or fence-sitters tend to be pretty stupid.


i don't think i can be content with that

I deleted my post because of grammar, but I agree and should've made myself clearer. Heavily opinionated people are obnoxious and usually pretty stupid and tend to base their arguments on emotion with little substance, these are usually the people that talk the most in arguments. I meant to say if you're able to form an opinion upon being asked about something or whatever. Like giving critiques.

Be honest, does it really matter that much?

If you can find a paying job, support yourself, and find something enjoyable and engaging (literature, music, etc.) then you should try to be happy with expanding your knowledge for enjoyment, not because it will impress people.

The "wisdom is the only road to the good life" is a Greekball meme. Just do what you want.

i know that feel. but that fact makes it apparent that this isn't about IQ at all. It's about moving beyond crippling insecurity. My personal flavor of cure is zen mindfulness with a cbt sauce.

You could also go the "alpha" route, which is mostly a contempt for aspects of reality that induce feelings of frailty.

i like the cut of your dubs. thanks man

gayest thing I've ever read

Np bud

this is one of those "alphas" so prevalent on Veeky Forums. anything that hints at the weakness inherent in humanity or the glut of it in them in particular, triggers their disdainful dismissiveness. They need to reaffirm to themselves that that kind of talk is "gay" false, not applicable to them, memes of of the pathetic. After the attack, they feel extra confidant, more sure than ever of their superiority. Insecurity banished. Deep down they know their full of shit, but that cognitive dissonance produces enough anxiety energy to keep the fight going, calling post after post "gay", "beta", "manlet". You'd think the farce would eventually be revealed, but it doesn't. Society is still sufficiently ignorant about and identified with defense mechanisms that these "alphas" are actually idolized by what might actually be a majority.

How dare you fucking insult me?
I'm generally too quick to violence to be "alpha".
Like, when some nigger (or non-nigger) gives me shit I give them one warning, then fuck them up if they cross me again. No "hurr! Alpha male!" bullshit in there. No tough guy posturing, or big talk and I make no attempt to lead anyone, be cool, get attention, ect. I just hurt people when I feel that they need it and they respect me for it (or I might just hurt them again)
Alpha males are generally male whores. They require constant attention from everyone or they go to pieces and get all bitchy. They need to feel wanted, or they lose their mojo. They need their crew, or they're just another fedora wearing ass wipe. They are literally nothing on their own, lol...
I'm more like a shark. I perform most tasks better on my own and if you fuck with me, you may die. Period. No need for any attention whoring or any other "alpha" behavior on my part.
And the bitches all still want my dick. This whole "alpha male" thing seems to me to be a desperate attempt by weaklings to appear to be real men. They buy expensive things, collect "friends" and socially network. Hell, they even learn to sound tough. But push come to shove, I've sent plenty of alphas running away after I literally threw them across a room. So yeah...
I'm basically too "no bullshit", headstrong and violent to be alpha. And I have no problem with that at all.

Shut the fuck up

Great thread guys

This. IQ tests are complete bullshit invented by bullheads

It's pure vomit

i think this guys onto something