
Can she be stopped?

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Isn't she dead?

post more Cleo she's the best math waifu there is, no one can do integrals as fast as Cleo

based cleo best cleo

>no posts in 2+ years
yeah pretty sure she was stopped
she's probably solving the problems and keeping it to herself because of all the salty comments she gets on each of her answers

Who was / is cleo?

I just assumed she set up fake accounts to post questions she'd already worked out the answer to, just so she could answer it first and look smart.

>What was Cleo?
fixed that for you.

It was (most likely) a comp sci analysis geek on StackExchange, larping as a invalid girl, solving some astonishingly hard calculus problems.

why does the MSE community suck so much my good bitches

>I just assumed she set up fake accounts to post questions she'd already worked out the answer to, just so she could answer it first and look smart.
The accounts that posted the questions had long histories with many other questions

Nice examples of brutalizing the columns. Nevertheless these are a few years old.

That does not solve anything, moreover why would a comp. sci. geek beat mathematicians?

>moreover why would a comp. sci. geek beat mathematicians
By just beating them? Why do you think that is impossible? When the internet exists, even.

>By just beating them? Why do you think that is impossible? When the internet exists, even.
Because they'd get approximate solutions, not exact ones like 4pi*arccot(phi)

She solves mathematical problems that mathematicians struggle with. It is not obvious how someone with a comp.sci. background would do better.

The Internet does not help you in solving new problems. I think mathematicians also are capable of searching the net before posting a hard question.

The most likely answer is that she or they(if its multiple people involved) solve difficult integrals for fun. There were groups of Russian mathematicians that did this and the books of integral formulas were the result. Cleo just doesn't publish all the integrals done and just waits for someone to ask it.

because Riemann integration "is solved" to the extent that it can, and in what is now known as computer science. Essentially

I just always assumed it's some guy who wrote his own tools to do this stuff - essentially the pieces that the Wolfram team didn't care for.


They only give numerical estimations. To get closed form solutions it requires methods which people haven't figured out how to program yet. Some examples.

Why do you insist on making this thread every few months? Get those autistic ticks checked out before you hurt yourself.

what? no, Risch algorithm etc. doesn't give numerical estimates, it computes anti-derivatives

Yes I know but those algorithms can't solve the really difficult integrals done on stackexchange. Computers can only find estimates for those right now.

What you just wrote doesn't make any sense. Humans are entities that can compute, therefore are computers.

wow, so edgy

Not edgy, that's just computer science.

ouch, even edgier, just dont make it worse and say humans are biological machines either

Bunch of kissless hand holdless virgins who have an inflated sense of self importance because they have some upboats and 19yos suck their dicks online to solve their homework.

>Humans are entities that can compute, therefore are computers.
Is this some kind of general view held by comp.sci. types?

>Because they'd get approximate solutions, not exact ones like 4pi*arccot(phi)
Your ignorance is sad. Why do you think computers can't do algebraic computations?

>Your ignorance is sad. Why do you think computers can't do algebraic computations?
Which algorithm produces that answer for the integral?

I don't know, but if a mathematician can calculate it exactly, what stops him from making an algorithm out of the steps he applied?

This has to be bait

It is not. There's a whole field called "Computer Algebra" which deals with - you guessed it - doing algebraic transformations on computers. Thanks to that you can for example ask wolfram alpha what [eqn]\sum_{n \to \infty} \frac x {n!}[/eqn] is

>I don't know, but if a mathematician can calculate it exactly, what stops him from making an algorithm out of the steps he applied?
Plenty of processes can't be (easily) generalized past the specific problem it came from, and if the calculation only works for one specific integral then it's not really the kind of algorithm people generally mean when they discuss integration algorithms

Cleo is a "her".


>this hard
Read as to why i think you're baiting. And that you interpreted it as an attack on computer algebra means i'm either getting baited or, more likely that you're a massive brainlet.

The Risch algorithm which you mentioned is an algorithm that finds antiderivatives. The integrals Cleo does do not have elementary antiderivatives. To solve those kinds of integrals you have to use other techniques that are based on higher level analysis than just antiderivatives. No algorithm currently does this because
1) These integrals are so special that not even computer scientists care about them. Computer scientists care about functions with antiderivatives so they can test their CAS's on them. And engineers only care about approximations.
2) It is impossible to predict what technique will work. And finding solutions in terms of known constants depends a lot on the limits of integration which means that just shifting the limits a little bit would require a whole new set of techniques complete different from the ones originally used.

Learn to integrate man.

>Last seen Jan 5 '16 at 23:34
Not sure what is up. One person thinks he knows who she is, that she is Russian.

How good is mathematica?
Isn't it possible for mathematica to do this for you?

How does wolfram alpha compare?

i don't have mathematica available, but wolframalpha can't do it algebraically.
if you check the answers proving her result, there's no way a computer could do this (without hard-coding) with current technology:

A girl with similar abilities in analysis was in algebraic topology class at phystech with me.
She was weird, always looking down on the table during lectures, no notes or anything, just smiling at the desk. Pretty cute too. She probably had Asperger because she only ate frozen pizza and sneezed during sex. Last time i've seen her, she was researching R-projectivity.
You can't manipulate mathematica to do this. These are pretty nasty integrals that require very specific methods to solve, and it's also difficult to know which will work.

>sneezed during sex

>A girl with similar abilities in analysis was in algebraic topology class at phystech with me.
>She was weird, always looking down on the table during lectures, no notes or anything, just smiling at the desk. Pretty cute too. She probably had Asperger because she only ate frozen pizza and sneezed during sex. Last time i've seen her, she was researching R-projectivity.

this whole paragraph is just 10/10

>The Risch algorithm which you mentioned
I haven't been back to this conversation for days.

