Claims no sweeteners on label

>claims no sweeteners on label
>erythritol 2nd or 3rd ingredient
The only reason they can do this is because the FDA hasn't been able to prove that erythritol is a sweetener yet.

Hurry up FDA so I can class action.

fuck off pajeet. learn to shit in a fucking toilet

bitch do I look indian to you. Go poo in someone elses loo neuton.

>Letting you eat things it doesn't even understand
Sounds about right.

>tfw you have to check every label on every food to make sure there is no erythritol, xylitol, or other sugar alcohols because they make your ass explode
>tfw everything that claims to be unsweetened has fucking sugar alcohols in it now
i guess i'll just stick to my rock and water diet

>occurs naturally in fruit

Oh no, the nasty fruit chemicals will get me!

the kidney destroying compounds that occur naturally in mushrooms are good for me!

>stupid pajeet seething he cant get free shit because his dumb lawsuit doesnt have a leg to stand on, just like how he doesnt have a loo to poo in
fuck off back to india sanjay and show bobs and vagine on your way out

>muh natural is good
Apple seeds contain cyanide. If you concentrated that down like you did erythritol, well it wouldn't taste so good.

What do you have against almonds?

They make shitty milk and shitty activated memes

It's better than soy milk.

erithritol drys out my tongue and destroys my stomach.

im pretty sure you will be able to sue them for other things.

Is that what murdered my insides when I tried to eat this ice cream? I thought it was all the sugar alcohol.

how did you conclude they were Indian by that post you fucking moron?

I'm vegan so I would never eat this stuff anyway.

the oatmeal cookie flavor made me paint the toilet at work like 5 times in one day

the red velvet flavor was pretty ok when I tried this stuff out, not as good as real icecream but it would do the job considering how low calorie it is

but then I tried the mint was literally like eating frozen toothpaste, absolutely terrible. and the "chip" was very literal, because there was about 4 chips in the whole thing, so about 1 chip per serving

erythritol --))is((-- a sugar alcohol ya inbred

>claims no sweeteners on label
no it doesn't

Plus, any vegan knows how to make soft serve from bananas. There's no market for this.

yes it does, i'm eating one right now and it says, all natural, no sweeteners, began friendly.

This shit is 6 bucks at publix, fuck that.

I'm looking at their website and they all list milk, cream, and eggs as the first three ingredients, followed by a raft of sugar alcohols, and ending in stevia. If you're actually eating it and not trolling, I'll give you some time to respond because you're probably shitting yourself inside out right now. Otherwise, pic related is me.


Not so tough now are u big goy.

it says no artificial sweeteners.

Yeah,fuck publix

>no ARTIFICIAL sweeteners
How retarded are you?

Why isnt this stuff available in Yurop reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


>vegan feels the need to announce that they're vegan

Imagine my shock

Wait, a sugar alcohol? So it's uh, it's a laxative and if the landwhales it's being marketed to actually inhale a whole pint they'll shit themselves like they chewed an entire pack of Orbit gum? Is erythritol a polyol?

erythritol is the fancy fake sugar. that's good stuff man.
Sorbitol and malitol are the low tier trash sweeteners that will wreck your guts.

I got a pint for free with a coupon. The seal on the top actually encourages you to eat the whole thing in one sitting.
>dis ice cream be gud fer me ill just buy and eat 2 pints a day

There is a difference between a vegan and a vegetarian.

>mfw eating this stuff for the first time and I see this thread

I hope I get some crazy diarrhea later. I could use a good cleansing.

Their vanilla flavor is disgusting.

You'll be fine as long as you're not a fat fuck that eats the whole pint.

why else would you get one of these things, that's the point.

but they said i should

Mushed bananas =/= ice cream, retard. No matter how much mental gymnastics you perform

erythritol has a much diminished laxative effect compared to the other common sugar alcohols like sorbitol and maltitol to the point you would have to eat far more than a pint of Halo Top to observe it.

What about consumed over time? I know people who are pile driving these things.

How fucking new are you son? Call center working Poo in the loos have been carrying out viral marketing campaigns on this site for fucking years.

No one cares about how much of an autist you are


It was relevant to the thread