Can we get a General retail/food worker thread going?

Can we get a General retail/food worker thread going?
>work at Wal-mart
>literally every single customer asks "do you guys sell those glasses" (never specify the eclipse but whatever right)
>tell them we're selling them in the seasonal aisle
>they ask where that is
>this loops for every single customer
thinking about quitting desu

working at walmart is a great incentive to get a 2 year degree or some trade training.

> Working is haaaarrerrd!
> People don't automatically know things!
> I'm expected to do work and interact with customers!

Maybe if you cry hard enough on reddit, they'll give you Universal Basic Income and you can enjoy not having to work before the economy collapses.

Do you guys give a shit about shoplifters. I "forget" to scan at least ten dollars every time I go there and I've been going to the same Walmart weekly for almost a year and a half now.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to just put some eclipse glasses right next to the cash register for a week or so? I'm pretty sure that's what supermarkets did during the 1999 solar eclipse over here.

Hell yes. Especially older gypsy women. God I love when they start to scream and panic when we catch them shoving stuff up their dress

Management says were supposed to but legally theres not a lot i can do, try to stop someone leaving the store without the ability to physically restrain them, like we cant touch them at all, cant grab em, cant lay a fucking finger on them, even if we know theyre stealing, like we can physically watch it happen and all we can do is call the cops. Shits fucked yo.

It blows my fucking mind that they dont hire designated security staff...the stock loss from theft alone for 2 months alone would cover a yearly salary for one guard.

I actually fucking love being a cashier.
>flirting with milfs all day
>chatting with nice old people
>making $24 an hour
shits pretty cash yo.

I was opening the store one morning and my opening cashier walks up to me and hands me a package of bacon. She found it on her lane. I suppose the customer the night before had decided they didn't want it and instead of handing the damn thing to the cashier they just left it sitting on the shelf at the end of her lane.

There's a McDonalds and a Starbucks nearby so I'm always finding their trash laying around the store and left in our carts. People also shove trash in the cigarette can so sometimes it catches fire and starts to smoke. Not like it's obvious that it's for cigarettes since it has a small opening and long skinny neck. Also there's an actual trash can ten feet away from it.

One night when i was closing a cashier walks up to the customer service associate and hands her a Slim Jim. She said she had seen a customer pick one up and stick it in her shirt to scratch her back then left it on the counter.

A general disrespect by people for property that isn't theirs that they have no intention on paying for. Theres no real demographic for it. Black or white old or young. They're all terrible people. The only consistent thing is that they tend to be women. Women tend to leave shit on the floor and women tend to open packaged items to "check" them and leave the contents in piles on the counter or floor. The kind of shit that isn't made to be opened until after purchase.

Also this. Technically we aren't allowed to accuse anyone of theft nor can we touch or detain them. One of the other supervisors told me the other day that when she went to check the women's bathroom she found two empty electronics packages (probably phone cords or cheap headphones) floating in the toilet and an almost empty bottle of Snapple on the TP box.

>She said she had seen a customer pick one up and stick it in her shirt to scratch her back then left it on the counter

We are sorry, but the fingers you have used to push this keypad..are too fat. For a special dialing wand, please see the nearest store associate.

Targetfag here. Always work the late shift.
My manager and I chase these people outside the store, tackle, whatever. Its fun as fuck and stops shoplifters

I thought chasing shoplifters was against corporate policy. Or was I memed.

Dude you work at fucking walmart. Its not hard work. Fucking milinials

I get nice and considerate people too but a lot ten to be rude and gross. We damaged out that slim jim obviously.

>making $24 an hour

I really really find this post and its poster disgusting. You work at walmart, as a chasier. Shit is not cash. You dont flirt with any milfs, you dont chat to anyone, you dont make 24 dollars an hour as a walmart cashier. Really really pathetic. How old are you and how did you find this site?

Do Americans really do this?

>answering people's viable quastions makes you want to quit even though it's literally part o your job
wow what a bitch


>People are terrible
N oshit. I experience a wave of satisfaction when a major bombing or shooting happens.

