Discontinued things

This was so good while it lasted

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Is pic related gone yet? This might effect my dinner plans if it's still available

McDicks used to have an arctic orange shake

it was literally perfect

This was hands-down the best flavor of bagged Chex mix and now it's gone.

Another casualty I miss

only saw them once, years ago

Why are they killing all the peanut butter stuff? Fucking hipsters and their hazelnut almond cookie butter fads must be doing it.


BK used to serve some sort of blue cherry slush that would turn your shit turquoise the day after.
Forcing you to think about the product the next day is a pretty brilliant marketing tactic; not sure why they discontinued it.

i just had some of these about a month ago

Member when they were fried not baked

By all accounts, the unicorn frappe was not good.

here (other end of the world for you) they still fry them. and man i can tell you they taste like childhood.
>didn't get one for twenty years or so
>two month ago
>meh, why not for one buck.
>that's my childhood right there

not lying. they are the only thing that haven't changed a bit arround here. and since i got one again i'm going two or three times a week to this shit place to get one.

>tfw im the only one i know who has had these
>tfw can hardly find anything about them anywhere
i miss them so much

These honestly kinda sucked but I ate a fuck-ton of them back in middle school.

altoids had these too and for some reason i fucking loved them

I remember

The McDonalds in Flint Michigan had Root Beer shakes back in 1997. It's the only McDonalds I've ever seen them at. I'm not sure whether it was a location test or if it was an exclusive menu item like the McDonalds in Las Vegas that used to sell personal pan pizza, but god damn they were good.

inb4 drinking water joke

That reminds me, there used to be these shitty microwavable muffin kits that came with a cheap plastic mold shaped like Mickey's head. You just mixed the 2-3 ingredients together and microwaved them for 4 minutes. I'd probably hate them now, but they were amazing as a kid. Those things were moist as fuck.

I'm not big on McDs but this had me coming back. Before this I only ate there when someone else was buying and it was two cheeseburger, I was genuinely sad when we pulled up to the drive thru and it was gone now its just big macs


On a different note, I missed the Guacamole Doritos the most.

I want a bowl of these right now

Say what you will about that awful movie.

But it was nice to have this shit back.

Even if it was for a limited time


I think its alright, I don't see any more signs about it now. Just the peach smoothie thing.
Still prefer Sweet and Sour.

Chocolate lays
Any know if these are still around
I only tried them once a while ago n kinda want them again

Why couldn't you just make these yourself?

The only good thing Arbys ever had.

To be totally honest I had this so long ago I don't even know if it was actually that good, but I do remember it being my favorite cereal until it disappeared one day.


I can distantly remember the taste. Excessively sweet and a heavy chemical flavor. Little kid me loved it, of course.

There's spicy dorito loco shells now, pretty much the same thing

marty it's this sauce marty. discontinued marty. i miss it. miss it marty. I'm only doing this for the sauce marty

Would have been better with more sugar in it. Wasn't sweet enough for me.




There was a McDonald's behind my high school and I would go there every day after school and have 1-4 depending on how I was feeling. I got so fucking fat. So fucking good though. Goddamn. At least I was happy. I may be fit now but I'm an emotional wreck and a failure

Did these give anyone else terrible diarrhea or was it just me?


>I'm so sad I can't have X anymore because they discontinued it!! ;(

Why don't you faggots just make it yourself? This board is called Food and COOKING, after all. Surely at least some of you have the capacity to prepare food.

I've eaten at McDonalds twice during the past ten years, and I ate these only once during the last time I went to McDonalds (5~6 years ago) and enjoyed them just as much as Popeyes and Zaxbys chicken.

Tonnes of these were sitting in warehouses towards the end of their initial life cycle.

Nothing can ever replicate the elusive Wendy's Creamy Lasagna except Wendy's themselves.

>tfw I will never have it again

There used to be this crappy store muffins brand that also made these (muffin bars) Wich where the same as the muffins only in rectangles and had crust all over instead of just the top
My mom bought them all the time, haven't seen them in ten years

This isn't rk9 you faggot

In most cases it just wouldn't be the same. Fresh and processed/fast food have their own different charms.

If he actually cooked, he'd know this. Forced buttblasted attitude indicates trolololol.

This stuff was amazing.

Mountain Dew might be for white trash and annoying 20 year olds, but they're the only major soda brand that tries to do new things regularly.

