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Its a good childrens book assuming you do not read the sequels or look into the authors personal beliefs. It makes intelligence and success of children a lauded goal, and treats children as real human beings. I loved it when I was 11. Recently I tried to reread it (at 32), it did not stand up. It is YA, but in the 80s style of giving kids more credit than maybe they deserve.

Yeah the sequels were a bit more pseudo philosophical.

What a terrible cover lmao


>look into the authors personal beliefs
Do you do the same with, oh, China Mieville?

I dont read genre shit as an adult.

Then you're incapable of being a fair critic.

i hate that he looks like he'd shove me in a locker

>Patriarchy's Game
Ugh, really? I literally cannot even right now.

Was thinking more along the lines of Tron.

life ain't fair you manchild little bitch. shut the fuck up and read your harry potter and don't ever reply to me again

Let me guess
you'll finish that 'interrupted' English degree starting next term, right?


Read it 15 years ago, I really, really loved it. Yet for some reason I wasn't attracted towards the sequels - perhaps I should read them since they also won some sci-fi literary prizes.

I didn't know it was YA literature. Would you say it's "more" YA than most sci-fi novels ? I had the impression that serious grown-up people also praise Orson Scott Card. I could be wrong.

Nice, makes me wanna get some popcorn.

johnny got his gun was way better...enders game is death ed. communist bullcrap.

It is a rorschach test -
People who think 'she was pretty all along!' is character development think the book has no character development because he doesn't tell, he shows.
People who haven't children think the children are unrealistic
Civilians think it is militaristic; soldiers think it is anti-war
Fans of Game of Thrones think it is YA but people who like the pulps think it is mature SF

prediction = accurate

>he doesn't tell, he shows
i especially fucking hated the "explain the pretext for everything that happens in the following chapter" device

I read it for the first time recently, and I really like it. Thought Speaker for the Dead was really good too. Haven't read the other ones, but probably will soon. My taste is usually shit, though, so I dunno.

I'm warning you m8 this is your LAST FUCKING CHANCE!!!!

I thought it was good as a teen and then read the entire series and loved the sequels even more (as the Bean series). Am I the only one who liked them? I remember them fondly and plan on rereading them someday.

I read them as an adult.
Solid, fun, if light genre reading.

>are you stamping your little feet, yet?

Beliefs, schmeliefs, all I need to look into is his 24 inch fucking pythons.

I liked the Bean books more.