Nope. It's actually a pain at the smaller store I work at now because my manager is from the old-school where he'd chase down and beat the shit out of shoplifters, so he gets a hard-on whenever he sees them. Then I have to go hunting them down and pretending like I give a shit.
I don't. It doesn't affect my check, just some numbers I never see. I will walk away if a shoplifter looks like they're ready to square up (it's happened) and I won't run after them if they take off.

>>literally every single customer asks "do you guys sell those glasses" (never specify the eclipse but whatever right)
Isn't this the main purpose of a WalMart greeter? To answer the burning question for every shopping coming in the door? "what can I help you with today?" and then give directions? Why does your store not have a greeter?

>work at smallish national chain that's being mismanaged into the ground
>they keep cutting hours but insisting we hire more people
>old-timers getting slower and lazier
>most new hires are gone in 6-12 weeks in a cycle of being short-staffed, then overstaffed, then short-staffed again
>customers are trash or elderly
>even the jester seems to have given up
>doesn't really try to mess with people, just shouts racial slurs and lazily shoves milk out of the dairy cooler doors
>one time it even helped me get shopping carts without pulling any shit
>found it crying in the maintenance closet one night
>manager sadly tells me it's probably going to die soon
I'm waiting for a big enough excuse to quit, but since I do my job better than any new hires since I started a couple of years ago most people like me well enough to where I don't hate it, and since I'm in college I don't feel the despair of being trapped there.
I don't know what to do about the jester though, on one hand I'm a little worried but on the other I'm kind of afraid of it.

Every walmart near me has lacked the glasses sold out. Also, they recalled them last thursday and delisted them online.

What the fuck is the jester

Lol I used to work at Walmart and so much shit got stolen. Expensive shit. I worked produce so I was right by the door, saw it happen daily. It was easy and nobody could do anything

>Nigger comes in with shopping cart
>Goes to electronics and puts a big TV in cart
>Walks back to front door
>Starts running as the theft alarm rings
>Has getaway vehicle and driver waiting with the trunk open
>Throws TV in trunk and they speed off

I noticed it was a racially mixed Walmart being equally black, white and Hispanics but the people stealing stuff were always black niggers


We're supposed to care and you get rewarded with a measly 25$ gift certificate in our store for catching one but it isn't worth it to get possibly stabbed by Jamal.

>>even the jester seems to have given up
>>doesn't really try to mess with people, just shouts racial slurs and lazily shoves milk out of the dairy cooler doors
What did the jester mean by this.

Captcha: juan schneider

Helping normal customers who have normal questions is actually the best part of the job. I like helping people and making them happy. Not every customer is normal and pleasant though. I've seen alot of fuckery in my years at Wal-Mart.

> Doing price changes one day, price of the item is going up. I have to cut the old price off of the price tag with a pair of scissors before putting the price sticker on
> Customer sees me doing this
> Gets angry, tells me that what I'm doing is highly illegal
> "...Are you honestly unaware of the existence of inflation? There is nothing illegal about this."
> He complains to a manager
> Manager tells him that it's not illegal but that he would sell him the item at the old price
> He never even wanted the item
Retail will make you hate people

Some customers expect too much though. Like, we carry thousands of items, and some people expect us to know everything there is to know about all of them. We have an electronics department, therefor we should all be IT professionals. We have an automotives department, therefor we should all be automotive mechanics. We have a hardware department, so we should all be handymen. Even though I don't work in housewares, I should know the difference between microwave A and microwave B off the top of my head, and I should also know the exact reason why one costs $10 more than the other.

"We don't sell pomemon cards individually ma'am. If your son wants a specific card, may I recommend the comic book store on [street name]? ... Ma'am, please stop yelling"

>his store doesn't have a jester
Must be a coastal thing

>Work at pretentious short order restaurant
>It's basically fast food for people who think they're too good for fast food, and they like to hammer this point home by ordering shit that's not even on the menu. Or making orders that adhere to diets that don't make sense.
>Bacon cheeseburger, no bun, wrap in lettuce, side pound of fries seasoned with curry spice.
Why? Any good done by forgoing that bun will be counter acted by that pound of fries.
And just because I have the means to mix up some garam masala doesn't mean I should for one cunts french fries, when I have ten other orders to make.

Tell us more about the jester

This is the salary an ordinary worker makes per hour in the US

what card did he want?

