

hehehe im a girl xD alcoholic edition

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SB where art thou?

Girls are fucking lovely.

But they have the potential to ruin al/ck/

Delicious grils, Just... please don't flaunt it?

Maybe call Smirnoffbro and squelch your squange to satisfaction, don't energise al/ck/?

Or post tits.
I'm torn.

So I hear a lot about people in /al/ck/ drinking hard cider a lot. Is this an anglophone thing? What are the benefits?

Cider is the best mate

>tastes good
>not as gassy as lager
>a nice long drink unlike spirits

I've drunk the tramp ciders and they are all foul but something like pic related is so nice and it's 8.2 but you'd never know

>tfw been a severe alcoholic for 8-9 years

I'm such a fucking loser/no one.

I'm 29 and I have nothing to show for it....I work my shitty fucking blue collar dead end job and come home and get drunk. Haven't even been in in a relationship in like 7 years. Haven't spoken to my family in years.

All my siblings have a good jobs, are married, some have kids, most are wealthy, happy and successful.

All I do is go to my miserable job 3x a week, Go home and drink all day/night.

Literally haven't even spoken to 98% of my family in 4+ years despite all living in the same town. Only occasionally talk to my step brother about how much we hate our lives, politics, porn, and local news.

Cop brother occasionally knocks on my door and says "just making sure your still alive" but won't talk to me when I'm drunk so he just leaves after seeing me answer the door.

I'm such a fucking disappointment to my whole family.

Don't ever start drinking if you don't drink now. It will ruin your life

I made the mistake of starting to drink at an early age (16-17ish) and quickly became an hardcore alcoholic. Lost a 130k dollar a year job, smoking hot gf, a TON of money, and my health is pretty bad. Shit dark colored blood from time to time and constantly have severe pain in my sides near my gallbladder/kidneys. Haven't been to a doctor in 9 years and back then they said I had scaring on my liver so I'd hate to know how bad it is now.
Don't drink folks.

come chill my drunkard friendos.

Asumming you are actually a girl, im sorry you wont be aloud to have a thread that isnt full of beta male shitposters. I hope you find a better outlet

>My dealer is dodging my calls
>Nearly back up to my al/ck/ drinking to compensate
I don't even like drinking

>tfw had a beer that tasted off but still drank it because alcohol
>intestines feel fucked now

all aboard the shite train


what would you rather be on?

the only option is to clean up and get an associates degree or a trade.

i agree. id much rather do opiates but getting those is a major pain in the ass. alcohol has so many drawbacks and its not even a good high.

>I'm 29 and I have nothing to show for it...
I never really got this mentality desu. What do people ever have to show for themselves? A McMansion and a few shitty kids? Some bullshit job?

I'm a drunken bum, but not because I can't do better but because what passes for success out there just seems thoroughly underwhelming.

I'm the same age as you and the drinking hurts by now and I want to stop, but other than that I don't plan on changing much. I'll take better care of myself when sober but I don't aspire to anything more than a little room and a stack of books and living simply and quietly.

ive drank expired beers that had no alcohol because it had all fermented and turned the drink into basically vinegar. and i chugged them all just in case.

I just wanna smoke weed and watch anime in bed nothing exciting, but without "something" I spiral towards suicide so here I am

Just cold water extract nurofen, I'm probably going to go into the city and ask random black people to score

What do you want proof of

Tramp juice like frosty jacks is certainly one way to be a drunk on the cheap, around here 6 litres of frosty will cost me £6.89 - for far more 'units' than a bottle of vodka and at least £5 less than said vodka. Cider somehow has much less tax in the UK even if this clear white stuff bares little to resemblance to trad cider.

in usa codeine cant be sold without prescription. aint that a bitch.

still open, boys.

what is this?

A chatroom with music.

If I really need weed, I can always go to a certain park and buy some nigger weed, overpriced, but if I'm desperate...

Yeah, make sure to drink it cold and don't sniff the bottle afterwards.

