Stoicism, epicureanism or cynicism Veeky Forums?

Stoicism, epicureanism or cynicism Veeky Forums?

>pretty people can make videos about making out with plants and still remain normies
not fair


garbage time is running out!

If you're a hard cunt: Cynicism
If you're a soft cunt: Epicureanism
If you're a cuck trying to justify his servitude: Stoicism


Cynicism all the way

have fun being a servant to emotion and your animalistic nature


someone here didn't go black

Ethno Nationalism

>Subscribing to them and not just learning from them and synthesising your own world view like someone who isn't autistic

>have fun being a servant to emotion and your animalistic nature

>he thinks you can be a servent to your ego

>He conflates the Id and the ego

Stoics are no less servants to emotion. There is no such thing as a rational motive.

>he buys into completely arbitrary belief systems about the mind made up by cocaine addled jews obsessed with fucking their mum and projecting it onto the world at large


>he buries his head in the sand because he doesn't want to recognize his own castration anxiety

I like the stoics but I have been meaning to read the Cynics, where do you start?

My diary desu

>synthesising your own world view

>He attempts to debunk an entire realm of study, developed by a neuroscientist (and sculpted by numerous individuals steeped in empirical evidence [further reinforced well over 50 years after its founding by modern neuroscience]), by using a poor ad hominem argument

you're on the right website then

>steeped in evidence
I guess that's why psychiatry has completely abandoned Freudianism.

You seem to misunderstand modern psychiatry. Modern psychiatry is focused on treating symptoms, not underlying problems. Psychoanalysis is too much work for most practicing psychiatrists to employ; instead they tend to default to the behavioral branches. Psychoanalysis has retained much of its value in the realm of neuroscience; this is primarily because modern neuroscientists are some of the few people who still put effort into trying to understand the function of the brain instead of just behavior. We can thank Skinner and friends for the mass exodus of 'psychologists' out of psychoanalysis and her sister theoretical models.

[citation needed]

Pleb tier

Post it senpai

She's a cute girl.

Inb4 4 u

I'm too sleepy to argue any further right now (take this as a victory if it makes you feel better), but if you have any legitimate interest in this topic then I would suggest finding an encyclopedia and reading about the history of psychoanalysis, behaviourism, and then do some reading on neuroscience, neuropsychoanalysis, and perhaps depth Psychology. If you aren't too biased (or too stupid) then you will find that psychoanalysis isn't the joke that you believe it to be. Although I am willing to concede that Freud's ideas are in need of polish, but his flaws should not be taken as the limits of his field.


Should we tell him, lads?

All 3 are pointless modes of thinking that lead to nowhere.


Nazis didnt believe that though

I dunno, which one allows me to live in a barrel and jerk off in public?

You were joking right?

really, nobody is going to point out that stirner was dead before freud was even out of diapers and his "ego" was in no way related to freud's?

No way related? It seems very correspondent to me

Freud just brought in the issue that what we thought the ego was, a monolithic comprehensible and rational entity was infact just an illusory experience of a far more illusive and divided subject

Actual cynicism, not modern cynicism.

it's a girl, unless the penis is masculine

as in which one belongs in trash? then all of them.

don't put it in the trash sniffman is too fat already

Well, that's one perfect tranny then. Would marry.

w-wait really? it's not a girl?

Ugh did you just say that you would marry xer only for xer looks?


Absolute idealism

Consider them all and find what you deem useful

Cynicism like Diogenes practiced.

>dude virtue lmao
>dude nature lmao
>dude reason lmao

Clearly best to worst in that order.


The Cyrenaics.

top kek

Please don't cuck me Victoria Flamel