Pop quiz hot shot

Pop quiz hot shot

You're about to order a pizza and you can only get 2 toppings

What do you do?

white sauce isn't a topping, it's a substitute
maybe provolone?

Onion and any meat topping. Boom done.

artichoke and anchovy

Pineapple and choves

Pepperoni and jalapeƱos (if they're fresh, not that pickled shit).

That or pepperoni and black olives.

Bacon and extra cheese

Ham and pineapple, obviously.

It was a trick question

I actually got 4 toppings

sausage, pork, onions and green pepper

Sauce and cheese.

It's not what on top of the pizza that counts, but what's on the crust.


Green peppers and onions

Bacon and sriracha sauce.

Anchovy & pineapple

> Having such a bad taste in pizza

Du jambon sec et des anchois, je sais pas le dire en anglais

Cheese and tomato sauce.
Fucking idiots up in this thread

Get out of here, you fucking French Canadian

These are the only correct answers.

Banana peppers and pepperoni

>no sauce at all
>goat cheese
>fresh rocket on top

you retards understand what "toppings" mean right? sauce and cheese are not a topping. your not being clever your literally retarded troglodytes.

penis and d*ck

this is a website full of united statesmen and we only speak american, not terrorist you retard

Buffalo mozzarella and olive oil

also pepperoni and pepperoni

>only allowed to toppings
>unlimited bottomings

lasso a shoelace around my neck and jerkoff

sausage and feta

Pepperoni and another 2 topping pizza as a topping

They own troglodytes that have learning difficulties?

Can I make it a white pizza? If so, broccoli and extra garlic.

If not, pepperoni and black olives.

pepperoni and jalapenos

Onion, jalapeno

You see Ivan...

Pepperoni and jalapeƱo

no thanks i ate before i came

Pepperoni and Mushroom

Pepperoni and extra cheese or capers and onion

Pepperoni and red pepper or jalapeno or banana pepper.

Not green pepper, green pepper sucks.