And yet you faggots have legal weed, isnt that ironic

Exactly what Im going to do monday if he blanks me again tomorrow, the worst part is I think he's blanking me because I buy in bulk monthly instead of a dimebag weekly

>I think he's blanking me because I buy in bulk monthly instead of a dimebag weekly
well that's a shitty dealer, most that I know only accept bulk buys, and don't like selling dimebags

>im a girl xD
>my gender is so important that I have to state it.
Low iq women should be seen, not heard. Go be a cam whore.

I honestly think it was just a comment about the silhoute, and xyzhe OP has gotten a lot of flak for it, well talk shit, get hit

when do i stop waking up sweaty at like 4 in the morning with my heart thumping like mad on days that I drink

you are in some shit now. thats serious withdrawal.

Well went 3 days without drinking but crashed today so fuck me.

Anyway, you all get fucking crazy dreams when being sober?

I don't know if it was lack of sleep (apparently I can't drink if I go to bed sober) but I was on my 3rd night of not drinking and just felt I was tripping hard. Would shut my eyes and instantly be in a situation that I was having a conversation with someone (this was at around 4am I assume after trying to sleep at 2am). I would shut my eyes and it was almost instantly go into a dream -and all the dreams I was having a conversation but can't remember any of it, but it was some weird case where I half knew it was dreaming and half believed it. It was like would wake up, understand I was dreaming, then roll over and go back to a similar dream in 2 seconds. Like I was going straight into whatever sleep cycle gave you dreams. I would also close my eyes then and see crazy pictures on my eyelids, like the shit that someone on LSD would draw. The pictures in my eyes happened before the dreaming. Might have been some half dream or some shit. I really need to quit drinking. 3 days was big, drank today probably going to drink tomorrow but hopefully on Monday I can start a break. God damn.

I've been drinking now so hope this is all clear.

Does ativan fuck with my sobriety? I'm like 3 days in and I need something to take away my anxiety.

benzodiazepines do the same thing as alcohol, pretty much. so yeah.

if you are having bad withdrawals you may want to take an ativan rather than start drinking, however. just know theyre addictive too.

that is what I figured, guess I'll just have to deal then
not terrible, but still there. I'll tough it out I guess.

i always tell people look into naltrexone and/or campral. make it easier not to drink. i currently take naltrexone and can go weeks without drinking now. before it was pretty much impossible to go 4 days without drinking.

and those are withdrawal dreams. i get fucked up dreams for like 3 weeks after quitting.

thats the right choice. gj.

I don't remember my dreams when I've been drinking, and I wake up groggy. I don't get hangovers (not from lack of trying), but the grogginess from crap sleep is my thing. After a day sober, I get vivid dreams and wake up feeling super-rested and alert. I think alcohol probably fucks with your REM cycles or some shit.

When I drink socially I drink 2-4x faster. Drinking socially is a mistake that should be avoided.

you are right. alcohol actually disrupts REM sleep so basically its like you just took a short nap and have to get up and go to work

Ya, I had crazy ass dreams when I quit. Very vivid and audio hallucinations when I was awake. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty fun for the 3-4 days it lasted.

I hate my life
Rigor mortis

The point of taking benzo is to reduce withdrawals to a minimum. You have to taper them of course.
Withdrawals can give brain damage. Kindling it's called.

The nightmares are part of withdrawals.

Well, fellow al/ck/s. Here is a bit of a sad story.
>be me, sober for two years after being severe alcoholi
>extremely happy with myself and how far I've gotten.
>gf is very happy too
>gf is working one day, I am off on vacation
>watching finding dory with a kid she babysits for a friend
>suddenly, feel the urge to drink
>ask kid if he wants to go one a walk, (liquor is a 5 minute walk from house)
>drivers liscense permanently revoked because too many duis
>get a fifth of vodka
>walk back home, drink it, black out
>have been browned/blacked out for close to a month, am now trapped again
>stilll go to work but have strange memories of blatantly hitting on girl coworkers
>face getting red and scaly from dehydration

Please, please. If you have sober time, don't fuck up. It literally starts with one drink. I am trying very hard to taper, but it's getting to much to handle. Not sleeping and going to work while drinking to feel level, yet still delirious is awful and absolutely not ok. We aren't normal people and must come to accept it, therefore not drink.

