Drinking the same drink yay or nay? Used to do this all the time with sister

Drinking the same drink yay or nay? Used to do this all the time with sister.

no one over the age of 13 is worried about some icky germs

you're more likely to get sick from going to a restaurant

>tfw no qt sister to share drinks with

>Inb4 wincest

To me it was lowkey satisfying, like clearing a level in Tetris, but owing to the Westermarck effect there was nothing offbeat about it.

Jesus you're a fucking shithead.

Burn in hell blasphemer.

what's going on here? does "lowkey" have a special meaning in an internet subculture? I get the feeling from reading this like when some guy starts screeching randomly about "bronies" or "barneyfags" because of some subtle cue nobody else understands

pic unrelated, whatever it is I don't know it because I don't see it

I said that, but don't know sorry. The word is invisible to me since I didn't know that it might mean something more to some anons.

You've never had a gf have you?

Normies on Twitter embraced the term so it triggers Veeky Forums autists

With my girlfriend yes because its a bonding act. With others, no because i pour enough to hydrate myself properly and don't want to share.

Did you fuck after.

Do you and your lady friend often make straws dark together? Is that normal to you guys?


No, but we share drinks and food a lot

Weren't you ever afraid of your cum getting backwashed down her straw?

>indirect kissu

If you look to your sister like the man in the pic, and your sister looked back at you like the woman in the pic, then it's big time yay. Want to talk more about what happened after the sips big brĂ¼der?

(you) are lying. C'mon, tell us how it started

Now this is a proper question by an intelligent user, most likely an olfag gentleman and scholar of the highest pedigree.

We all know she washed it down with big brother's pee afterwards...

We would sit on either one's room's bed / living room couch, and since one of us had a glass or bottle of soda with a straw, the other one got a straw too, and it just happened. I was a tad young so I don't remember more clearly.

I assume you knew what kind of thread you were setting up here. Anyway I'll give a serious answer yes I share drinks with immediate family all the time. Close friends sometimes alcohol. That's about it. I'll do a waterfall sip of water or Gatorade between acquaintances