He's male and writes poetry

>He's male and writes poetry
>He doesn't have long hair

Back the fuck off.

>he's male and writes poetry
Imagine being that much of a beta

>He isn't a saxon salt-mine administrator and medievalist

>tfw the only thing you ever wrote was shitty poetry
>tfw long hair

Novalis was a pedo

*blocks your path*

Why hello there gentlemen.

I don't have to.

user, here's my sonnet:

Still cold, ‘neath pale sheets, for newlyweds, Autumnal sun doth bring its seas’nal warmth, Not for us, cacoon’d inside barren beds,
Our ol’ lives now absent. Sadly, we mourn’th. Monot’nous I’ve become. Dear’st kind monsieur,
Algernon, Best-Man, hath gay friend for me, Says: Come see Bun’bry. Gaily, I agree.
‘E’ll giveth much, you’ll peep: “Je ne sais qoui!” Loveliest Bun’bry injects his youth’ness
Inside e’ry o’ mine orifices,
His Cherubic qualities doth confess A deep’st love of Men – tonight I am his.
Still, thou layeth upon mine homely lap…
And inhaled Yggdrasil’s gold, honeyed sap


Why would you ever write like that in modern times? This reeks of tryhard from 10 miles away.

Welcome brother. It's okay, only the truly Veeky Forums have godly locks.

I can no longer tell when somebody is being ironic on this board.

It wasn't like I was fantasizing about you and my son together. F-faggot!
>Oscar blocks my path, takes me court for my so-called "defamatory" letter where I called him a faggot
Not like I was projecting a militant heterosexuality to cover up my deep, dark, and gay, secret! BAKA!
>Proves your homosexuality and gets you imprisoned for a couple years


Thou reek'st of a lowly humor, monsieur. Mon dieu! Why, I daresay, thou smell'st a' though thine testes hath imploded in thare own naivetie.

And you people tell me Veeky Forums isn't nothing but gays?

Veeky Forums is a socialist catholic androgynous bi board.

And, do not forget, T. Girls are allowed to stay if they post feet.


I'd kill myself if I were you

I clicked upon an OP's thread
And soon I wish'd that I were dead
For such a pleb he prov'd to be
A point to it I could not see

Jest'd've ist uponst thou, Monsieur. Mineself hath tried a couple've times, howe'er, I flopp'd at th' chance.

>he's male and writes poetry
>he isnt a T'ang chinese literati

nice try, but the west cant into real poetry.

Shut the fuck up you old pastor bastard. Your poems are shit.

Slurp my boycunt loser.

the best kind of pedo.