>Vodka and burgers for breakfast
I think I'm slowly losing control of my life

When I drink a lot I want to change for the better. When I don't drink I just want to drink.

Right now I've drink a lot and I want to make something of myself when I'm sober.

I take prozasin 4Ptsd related nightmares.
Also perc & tequila .. except I can never seem to sleep.

Cheer up. Everyday is another chance. At least your not vegan. Get a nice fat Angus burger , a good American meal and get ur life back on track on a full stomach.

Oh don't worry the burgers were meaty and fucking amazing
The vodka is completely trash though, only bought it because it was on discount, never again

This is by no means severe withdrawal. If you have no access to medication, my suggestion is to take a drink. I can't count how many times I have been in your situation, and have been able to taper off. Severe withdrawal typically comes in the form of delirium tremens which is actually a bit rare. You can be fine, user. Just slowly slow down on the liquor, and in a few days, you will be physically fine. I don't know where you are mentally, so that might be a different story.


If you put sugary drink like pepsi cola or soda pop in your vodka does it neutralize the sugar so that you won't get cavities because the vodka kills the bacteria in your mouth?



So I woke Thursday feeling sick in a way I've never felt and had good reason to believe I was having some rather serious withdraws.
I ended up detoxing over night in the hospital. Friday night I got home with some weed but even with accidentally getting a little too stoned, I just couldn't sleep much. In the early morning I slept a couple of times for an hour and a half to two hours each, both times waking up in a pool of sweat. I figured I'd have to deal with this for a couple more days. Last night I got just a bit stoned and made sure I took my last dose of Gabapentin shortly before bed. I laid down and fell asleep faster than usual and woke up a couple hours later, with some mild sweating. I got back to bed and slept the rest of the night with no issues. I woke up feeling better than I have in, months, at least, if not years.
I've done plenty of fucked up shit because of drinking.
I've been woken up by police with my car parked in someones yard, a couple hours from where I live, with a pistol sitting on the passenger seat.
I've fallen asleep on the freeway with the cruise control set to 70mph and wrecked an F-150, I bought new 6 months earlier. I've watched my dad go into seizures from DT's and leave in an ambulance.
There have been plenty of events to give me a reason to say "this is enough." But what ever happened Thursday really clicked something in my brain. I just don't want to drink anymore. The habit is still there. Sometimes I open the freezer to grab the bottle for a shot, just because I'm in the kitchen and that's what I do, but I'm not disappointed when I don't see the bottle. I've never felt like this. I have Naltrexone but I didn't even take one last night because I felt like it would be a waste of a pill.
I imagine there have been countless people in the position I'm in right now, who have fallen back into it and I'm not naive enough to think it won't happen to me. I'm just pretty psyched about how I'm feeling right now.

please explain furher

I just need to make sure I maintain this feel.

Just switch to diet now.
I'm pretty sure drinking all the soda with the alcohol contributed hugely to my diabetes.
Just start getting used to diet. It tastes normal soon enough.

One day at a time m8.You seem to be in the right mindset for success.

I am looking for some details about whiskey sales in the US, I am hoping to find regional differences in consumption

Why is russian import beer green bottle?

No. Sugar is sugar.
Drinking vodka and water may be good against cavities, but it fucks with gums and periodontium. There isn't much point in having cavity-less teeth if they fall.

Get back on the wagon. Now.
We love you.

Congrats on your first night of sober sleep.
The great feeling fades away as you get used to this newfound normality. You'll have to teach your brain to sleep sober without spending a few days almost sleepless. Have a good sleep hygiene. It's boring as fuck, but it helps more long-term than pot.
One day at a time my friend, you've got a long road ahead of you. Take it easy.

Appreciate your knowledge. Thanks for the post and hope you figure it out.