I bought some from Kroger like two months ago out of curiosity, not sure if they're still there though

You can still get this at trader Joe's


Ew what the fuck

I've had those from Trader Joe's. They're really good. I only bought them once though because I felt like such a fatass eating them

I'll never eat another southern style chicken biscuit again and it hurts inside

fuck that buttermilk shit mcdonalds replaced it with

Ate them all the time at our local hostess store as a kid. Yes, hostess had a store that was mostly aisles of wonder bread

My thoughts exactly

These were fucking godly. I've heard that some McDonalds still sell them, though.

I never thought I'd get to have Key Lime anything ever again.

Its not about the shells, man. It's the lava sauce.

OwO what's this?

It's Coke with coffee in it, and it's awful

I loved it. Used to drink it all the time when it was available.

This shit was my jam growing up, now the only way to get it is to buy it online and they changed the way the cookies look.

As someone who regularly talks with the baristas at his local Starbucks, they HATED making this shit when it was around. It's a pain in the ass to make and tastes like sour birthday cake.

This and Pepsi Blue were delicious as fuck, I miss the both of them.


Illinois, looks like this was a widespread ordeal

Used to have one in Virginia, too.

There was one in Mississippi near where I grew up. It's now a liquor store owned by a schizophrenic former boxer.

i really miss these,i would get them pretty frequently and one day they just disappeared. last time i checked,they were still in the Lifesavers website. i write them an email a long time ago but to no response

They sell this at my local nip supermarket

Had one in SoCal by me that went out of business about a decade ago.

My brother loved to go there and nagged our mom to to get fruit pies. I found them disgusting but liked the smell of the store and look around.

Now a liquor store too

it still was as of last week where i'm located (maine)



Back when Pizza Hut used to be good.

Me and my brother would share one while playing Gauntlet on N64 till the wee hours of the morning.

Those are holiday items. You can get them from any big store during christmas/thanksgiving.

My first and worst bout of alcohol poisoning involved Ecto Cooler. For my 16th birthday my older sister got me a super cheap plastic bottle of grocery store vodka in Oregon. My best friend was with me visiting my sister from California and he got an equally cheap bottle of whiskey. We mixed our booze with EC in Big Gulp cups and tasted each other's. We both made fun of each other because we couldn't taste the booze in our drinks. We added more and more until we were slugging out of the bottles straight. We both finished our fifths inside of an hour. I passed out face first at our campsite, lifting my face to puke before laying my face back in the mess. I did this all night. My buddy wandered over and fell into the firewood pile, passing out directly on the jagged logs.
The next day I was dry heaving and shivering for hours. Couldn't drink vodka or even think of Ecto Cooler for years.
PS I'm 43 now. Typing this gave me chills

Still in greenpoint Brooklyn and throughout the northeast

still fried here, gonna be a fat fuck and put it in a plain mc flurry with shit loads of caramel sauce

>itt everything that can still be bought online if you fucks just used Google

It's blue raspberry powder and mango syrup with creambase you fucks

that actually sounds fantastic
the rest of this is diabitus shite

My one experience with this was taking one sip and immediately getting the worst headache I've ever had

These. They also made ones with caramel chips and mint chips.
The peanut butter granola bars were god-tier too. And the dark chocolate cherry ones...and the strawberry vanilla ones...and the cinnamon ones, the honey-nut ones, the baked apple ones...

Dammit, Quaker.

>that one time in middle school my brother ate a whole tin of Velamints and had awful farts for the whole afternoon

I enjoyed them, I just, uh, never ate more than two at a time after that.

Hell yeah I remember those. Not sure why they don't just re-release that with a different name because it would sell well I think. At least I'd buy them.

I assume the soccer mom crowd realized how unhealthy those are and Quaker doesn't want to lose their loyalty.

>54g of carbs
No wonder soccer moms get those flabby arms

Yellow sips


Got one of these, a gameboy color and pokemon red for Christmas when I was 5 or 6. It was the best Christmas of my life

They're not fried anymore?

No, it's because of some misinformed motherly preaching about not giving babies peanut products that is cause so many children to now have peanut allergies companies are producing less products with it.

Only ones I actually preferred toasted.


fixed it for you.

I remember aswell

Want to taste something amazing? Next time you're in a McDs order a large McFlurry but tell them instead of adding Oreo or whatever other bullshit, to put an apple pie in to be blended with the ice cream. Holy shit it's wonderful

>I didn't ask for these feels :(

they closed all the ones near me. They had cheap reads for 50 cents, that's the only time we could afford the good brand. we put them in the freezer to preserve them.

also,why are all hostess snack cakes smaller? Hershey's chocolate bars are so fucking tiny.

I used to get these all the time; people think I'm a college student but holy shit this makes me feel old.

I loved those. I had a friend whose parents got her a beeper. She was the coolest kid around

As long as we're reminiscing.

we had one in reno nevada and now its a tastykake store