Does Veeky Forums like tea?

Does Veeky Forums like tea?

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Yes. Either green or Earl Grey, with nothing added.

Fruity light tea or Earl Grey. I absolutely hate mint flavoured tea, drinking it feels like a punishment.

When you are drinking coffee on regular basis it kind of blocks your neural receptors. Tea is definitely psychotropic but when you are tripping on coffee all the time, tea has no real effect. Which sucks cause the tea-high is really nice desu


Bump, ask a person with all colors and kinds collection anything

i made the mistake of buying sencha and orange pekoe from costco and now I have 400 tea packets, and I don't drink tea everyday so who knows how long that's gonna last me.

two days
you'll see

Builders tea milk 1 sugar master race coming through

Yorkshire tea w/ tiny splash of skimmed milk and 1 sugar

I'm currently drinking a Yanabah tea and it's not very nice.
Never tried it before and was curious.

>Chai/Vanilla Chai.
>Earl Grey.
>Lady Grey.
>Green (with or without lemon).
All really nice and could drink them all day.
I don't drink much tea these days though.

>Lapsang Souchong.
Really have to be in the mood for this... it's a weird heavy smokey flavour.

>Lady Grey
More zesty than Earl Grey

More heavy on the citrus flavour.
It's really nice.

I had earl gray once and got nauseous from it, I couldn't finish it.

I'm a puerh autist

The only tea I drink is green, hot with no sugar or milk added, just plain.

Assam Royal Milk Tea
Earl Grey


Anyone had shaded green tea (gyokuro)?

It's too expensive

Although Matcha is also shaded and I love it

Tea is the most fedora food t.b.h


I like
Green Tea straight up
Earl Grey straight up or with milk
I like my Turkish cay
I like my assam tea
and indian style chai

Anyone have the pastebin for tea general?

Sounds boring. You need to find a tea shop and expand your horizons. These are my standbys.

Lung Ching
Dong Ding
Mao Feng
Bai Mudan

I love Indian chai. It's so creamy without diluting the chai flavor

i sure do

making some right now

About to grandpa some shou

I like black tea. I have a lot of Yorkshire. No additions.

By the way, I recommend teafags to get some pic related. It's ubiquitous in Russia but pretty much sold nowhere else, and it's in fact very good.

A bit expensive to buy on the internet though, because again, only sold in Russia.

I grew chamomile this year on my balcony so every other day I get to make chamomile tea. It's pretty good.

Is cheap loose leaf tea from chink stores worth buying? Is it at least better than regular Lipton bagged supermarket stuff?

Depends, chink store puer is disgusting, but their tieguanyin is usually drinkable (they're usually just labeled as oolong, the leaf itself looks like pic related it can be a lot greener or darker depending on roast). Sea dyke brand very roasted oolong is also common, I dont like it very much as you taste pretty much only roast but its still miles ahead from bags.

I dint have the link atm, I'm on vacation but it's it's pretty outdated and I lack time/patience to make a new one/redo the old one.
As bad as r/tea is their faq is decent to get started if you know nothing at all, just dont lurk any of the actual posts, its pure garbage, the only advantage of it is to keep track of what usernames have shit taste so you just ignore them, a luxury we dont have here.
A good place to lurk is reading old threads on teachat, you dont need an account to lurk on most boards.
If you were looking for a specific resource or a vendor to get a tea/ teaware I can name some.

I tried genmaicha the other day, it was really good stuff. Like camomile tea too. But haven't really gone mad trying nice tea. I want to get into loose tea at some point when I have some money to throw away

Sure, chai and black tea with milk or plain green /black tea is great to start your day

I really enjoy sencha and I have a bunch of unopened ones I need to work my way through. That picture makes me want to brew some.

I tried those Ito En mugicha bags and didn't like them as much as the House stuff I had before. It seems like it's a lighter roast or something.

Yes, but it was making my kidneys ache so I stopped.

Sweet Iced tea.
Not too much sugar, and not too light.
Crushed Ice with a couple swirls and a lemon slice.

Anyone do herbal tea blending?

Rebuilding my herb stock atm.

Loose leaf Jasmine or Oolong, in a pot, hot. Iced is always nice too.

>all colors and kinds collection
What is that supposed to mean

Pot - nice and hot



love tea, mostly drink oolong and green tea

this is the stuff i drink

The Asian and British shit is bad and that's 90% of all tea so just stay away.

i drink herbal tea, form local shit, cheep as dirt, sometimes even form shit my grandma brings.

I don't think tea from any kind of shit sounds very good user

Most taste like grass, I don't get the appeal. I like the Chinese/ginseng variants though.

Its good. Think sencha with none of tge astringency.

Looks cool. Do you mind describing the taste?

When I make green tea, the green tea is never green. Why?

the trick is to pee in it

I don't claim to be an expert, but the only "Green tea" which I've ever had brew up green like OP is Matcha. Anything else won't have that bright green color.

Yes the tea high is great! Less hyper active jittery feeling, more of a sharp concentration feel.

Any recommended loose leaf greens? I'd be interested.

Google "(your city name here) tea shop" and find a small local place that is not a shitty chain like davids or teavana. Then go in there and look at their list of unflavoured green tea and choose anything.

That being said here are a few types I enjoy.

>Fukamushi sencha
Fukamushi is steamed for longer which makes it less astringent and slightly sweeter. It is also a much finer tea and you are going to get more particles of the leaf so it has more health benefits than regular sencha.