Yeah that's why I avoid sugar like the plague, but it's the bacteria that take the sugar and shit out acid which fucks your teeth and causes cavities, so I'm wondering if the vodka will kill the bacteria and so the sugar won't do shit

whats generally the sweetest drink to have outside of cocktail

My cum.

Now fuck off


High fructose corn syrup.

Fuck me
30% vodka 70% fanta
my breath is fire

>he doesn't drink just vodka and water 50/50

Fucking fag

i was already drunk when i bought the soda, might as well put it to use now

Which is least safe, Imported russian or polish?

Just drink ukrainian
they make tbest vodkas

>tfw brother killed himself on Monday
>been drinking 2x more then I usually do
>got the spins at the funeral and had to sit down
>been sobbing uncontrollably for days
>woke up at 4am this morning crying
>took some ativan and had a few strong gin and tonics
>sitting on my deck watching the sun come up and smoking a cigarette thinking about him

I won't kill myself because I know my parents couldn't handle losing 2 children to suicide, But I honestly can't wait until I die. So we can be together again

He was my best and only friend

I spilled my drink
Please don't spank me al/ck/ I promise I'll be good from now on

Russia has way more corruption, meaning safety violations are more likely to be swept under the rug

I would buy one of these and take two empty jugs and divide the full one among the three so the were each 1/3 full. Then top one of them off with some generic lemon/lime soda.
Then I would take a pint glass and fill it 1/3 and top of with the sugar drink.
I'm diabetic.
Start making Bloody Marys

wtf is bloody mary?
ive heard that shit in movies

I'm no bartender but this is what I did
Tomato juice
Wooster sauce
Celery salt
Black pepper
Stir with celery stalk

there are real recipes on Google, obviously

>3 bottles a fiver at tesco, twelve units total
many a blacked out nights thanks to this fucking stuff

thats way too much shit to put into a drunk

>tfw so hung over the smell of your diarrhea makes you throw up

It's pretty good, even without the vodka.
When I was too lazy to mix the whole drink, I would just mix the vodka with the tomato juice.
Tomato juice is just a healthier option than a sugar drink, at the end of the day.

Poland is part of the EU, so it's almost certain to be fine.

does it tast good, just with plain tomato juice, and maybe some salt?

I prefer the Bloody Mary, but sometimes you just don't feel like mixing it together. I think it tastes just fine though. Tomato juice usually comes with plenty of salt in it already, but if you like more, go ahead.
I enjoy drinking tomato juice just by itsel as a breakfast drink anyway. It might not be for everyone.
If you have no interest in ever mixing the Bloody Mary together, use V8 or Clamato. I prefer Clamato, myself.

>tfw your piss reeks worse than your shit

If going with V8, I would get the spicy one, but only if this isn't available.
If you can find Snap-e Tom, use that under all circumstances. This shit is tits.

>get drunk
>start openly hitting on a queer in front of everyone
>wake up butt naked in friend's apartment having puked on his floor

How do I not act like a total retard in public?

1) Stay home
2) Don't drink too much

I think I'll experiment around, need a decent mixer for vodka, as for those store bought things, I doubt I'll find them anywhere in my country.
Another thing that goes well with vodka is pickle juice.

>live in Scotland
>apparently we can't be trusted with multibuy deals on booze

Where do you live? Are vegetable drinks uncommon?

In Germany, yeah we also have lots of vegetable juices, I just don't know the brands and wasn't sure what they were supposed to be

>sober again today
>cleaned the house
>afterwards automatically go to the fridge for a reward beer
>only when I'm looking into the beerless fridge I realise I was going for a beer in the first place

Just having booze in the house I would probably relapse without even noticing it.

I keep doing this

>getting drunk off beer

Takes me a gallon of 7% personally.

I prefer tomato juice or full bloody marry over V8, but I guess it depends on your personal tastes.

I keep looking into my freezer for a bottle that isn't there
I was saying I had that in common, looking for a drink that I intentionally don't keep around anymore.