

this is how i'm going to die

As long as there's no 'tomato' on it i'm down, keep your fucking tomato off my sandwhiches

That being said it's just a big mac with shitty little strips of "bacon"

Literally who?

big mac does not need bacon. it's one of those foods where the addition of such actually detracts from the experience.

Still too much bread. I'm not big on bacon burgers anyway though.

Nippon has tomato AND bacon on their megamacs

My marketer friend the bacon fad has passed in America, it will not sell well

I'm lovin' it

i think it would

i want to try this

10kr for a sundae?! Shit, things are expensive up there!

don't know why the grand mac was taken away

I was a regular mcdonalds customer again while that was around

Life is fleeting, make the most of it while you can

I do not eat beefburgers.

Did McDonald's have some kind of annual meeting where they decided they could make more money through bacon meme upsizing?

I've been asked if I'd like to add bacon to the last 3 burgers I've ordered. Today I ordered an Angus Cheeseburger which already had bacon and she asked if I'd like to add extra bacon?

Bacon is awesome!! *shoots rainbows out narwhall butthole*


>bacon on second story and not the first


big mac is ok, but after a few weeks i was tired of it.

It's small.

> up there
> pretty sure Denmark is the southernmost country using kr

the fuck m8

You need a balance of flavours, not ALL OF THINGS! on a burger. Bacon burgers are better the simpler they are because bacon interacts with beef in a very specific way. all the lettuce and mac sauce subtlety dies on something like this.

>Big Mac instead of Big Tasty

Can you fucking stop?