ITT we laugh at people with defective taste buds

"soapy"? lmao

>make a delicious meal
>put strong herbs all over it to disguise the flavor
Sorry, cilantro/parsley is retarded.

w-w-what does it taste like?

Like Coriander

Like the bathroom floor

what's wrong with the soapy flavor? i eat it all the time it tastes like soap but that's interesting so whatever its kind of like a bitter analog to say, a super spicy pepper

I am curious have you tried eating actual soap too? It'd be interesting that's for sure

like stink bugs

It gets in your mouth every once in a while if you bathe regularly? I'm clumsy, I'l admit but out of thousands of showers in your lifetime your bound to taste it eventually.

The weirdest fucking thing happens to me. When I am not hungry Cilantro smells really nice and fresh but when I am cooking it smells like stink bugs. Plis tell me I am not alone on this.

Did you like it

I don't like soap and from what I can guess eating soap will fuck your insides. I think cilantro is fine on lots of the foods it's on considering its bitterness does something for salty dishes. Kind of overwhelmimg though.

It doesn't just taste like soap.
It makes everything around it also taste like soap.

If cilantro tastes like soap then you have
inferior genes.

It does have a soapy component, it's just that it also has another flavor that overpowers the soapy taste, and some people can't taste the other thing so they just get the soap.

>taste buds telling you to stay away from meme herbs
>not superior genes instilling patrician taste in you

Ummm not liking cilantro means im a super-taster, pleb

People cook with cilantro? That sounds wierd and gross i only put it in raw preparations such as pico or guac

If you made a pasta with oil, garlic, peppers and cheese, you could put it in right before the cheese and right after you have turned off your pan.

I fucking love cilantro, it's got like an earthy sort of citrus taste

absolutely defective

I had a friend who hated regular pizza (even just plain cheese) because he said that pizza has "too many tastes". This guy was 30 and lived off a diet of McNuggets, mac and cheese and turkey sandwiches on white bread.

Oh and I don't think pineapple on pizza is all that bad, especially when paired with ham, bacon or both.

>Uggh! How could you *like* something disgusting like that!?
I've never gotten anyone else to even try it...

The stuff exported from Mexico tastes like mud. Domestically grown is best (unless you're inland Mexico). "Soapy" taste is perhaps person-by-person case but mostly lmao gtfo babby taste buds.

>the human tongue can only taste one thing at a time

Banana pizza? How would that even go down, the mouth feel on that versus the other ingredients, lordy why

The banana is almost the consistency of the cheese since it's cooked and warm banana with curry goes pretty well with general pizza ingredients

>white people problems

>cilantro and parsley are stong herbs

I can't even taste coriander or parsley. My genes are top tier defective.

If there's any celery or cilantro it's all I taste. Nasty pungent flavor it is.