Depends on how whipped your store is. At Jewel, only full-time employees get to chase them down. We part timers only get to make threats/call the party van.

Human cockroaches

i worked for a chain french restaurant for like a week.
>end of shift
>dumbass line forgets that they already gave some lady her soup
>spills it on the sandwich
> me being tired and spacing out take it to her anyway
> complains
> I take it back and move on with bussing some tables
>sandwich is re made, I grab it and take it to her, busy trying to finish cleaning so i can got home to play some vidya
> 20 mins later manager takes me aside
> fuckme.jpg
> " hey user she says you were rude to her"
> wut
> the bitchy customer says I gave her a "dirty look" and "slammed the food on the table"
> manager says i'll get a second chance
>comes in friday, two shifts after the incident
> hey user you don't work here anymore.
> apparently the owner's FUCKING WIFE said
I couldn't work anymore, even though the managers and the owner were fine with having me on.
> kill me

>Work in the bakery at generic food retailer
>Manager can't use a computer to save his life, all paperwork is copies of copies of copies from 20 years ago, any new paperwork is full of typos and shit, refuses to enter daily production and stale-outs for future tracking
>Department lead makes everything "how he likes it" and we're losing cash because all items are 25-300% bigger than they should be
>Wrapping crew has not one but two 30-somethings with ADHD/OCD that prevents them from working at a decent pace, but they can't be fired because the store can't handle the bullshit paperwork to actually write them up
>Nothing is cleaned properly until 20 minutes before the monthly EcoLab inspection
>Boss, yesterday, five minutes before my shift ends: "user, how can we make money off this 'eclipse' thing that's coming up?"
>Make pic related, go home, resume search for intelligent life in other bakeries

Holy shit I hope you actually made that

>2 months' theft could cover a guard's salary
>open 24 hours
>3 shifts
>need two guards if you're going to bother, to deal with vacations/sick days/the "have your kid pocket visibly pocket a candy bar and get a stern talking to while you're filling yeungling 12-packs with dogfish head" scam

you'd just lose even more money on hiring, training, benefits, and probably increased liability insurance to cover if someone shanks your guard/if your guard roid rages out, suplexes the 10-year-old pocketing a Snickers, and breaks his neck

>Used to work at Safeway, a grocery chain in the Pacific Northwest
>Courtesy Clerk positions were a revolving door of people my age who would do nothing, and expect to get paid.
>Managers routinely fucked you over for shifts even when they knew you needed time off for something important.
>They would have me working as late as 1 AM and as early as 6 AM, often doing both in the span of one week, and even doing them back-to-back which was completely illegal.
>If you complained you didn't get hours.
>They'd threaten to fire you for refusing to work when you'd literally just vomited in the employee restroom.
>Once every three months this old timer would walk in, ask for something that probably never even existed like meat tenderizer in bulk, and then pitch a fit when we didn't have it.

Hate doesn't even describe it. From what I've heard the long term employees got fucked up the ass when Albertson's bought Safeway and proceeded to flush all their long term benefits and perks down the toilet.

>Do you guys give a shit about shoplifters. I "forget" to scan at least ten dollars every time I go there and I've been going to the same Walmart weekly for almost a year and a half now.

Depends on what state you live in and whether or not they know you're doing it. Where I live shoplifting is a huge problem- think Chicago grade food deserts because people shoplift so hard that stores actually close- but people pull knives, shanks and guns often enough that stores have strict do-not-interfere policies unless you can separate their product from themselves.

If the store knows you're doing it, they're keeping a rolling tab on you so that they can hit you with theft III- stealing more than $1,000 in product- over something smaller and pettier. Or at least that's how things work in Oregon.

Odds are? They don't know, or if they do, they don't care. They're looking for the person with $1,000 bucks worth of steaks and laundry detergent piled into their cart.

>manager can't use a computer
How do these people even get employed. My 90 year old grandmother buys groceries online.

That cake is fucking genius though, 10/10

Yep, made that. Been making a few more with that kind of "Happy whatever, have some cake" inscription to catch people's attention. They sell faster than the usual flower/balloon designs.

I just like decorating cakes.

