When you order soda and they bring you out a glass and a can


That would be soda, dumbass

my point is if you don't have a drink machine then specify that it's a can. or just don't have soda. I might be a flyover state fatass or complaining about this but i really hate how so many restaurants in bigger cities do this.

why are you complaining about a soda that tastes better than fountain garbage?

They're doing you a service by bringing you something in a closed container, which makes it significantly less likely that it was poisoned.

you're trying way too hard to be edgy

places around me that do this are usually foreign places full of people who cant imagine why americans need to have a bunch of sweet drinks with their food

I went to New York a few weeks ago and FUCKING NOWHERE had refills. One place even made a ruckus when I asked for more water. Even McDonald's didn't have a drink machine for guests to use.
I'm from Florida so I expect free refills I guess. I work in a restaurant and I know there is like 1000% markup on sodas, so there's no reason for them to not give refills.


>the glass has some ice in it and the cook put some mint in it too

They do it mainly so you know it's fresh from a legit source rather some cheap knockoff stuff they dump in a dispenser.

There's a 1000 reasons why.

Plus New York does have gators to thin the homeless population that would abuse such a system.

What a fucker!

Next you'll tell me the cunt brought out on it's own little silver tray with a paper doily underneath!

Fuck that 9/11 was right

Such a tragedy. I walked through blood and bone to find my brother that day.

Life Pro Tip:

Bloody bones make for great Halloween decor. Hope you picked some up...


It's like you want to let the jews fatten your ass up like a cow. Enjoy the corn syrup you fucking cuck fatty pls kill yourself or at least dont breed

I love all this stuff though. Reminds me of being a kid and going to chinese for dinner with my mom and dad. The ugly carpet and the fish tank is just comfy.

>ask for soda
>they give you baking soda

You wanna try writing that again?

Fountain pop is ALWAYS better than canned
I was baffled by how gross Baja Blast was when it was put in stores in cans and bottles. But from the fountains in Taco Bell is tastes great and isn't a thick viscous syrup like the cans are

XDDD 100 100 100 100 100

>be Spanish
>walk into restaurant
>order a seltzer
>they bring me salsa

This, OP is a faggot.

>would rather have syrup shit than a can

nigger, are you retarded?

Coke out of a tap>>>>

He was in Toronto.

Seinfeld please

Glass and can is superior to the fountain drink. Soda fountains get filthy quick and you have no way of knowing how feequently they clean their fountain. Soda in a can comes in the daily recommended allotment of soda. Just poor it in the glass full of ice and enjoy your refreshing soda.

>when you order a thing and then they bring it to you

>That would be soda
Yeah, and if my wife went into labor and after she was done with having the baby the doctors walked out with a bucket full of mush and said they dropped the baby down a flight of stairs that doesn't mean that i'm gonna be satisfied with how my baby turned out. You're the kind of guy who has a mush baby, and you make me sick.

Oh wow, it's a bottle of Hennessey

you you compliment the waitress on her voluptuous physique and she reports you to the manager..... who also has a nice rack

> Being that anons that tries to make an argument by comparing two uncomparable things

not op but

>incomparable things exist
>muh apples to oranges

>order coffee
>it tastes like instant
>order tea
>they literally give you hot water and a sysco branded black tea packet

Why do they even bother?

Sounds comfy

This. OP is a fag.

I was hungry until I saw a pic of this ugly nigger, thanks OP.

When the squad on a100

because they hate you and want you to die

>drinking fizz'n'pop

So, why are you on Veeky Forums to troll again, /pol/tard?

>Ask for baking soda
>Get baking powder
Fuck you guys

they just didnt want to give your fat ass refills

>order Cherry Coke
>they bring Coke with grenadine and a cherry in the bottom

Who drinks soda from a glass?

When you order chocolate milk and they bring out a glass and to school cartons


>Fountain pop is ALWAYS better than canned
Depends on the fountain and the quality of the syrup. The fountain coke and orange soda tastes great at the firehouse. Whereas the fountain coke tastes like shit at the nearby McDonalds.

When you order a steak and they bring out a slab of raw beef and a warm plate.


thread should have ended here, the rest is shameful


I'd much rather have it from the can than as a result of some diluted syrup from a machine that probably never gets cleaned.

You're retarded.

>Americans arguing over when their sugar syrup was diluted

seriously, it's like arguing whether cow dung or horse piss smells better

Thanks, I'm on a watchlist now

>entitled white kid
>angry about how his high fructose corn syrup is delivered