I also called that one guy edgy, even if he defended my general standpoint, because his le humans are computers is an edgy false ideology

Well she was weird. I wouldn't know if i didn't jokingly ask her "so when are we gonna fuck" when consulting an assignment. She thought about it for few second and said after we're done with the assignment.
Disturbingly good at integrals though. I really want to get in contact with her now that i was reminded of her.

*solves your integral*

Ron Gordon was so salty every single time she solved the integral before him (every time). And that axiomatic system burn... I'm in love

It is really funny to see everyone with messy, inelegant answers then when cleo comes along everyone being upset that they don't show any work, or how it's worthless without a proof.

All that salt.
It makes me a bit sad she's not posting anymore despite the hate.

I never posted in those threads or try to solve them, or asked such a question - i.e. I'm not emotionally involved in this - but I also find just posting
I = such and such trigonometric function of a log of bla
without proof not a good answer. You learn math to either enjoy the relations or be able to do math for some purpose later, and the result alone doesn't give either.
It reduces the OP to "here's a quiz, I don't care for it, I just want to test you monkeys of SE"

It's the truth whether comp.sci types believe it or not (and we do).

Perhaps it's because when I get stuck I'd rather know if I'm on the right path, or thinking about the question the right way, or even if it's not futile trying to work on something rather than get upset I wasn't handed the answer. I feel like I get more out of it when I do reach the conclusions on my own.
Im sorry we don't have the same opinion.

I bet nobody would come up with that beautiful closed form if she didn't post it. Answer by itself is very valuable because it tells you what to work towards, it's a pretty big hint.
Admittedly she's using some pretty unconventional stuff (polylogarithms? who studies that...)

how was the pussy game?

>Can she be stopped?

She is literally a god tier autistic wolfram alpha, literally any maths researcher does more impressive stuff than she does.

I'm fairly confident that he uses computer algebra (as I said above, maybe self written even) and thus I find it pretty ugly to just post the answer, to hide from that fact, and on top of that use a "mysterious girl" post and write in the profile "I have a sickness and therefore can't talk much". This is just so evident bullshit that I find it hard to be sympathetic.
Of course, I might be mistaken, but I'm very confident I'm not.

>I'm fairly confident that he uses computer algebra
Isn't the more plausible explanation that it's done by hand, especially when no other CAS can do it and anyone else who provides an answer has done it by hand?

>I'm fairly confident that he uses computer algebra (as I said above, maybe self written even)
Do you realise such software would sell for a lot of money? If someone had succeeded I would expect they would be selling it rather than using it for pot shots on an Internet forum.

some (many, rather) mathematicians are extremely autistic and don't care about money

Quite possibly. Quite a few do care about reputation, especially in research. That is how you get tenure.

to quote myself in >I just always assumed it's some guy who wrote his own tools to do this stuff - essentially the pieces that the Wolfram team didn't care for.

The person just took an interest in stuff nobody else does. I'm sure 95% of Erdos meme theorems can be formalized and the techniques be automated too, but it's uninteresting. Go into a library at a math university and pull out a book from the 70's that's not been touched for 20 years, and you'll find many mathematical theories that have been forgotten. And I mean studies of objects like groups without units and stuff like this. Or the whole potential theory spiel. Or first-order theories in logic and thorough investigations of their models, where the axioms are essentially random and without motivation. 97% of math discovered isn't used anymore. If Wolfram doesn't have a normal form and closed solution for it, doesn't mean the algorithm to do it doesn't exist.

>Wetness: 10/10, puddle of it on my belly
>Tightness: 7/10, surprisingly good for a girl that fucks a guy who just asks her
>Muscle control: 9/10, apparently she did gymnastics in high school (and occasionally during our time on phystech)
>Smell: 0/10, reminded me of that time in elementary school when i jacked off for whole weekend without washing myself (it persisted to certain degree even after she showered, which was a rare occasion for her)
>Looks: 7/10, innie with a wonky flap between anus and vagina (she loved tickling there)
>Taste: 10/10, best/best, tasted like mango- quite a pleasant surprise considering her smell
>Cobordism theory: 10/10, she aced that class, beating me spectacularly (up to 2 days in assignments, about 20 minutes on written part of exam)
She's not on phystech though, left after 3 years so i didn't get to enjoy her company much. She never talked about anything but math, except in bed.
The ideal wife.

>tfw no qt cleo mango pussy waifu
Just fucking end me lads


> axiomatic system burn

>tfw only have done stuff with normie girls who can't appreciate the Lagrangian approach to our two-body problem


>ywn bang cleo so hard she becomes invalid
why even fucking live

There are many ways to prove this result. The easiest one is to work in an axiomatic system that accepts it as an axiom. I prefer this approach when I know the result. Therefore, the full proof is given here. I understand and accept that some people who are not willing to work in this axiomatic system may find my proof not useful for their purposes. In such a case it is perfectly okay to downvote my answers (downvote means "not useful"). I also invite them to post their proofs then. I would prefer not to go into this discussion anymore. My apologies to anyone who feels irritated by my answers. – Cleo

*answers ur question*

fucking classic

>She never talked about anything but math
jesus this is the kind of a woman I want

>I prefer this approach when I know the result.
Hmmm. Intuition? Or do mathematicians not admit to this?

This was her response to a comment asking her to give full proof. Intuition isn't proof, not to mention nobody has such godlike intuition as to see the closed form of the integrals she tackles. Polylogarithms are the least arcane bit of knowledge she used (presumably- we don't know how she solved them, just that these methods lead to identical solution).

>Intuition isn't proof
I know that - it just gives you a direction, possibly an answer but of course cannot be a proof.


Carl and Rob are so fucking salty it's crazy. She literally writes nothing but a solution and they project so fucking much.

>b-b-but you're so arrogant and rude and bitchy and nobody likes you