>I'm going to tell corporate about this!
Is there a dumber threat? Why the fuck would some suits care that your meat got scanned wrong (and fixed before you payed) in some supermarket they only know by number?

>I never worked in retail.

For some reason I find that really funny

They did you a favor

>waah, I got fired from a shit restaurant job

So? Walk a couple blocks down the street and get hired immediately to replace the drunk/addict that didn't show up for that evenings shift.

Always happy to get a bit of good feedback, heh.

I've found that I'm kinda torn about my job: I like what I do, the pay isn't terrible, the customers are all pretty decent for the most part, but it's purely the management that's fucked up. Whether it's their inability to write an email or their total lack of production numbers from the last two decades, they just seem like they wouldn't be able to be hired for their own positions if interviewed today.

At least I've got Halloween to look forward to again. Holiday decorating is always fun.

cool cakes dude

>let me speak to your manager
Go for it, lady. What I won't tell you is that my manager values the one good employee over the one shitty customer's business. Act like a cunt, but he knows I'm always on time, rarely call out, get a ton of work done when it matters, do as I'm told and if left to my own devices I am guarantee to be remarkably productive.
It's a sad state of affairs when someone who just does their job is hard to replace.

Restaurants are garbage. Retail can be tedious but I'd never go back to a kitchen.

Thanks. I got lucky and fell into it a number of years ago, and it just turned into something I really enjoyed.


>worked retail once
>read all these horror customer stories over and over again on the internet
>only had one problem where this customer tried to tell me how to put deli on the scale his way
>in reality its just demeaning as fuck wearing a uniform and being expected to do all this menial work for minimum wage while i have a degree
>get fired 2 weeks later for "not taking the job seriously" when in reality they just didn't want a sperg lord around them
>guy who sold weed in the break room and never showed up on time got to stay

Gave me a laugh, thanks

It fucking bugs the shit out of me when I see (mostly indian/asian women) eating the fuck out of grapes and cherries in the damn grocery store. They'll ditch the pits of the cherries just wherever like fucking heathens. Disgusting cunts.

Last pic for the night, don't want to turn this into a personal blog, heh. Always good to see that other folks are going crazy at their jobs and it's not just me.


I like you

Damn dude, looks good. Do you enjoy making bread and shit as well?

>while i have a degree
What degree, answer this question carefully.

jesus, why so salty.

Who even said i work at wallmart? And yeah, actually i do all of those things, granted its only once or twice a week for a few hours.

I'll break it down for you since its so damn unbelievable.

Im a casual employee so i make more than a salaried employee, im over 22 so i make more than the teenagers working there, ive been working there for 4 years so ive got a payrise once as incentive to stay. I also work in a country that has a higher minimum wage than places like the US.

> They'll ditch the pits of the cherries just wherever like fucking heathens.

fucking THIISSSS!

i dont care if you want to try the fruit out to check if its sweet or not but at least throw away the fucking pits in the trash. dont just leave it on the ground or bury them with the rest of the cherries.

A bit. Cakes are really my thing, though. I spent a year at Sam's Club as a wrapper before they trained me in on decorating basics, and it took off from there. I've always been fairly artistic.

I get the appeal of making breads and buns on site, but these guys are killing themselves by not bringing in any frozen bread or cookie dough. With the daily $300 in stale-outs, they could cut costs by not wasting time mixing, running machines, and washing bowls... not to mention the packing, labeling, and baking. If we need 12 packs of chocolate chip cookies, they'll run a rack of 40 packs, because they have to mix a full batch and can't just whip out a dozen trays of frozen dough. Back at Sam's, it was all frozen stuff, all done quickly by low-skill high school students, and the customers didn't have any quality complaints; these "old school bakers" I work with just refuse to throw in the towel, and it's hurting us.

liberal arts duh

>work in a clothes store
>Customers asks me for a pair of shoes on the wall
>Doesn't ask for a specific size or has to take off their shoe and check to see what size it is

Don't know how people are so stupid


Any way you could show management that you are good at more than just being the best cake decorator in the world? Help them with the emails and stuff, get a promotion of some sort, idk.

It's not about having to hire extra people, they don't allow you to touch people to prevent lawsuits.

