Do you like cabbage?

do you like cabbage?


Only in a soup with corned beef

cabbage sauted in a little oil, butter, salt and some wwv is god tier.

prepare to clear your bowels though.

Growing some right now. Gonna try to make kimchi

love it

This is how I usually cook cabbage. The shits I take afterward are legend-tier.

Eat more cabbage

The fuck is that?

I think it's white wine vinegar

white wine vinegar?

I dont cook :-)



Cabbage is fucking delicious. Even bare bones. When I'm feeling lazy, quarter a cabbage, steam it, salt pepper and butter it. Uma delicia

Red cabbage + red onion sauteed with balsamic and brown sugar is GOAT.

kimchi, coleslaw, pickled, or raw. i like to take the leaves and use them like tortillas, to make little lettuce wrap things to put the entree in. last night did it w bbq pork, was dank

I like it made into sauerkraut or steamed with salt and vinegar. Also, it seems like when you cook cabbage until it's really soft it actually starts to taste sweet, it's nice.

I hate it. I'm not a picky eater but cabbage is something I can't eat.
I can't even describe the taste or what it is that I don't like about it because I haven't attempted to eat it in about 25 years.

Red cabbage, red onions, fresh horseradish, beetroot, salt, pepper, olive oil and red wine of my favorite salads...


Eat cabbage or else you will be a SOYBOI

Raw cabbage is a great snack. I just buy the coleslaw packages they sell at stores that are just the cabbage and carrots because I eat so much.

I fucking love cabbage

Usually sautee it with some onion, garlic, ginger, black pepper, sesame oil, maybe a splash of milk

Red cabbage. Me and doggo eat the hell out it

sweet sour browned cabbage over rice is cheap and tasty

I never ate it when I was younger but the dumb meme that it tasted bad was impressed upon me because I was a child.

It's got a decent, slightly peppery taste (in b4 white ppl seasoning) and retains a good texture and crunch even if you over cook it.

Good for stir-fries, even if you don't have a wok or gas.

I like to make a quick chinese pickle by mixing 1/2 rice vinegar 1/4 water 1/4 wine, salt and sugar. Cut the cabbage into bite size chunks. Cook a bunch of finely chopped hot peppers and a few cloves of garlic on very low heat in peanut oil for 30 minutes to infuse the oil. Dump in the vinegar solution, heat to boiling and pour over chunks. Leave outside to cool turning occasionally to coat. Store in refrigerator. Makes a great side dish.