Bill Nye on suicide watch

Trainwreck of an AMA on Reddit. Massive downvotes on his answers, gets BTFO on the first post.

Other urls found in this thread:

>outing yourself as a redditor

>Being guilt tripped into literally never going on Reddit despite subreddits for virtually every topic existing and containing useful information.

Going onto his account leads to comedy gold explanations of things.

If the reddit format suits you, please go there. Why come to Veeky Forums?

What the fuck is this autistic format? I have like 500 comments loaded and none are from Bill Nye. I want to see what Bill Nye is saying, not what 500 assholes think.

OP, how do I make reddit show me Bill Nye's posts? This interface is retarded.

That's exactly what I ask myself about these faggots. Why can't they just stay there

>If thing were any other way, things would be different

That is the most shit explanation I've heard for that phenomenon. I... I just don't even comprehend how he gets away with it

He's an engineer. Have you ever opened a "Physics for engineers" textbook?

>It is impossible to go to two websites if you value different things from them


>If things were any other way, things would be different


Thankfully not. I graduated in chem and research in the inorganic field. When people shit up orbital theories it makes me REEEE

>employing a double negative here for comedic effect
Holy shit

Well, I encourage you to. Sometimes the best way to develop empathy for the mentally challenged is to put ourselves in their shoes.


No one is ever going to let him go for that song. And Bill Nye is a retard but it is sad that we all know that he was not the one who wrote that song, it was (((them))) but the only one getting shit for it is Bill.

My phone slows to a crawl if I go on reddit. Also as said where are Nye's answers? I'm just seeing a bunch of unanswered questions.

His posts are fucking bizarre. Like, he's trying to be funny but failing miserably. I have to imagine he thought he'd just post shitty jokes and everyone would suck his dick for it.

The hilarious irony is that had he not caved to the SJWs and made the whole Sex Junk thing he would probably be able to do AMAs where he could indeed have gotten his dick sucked just for making bad jokes and being "that guy the teacher would put on the TV when it was a movie day in elementary school".

>rocket surgery

I figured it out. Faggot OP did not tell us but you have to find the settings for how you want the posts ordered and pick "q&a". That will only show posts that got answers. You can find that just before the comments.


I started to feel bad when people in the first post gave him shit for not giving a straight answer. He is just an engineer! What do you expect from him?

But then I saw he plans on making more Bill Nye Sterilizes the White World and now I don't give a shit.

Gonna need more of these condescending Bill "Fuck my wife please" Nye


For objective, quantifiable information, it's useful.

For subjective, opinion-based info (like politics and entertainment) it's cancer.

i honestly know nothing about his current tv show and why people hate it, i just remember him from his videos in school and he was pretty great

but this whole thing just seems like a troll, wtf is wrong with him

>i honestly know nothing about his current tv show and why people hate it, asked for it.

Yeah. It is all unfair in my opinion. Here is a highlight of his new show where he even has a very famous guest.

Tell me what you think about it.

teaching kids about basic science is easy, anyone can do that and he was great in that role. but now he's become a kind of an ambassador for science when he's not qualified to talk about a bunch of shit as well as injecting politics into things
"bill nye saves the world" is apparently is full of political stuff, this being the most notable case: (

lmao three consecutive posts of that video

well that was cringe worthy

i guess if he thought that was a good song i can see how he thought his answers were good

Come on Bill this one was an easy one



But will it be an advancement?

Advancements in science, without advancements in social justice benefit no one.

Okay, that's cool but could you not highlight the "points"? Everyone knows at this point that Russia uses bots to upvote whatever they want and downvote whatever they dislike. It really means nothing. And if you think upvotes and downvotes do mean something well...

>letting engineers teach science

Hoh boy.

Electrons, how do they work?

>He is just an engineer!

Even most engineers are 10 thousand times better than him at explaining things and can give at least passable explanations for the things he was asked about just from what they've heard about the topic.


He somehow went from being a beloved science educator to being a condescending asshole who would rather call the scientifically illiterate stupid than actually try to teach them anything about science. And he has the impudence to act conceited about it.

Carry on.

That's what happens when you think everyone is on your side when really they are not.

/pol/ should learn from his mistakes.


He worked at Boeing, and was a seemingly competent engineer, so he has to be knowledgeable about these topics, and yet he comes across like he has a high school level understanding. I'm not sure if he's just gone so long being an entertainer that he hasn't actually flexed his science muscles in a long time or if he's just high cocaine.

Either one seems plausible.


I'm pretty sure even in high school people don't explain things by saying "just because"

Is science literally the religion of Bill Nye?

>mfw i figured out he was a total poser douchebag about 3 years ago when he was still in good graces with everyone
>mfw he didnt at least say hi to a bunch of engineering students that waited an hour and a half for him in the rain at the back door of a theater where he spoke
>mfw i immediately knew his whole career and image was going to go down the toilet once he started to get more exposure again

Uhm, actually gender is on a spectrum so as was proved by mathematician and gender scholar, Georg Cantor, it is impossible to make a list of genders. Therefore it is impossible for Bill Nye to list all genders there, unfortunately. He is instead being very progressive by not using strictly male language as is common and being inclusive of women. And as many non-binary people identify as women, this is very good on his part. It is not his fault that the white racists and rapists that invented the English language back in the slave era did not foresee that we need uncountable quantifiers in our speech to be able to communicate.