>Work in a fuel kiosk for a chain store.
>Notice the place smells like bad ozone.
>Boss doesn't do jack shit.
>Finally they replace the AC filter that looks like a dead square rat.
>Smell keeps going on but not getting sick weekly.
>Go on lunch, come back to the manager outside the kiosk closing off all of the pumps, the guy covering my shift coughing a fit.
>The computer literally caught on fire because of all of the dust it sucked up.
>Customers keep trying to drive through the caution tape to get gas, get mad when we tell them the place is closed.
>"But I get gas here all the time this is bullshit!"
>"I guess I will take my business elsewhere!"
>"I hope you all get fired for this!"
>At one point my boss is just standing there with me smoking a cigarette watching people get pissed.

She does Botox. Doesn't change the fact that her skin is very youthful and healthy looking, especially compared to others her age, thanks to taking care of it.

Nope. Think southern hemisphere and english speaking.

>Not realizing its your fucking job to be a smiling nice person

Nobody gives a fuck about your bad day or your opinion when you work that kind of job.

>Been stocking vegetables at blue vest for six years (29, started when I was 23)
>Couple days ago one of the newer guys who are all in school asks me "Do you plan to work here your whole life?"
>Can't work anywhere else because of schizophrenia and angry resting face

Haha sure thing wagie.

>Old lady comes my coworker's lane.
>Proceeds to tell him, umprompted, that North Korea has "The Bomb"
>Find out she was right later that day

ah South Africa, whats up neighbor?

Please stop bothering employees who are on their break. Please.

>he doesn't reset his break time every time he has to help someone
I wasn't on break, I was walking to place x when a customer stopped me because they needed help.

Works everytime

Sir, do you work here?

>Work at decent burger joint
>Answer the phone
>"Hi thank you for calling my name is ano-"
>"Let me speak to your manager"
>"Oh I'm sorry sir he isn't available, he'll be back in about 30"
>"I need him right now though"
>"Well I'm sorry, maybe I could help?"
>"Ok fine, I guess, 40 minutes ago I ordered chili cheese chips, and I got chili cheese fries!!"
>"Oh I'm sorry sir, would you like to do a refund or would you like to get the correct order? You can come on down and we'll solve this for you"
>"Well I want my chips, but I don't want to come down there"
>"I'm sorry sir there isn't much I can d-"
>"Why the hell not!?"
>"SIr I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do for you from here..."
>"Fine, thanks for nothing."
>Hangs up
>Comes in next day to get refunded
>Too late to do anything for him

fuck that guy

What did you do that was spergy?

>Not instantly using a shitty English accent and telling him "Oi, we call em chips ere." then hanging up.

You know, I never gave much thought to the plebes. I often forget who these losers are.

Nope, kinda close...lots of sand, dry, dark skinned more chance.


No, its not for someone in a deadbeat job like retail. At best it would be like 10-11 bucks an hour.

Depends on cost of living and the retailer. Not that it's going to stop employers from underpaying

>>they just didn't want a sperg lord around them
>>guy who sold weed in the break room and never showed up on time got to stay
The thing a lot of you aspie autist wizards never get is that you can get away with a ton of shit if you're halfway likeable or useful outside of work.
You can the hardest working person in the store and they'll throw you under the bus the first chance they get if they don't like you.
All you need to do is pretend to be friendly, say hi to everyone you see, remember their names, fake caring about their problems, and don't let them catch you acting like a retard.
The easiest thing to do is to smoke weed with them, let them know you're not a threat. People still retardedly equate weed with being cool, so just take a few puffs and always provide and they'll eat out of your hand.

>T.Gullible Idiot
That or sperg boy is cherry picking details because he's telling the story.

As someone who has worked retail for years it's not necessarily hard, just soul draining user.

>tfw customers start to look like farm animals


well someones gotta do it user. I thought I would be trapped in retail too, but I lucked into a union factory job

>You know, I never gave much thought to the plebes. I often forget who these losers are.
want to know a little secret? the last time you ate out and acted like a cunt? yea, there was a flem globber in your food somewhere.


>implying b8
user is a sperg and got fired for it, nothing deeper. Calm down there, NEET

>just got job as 3rd shift stocker at meijers (regional grocery)

how do I not fuck up and get fired