
What do you faggs think about the Eridanus Supervoid? Could it be some type of cloaking device made by an advanced specie? What are your theories Veeky Forums?

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Why the homophobia?

most likely something super big exploded there and thats the result. Objects pulling away from what was once a super super super nova or something. Kind of odd that no blackhole formed so that means it was not a star.

>implying it's irrational to fear HIV, when about 76% of the carriers are homosexuals
Also the radiation of something so big would be detectable

It's where God lives. Our souls destination. Immaterial.

maybe this is what nothing is
looks beautifully interesting to me

How are you expecting to get HIV from gay people, user? :^)

I think I might know who is there...
You must never ever visit!

Interesting idea
By breaking their anus with my dick of course, how else?
Feels thread now?

I'm not very smart.
But could it be where the Big Bang occurred?

Since it is constantly expanding, it would expanding from that point?
But since starts and shit take time to be created, they don't create fast enough and it leaves a void.

Similar to how when something explodes it goes outwards, but leaves a void.

Some developer will build a big parking structure soon.

The thing in the image isn't what the image is talking about as that is a nebula.

(pic related) is what I'm talking about
No user, read more physics, the outer layers of the universe in theory travel back in time because light from it hasn't reached us, so the "point" is expanding from should be around the universe, not with in it

A better pic of it

Anybody who has taken even an introductory astrophysics class will know that is a dense cloud of dust that exceeds the Jeans Radius.

Species is a mass noun you brainlet.

>Kind of odd that no blackhole formed
Nothing odd about that, considering how black holes don't exist.


I dont come to this board often but are you fags serious?

Tear in the fabric of space-time, obviously.

Are we referring to the image? That's clearly just a dust cloud.

Dust still has a spectral signature, as long as there's stars behind it.

u get baited 2 ez user

no they are retarded so long as they cant offer a better explanation for the astronomical observations we continue to reproduce

Why exactly can't we see, in the picture, the light from the space directly behind the presumably-finite void? Is it because light doesn't travel that fast, or some details about the photography, or otherwise?

is this just a sci meme

That is the graveyard of Lord Zarom's Clan.

I wouldn't worry about it.

>mum found the sissyboy supervoid

>it's irrational to fear
"Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future."
– Will Smith (as Cypher Raige), "After Earth" (2013)

I remember this thread...

a super spacecraft went through and pushed all the planets aside

holy SHIT it's REAL

It's probably the Space Nazi empire covering all their swastikas.

Or just Barnard 68, a cold molecular cloud in our galactic neighbourhood, you fucking brainlets.

Maybe it's a silent blackhole or the grave of a former blackhole that isn't sucking anything in anymore