Holy sheeit you could make a whole wiki with this!

Well, according to all the negative points accumulated on Reddit, he is now Bill Nye the Douche Guy.

Yes, he is an engineer, and doesn't have the education for everything, so you shouldn't expect him to know everything. He had a staff to research things, and write episodes, and he would do things or introduce segments on a children's show. If you cannot explain something simply, you just don't understand it. Him giving flip answers to Redditors is because he doesn't understand most things, but still wants to be the hip guy that they grew up with.

Bill Nye is a populist, that has taken the populist road. It means that he will agree to those he wishes to curry favor with, whether or not it makes sense. He has installed and torn out solar and water reclamation systems in order to have the most current and most efficient one, even if it was a total wast to do so.

Let's look at how society looks at body dysmorphic disorder, and how society looks upon them. We have three men, all around the same age and backgrounds:

The first man is around six feet tall, but weighs just 120 pounds. He looks into his mirror, and sees something that is not right. He thinks that he is fat, when he is not. His doctor tries to get him to change his way of thinking, and society is sad, but encouraging him to gain weight.

The second man thinks that he is a woman. He looks into his mirror, and sees something that is not right. His doctor prescribes him pills so he can grow breasts, and society applauds him for being so brave, and encourages him to get surgery.

The third man thinks that he is a wolf. He gets a fur suit, and meets up with others to yiff. Society is weirded and creeped out by this.

>if things were any other way, things would be different

He may be a good engineer, but that has absolutely no relation to his knowledge on astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and a fuckton of other topics that he presents himself as an expert in.

Christ, I've read through all of his replies. I was hoping there'd be more of them.

>He may be a good engineer
Even this is unproven. His biggest achievement so far is "assisting" in some space robot shit.

Yes it does.

he put a rudimentary sundial on a robot. Thats IT. literally a 5 year old could have done it

I think he's trying to emulate the way Feynman would present incredibly difficult to grasp topics by explaining them and then stating that we don't know why nature is the way it is but these are our observations and it's insane but hey this is how it works.

But instead of actually explaining them, as Feynman did in his multi-hour long lectures, he's just going "beep boop, science."

I said 10,000 times better, not good.

replied to wrong guy ignore this lmfao

he's turned into Hillary Clinton 2

There is literally no reason to even mention Hillary Clinton after 2016 but just loves sucking her dick I guess.

Honestly anons I think you should stop being so hard on Bill. If he was any other way, he'd be different.


It's kinda funny that I watched Bill Nye as a kid, and then grew up to be an actual scientist and thus more qualified to speak on the subject than him.

Please refer to It is not Bill Nye's fault that the retards who invented English did not add a way to refer to uncountable sets in speech. If he wanted to mention all genders he would have to make a list of them under the current system, and it is impossible to list all genders as they are uncountable.

I am sure that was xe meant to say was [math] \text{Boxers all the way for me, } \forall x \in \mathbb{GENDERS}, \text{ their own.} [/math]

That was the entire goal of the show really, to encourage kids to get into science. So the fact that you know more than him now means that the show worked.

Begging for replies to your own b8 is quite pathetic tbqh.

Yup. Sadly it's also apparent that the man that inspired me to get into science is a retard.

That's not funny at all. Kind of boring actually.

>Post hoc ergo propter hoc

>Unironically uses latin phrases

I think this is the only (semi) straight answer bill has given

>"The Science Guy"
>can't even answer a question from the first week of gen chem 1

Holy shit

> "ad hominem? stop speaking Latin you fucking idiot"


Bill pls go

>acting like you're surprised that a "TV science guy" doesn't actually understand anything

im extremely upset.

Engineers BTFO

>redditors getting BTFO'D by their own manchild autism
I don't see a problem with this.

nigga just say "their" i've only ever heard people say "To each their own"

"Their" is not singular. To avoid "his or her", it should be "to each one's own".

i love how butthurt redditors get when the answers don't conform to their expectations, or make fun of their dumb questions

It is singular. Believe it or not, words can have multiple meanings.

bill pls

He's a major major asshole in real life and people are beginning to learn that. There are multiple stories of little kids walking up to him asking him for an autograph and him telling them to fuck off and sperging at anyone for "bothering him". He thinks he's hot shit apparently to anyone who comes in contact with him, apparently very difficult to work with in his field as well.


That entire thread is painful.

Post Bill Nye alts for posterity plz.

Redditors pretend to be smart only to be dumber than the average person.

> It is impossible to use more than 1 website
> Why not also guilt trip people for going on math stackexchange or Hacker News.

Other sites are okay, Reddit is not okay. Is it that hard to understand?

>Sort by Top
>Zero answers whatsoever on any of the top comments.
Bill Nye sure has fallen.

That's what ED is for.

I think it's just the autism.

Jesus Christ people
Language is a tool to convey meaning, ideas and concepts, isn't it?
So if you use it in a way that might not be acceptable by every standard ever because there is no easy better way to do it, but it gets the message through, what is problem?
The only people who will sperg out are autists who care about semantics more than about the actual conversation (which is the case with all the nb xers), aren't they?

I can't conceive of the mind of a man who thinks that is an adequate answer to the redditor's question.