This tea has toasted rice added in which gives it a mild toasty almost nutty flavor

Very aromatic tea. It smells like the seeds of a cherry pits taste. At least to me it does. My mom says it smells like rubber boots.

This is the twigs and stems of the tea shrub. You can get Kukicha which is just the dried twigs or Hojicha which is roasted.

>Lung Ching (dragons well)
This is a higher quality tea that has been pan roasted. it has a very delicate flavour and the leaves become very tender after steeping so you can eat them or use them in cooking.

Very expensive. This is a shade grown tea which concentrates its chlorophyll content making it very grassy and flavorful.

If you go the online route i've heard good things about teavivre specifically for chinese greens and greener oolongs they have cheaper grades and some expensive ones, the midterm will be pretty good I assume, other teas not so much

Western brewing. If you want really good tasting, life changing tea, switch over to gongfu style brewing.

Lots of leaf to water ratio, lower temperatures (for green @ 70°C) and quick, quick brewing times. 10 seconds, and increasing in 5 seconds thereafter.

Try it; it's changed my life.

Looks nice user.

But what tea did you use?

Do you use a gaiwan?

Thank you.

Yes, just green tea and iced tea, nothing added. My mom gave me pic related on Saturday, I drank some with breakfast and was disgusted but she likes it, so I'll give it back this next weekend. This isn't seen as a dick move, we're honest if we don't like something and don't like wasting things.

I'm drinking some green Teekampagne (Some enterprise that specializes in Darjeeling and works closely to the producers) with cardamom now. It works fine with the green tea.

Not that user but yeah, gaiwan is the most versatile tool and cheapest too, there are other options like small glazed teapots but you dont have as much control on steep time of you're flash brewing(due to pour time).
What that user said about brew times, leaf amount and temp can and should be tweaked and experimented with, not all teas are the same even if they have the same 'type', what I do most times is just flash steep and go from there, too watery, give it a few more seconds next infusion, too strong, keep doing water in, water out as fast as possible or let the water cool a bit, dont fall into routines, you might miss some stuff you might not have noticed.
That said, some teas work better closer to western or even grandpa style ( so dont be afraid to try them in different ways

Yes. I agree with the other user
Personally I've only switched to a gaiwan recently but it's been such a pleasure. Besides all the flexibility of use, it's also super convenient. Easy to clean and very portable.

Lemon and ginger
Chamomile and honey

>ginger root
>cut it from 5 to 10 thin slices (depending on how strong you want it)
>add to boiling water
>let it sit for 15 minutes in low heat
>once done, add lime and honey, mix it
>let it sit for another 5 minutes


That's not got remotely anything to do with tea nor camellia sinesis

I forgot the chamomile actually, thanks for the reminder.

when you wipe your ass, do you fold the tp, bunch it up, or wrap it around your hand?

Is Bigelow a good brand or have I been drinking shit-tier tea?

all three apply

Any branded bagged tea will be noticeable shittier then even some low end loose leaf tea, but you dont have to go full autism, you can get a cheap daily drinker and have that, at a point it becomes a rich man's game so you have to know how deep to get

what's better: smoked or non-smoked herba de mate?

tea tastes like shit.

Anyone drink white tea? I found that if you steep it too long, it makes the tea really dark and harsh on the throat. Actually, I find that steeping tea long in general just makes it overly harsh on the throat. Pretty good stuff though.

Also, how do you guys preserve used tea leaves? Like when you do a whole pots worth.

>Anyone drink white tea?
>Also, how do you guys preserve used tea leaves?
I preserve mine in the garbage bin.

what's a good strongish tea?


How many types of tea do you tend to keep on hand at a time? I like to have variety, but I worry about overdoing it. Especially with ones that it's only economical to get in bulk amounts. Right now I have ten, plus a few free samples that came with things I ordered.

Teas that are better fresh(green teas, some blacks, some whites, greener oolongs) I tend to have a small amount, like 50g of each or even less, but I mostly drink puer/darker oolongs so I care a bit less about hoarding those

Steamed teas, like most Japanese greens, will usually brew up a nice green. I've had some that looked like a highlighter color.

Green teas from China and elsewhere tend to be pan fired and brew up a much more mellow color, even amber.

Gyokuro yamashiro?

western tea tastes like mud water

Where do you purchase your tea online? Stores in my area have piss poor tea selection.

i know i'm going to get reamed for this but can anyone recommend a good brand of green tea in bags? i'd like to make some at work and loose leaf won't cut it. the only stuff i've had in a bag is the double matcha from republic of tea which was fairly good, but what are some others to check out?

just get teabags and put your own leaf in

could do. in that case can you recommend any particular DIY bags? i've never done that before

Depends on what you are looking for, its common for vendors to have something they specialize in then have a few mid to low end options in other types to seem like they have a wide selection
As far as I know this is the most up-to-date pastebin. It lists some places online. I like Upton.

Ahmad English Breakfast looseleaf or kill yourself

have you ever heard of google user

There are a million vendors of shit tier tea, google will not get you quality unless you know what you are looking for, stop being retarded

Any tea place will have bags but honestly just buy a teapot/cup with a built in infuser.

>the only stuff i've had in a bag is the double matcha
>matcha in bags

You wot?

I drink too much of it honestly.

Is that bag of sencha open? You should really fold the package down and clip it, air and light are a tea's worst enemy.

Might be an old one, I'm not sure.