How the fuck do I find a real deli near me?

How the fuck do I find a real deli near me?
I've been wanting to buy in bulk from one for a while but I can't fuckin find any. Google just turns up 20 fucking restaurants with "deli" in their name THAT AREN'T ACTUAL DELIS. They make sandwiches and shit but they do not sell cut meat or cheese.

I live in the Midwest and every Northeasterner who moves out here goes on about how the first thing they had to do was find a real deli because apparently back home there's one on every corner and grocery store deli meat is apparently shit compared to fresh cut deli meat.

Why don't you ask all those Northeasterners that you know who moved out there and the first thing they did was find a real deli?

I didn't make friends with any of em. Have you met a Northeasterner?

The one I did stay in touch which moved back in under a year. But she did tell me where she finally found a good deli, and it's an hour and a half away from me. I'm not driving halfway across the state for deli meat.

ok, you're a retarded spaz who made the thread for the purpose of shitposting rather than sincerely soliciting advice

this is clear from your first post, wherein it is made clear that you don't even know that many grocery stores will freshly slice meat on request

good luck with your thread, imbecile

Fuck off, retard. I gave you clear, concise answers and you're just bitching to be a whiny little bitch.

None of my local grocery stores have a deli counter. Most have cake counters, and a counter for hot fried food, but none have those blocks of meat or cheese for you to request cuts of. One local did tell me a butcher shop one town over sold cuts of meat, but it was mostly just pork.

Search for gourmet deli. It will make a huge difference to results

What kind of grocery store doesn't have a deli counter? Do you have nothing but walmart? If so, move out of the fucking sticks into an urban area you fucking redneck.


>None of my local grocery stores have a deli counter

So you literally shop at gas stations then because any self respecting grocery store that ISN'T a gas station has some sort of deli.

Thank you for the advice.
I mostly still get the same results. Half of them are Subways. but there is one new place that popped up selling "gourmet sandwiches, meats, and cheeses." So I'm gonna give them a try. Only 30 minutes away.

Most of the Walmarts I've been to actually have deli counters in their giant warehouse-like stores.

It's mostly small mom and pop grocers here.
Some of them actually are the size of a gas station. I used to buy sugar, flour, all the essentials from a place like that. Because they were the only store closer than 45 minutes away. Was a 70 year old General Store from before statehood.

Nice. Real subtle to just blow someone right out in public like that. Remember to wipe that semen off your chin when you're done.

Peace out fellas. Thanks for showing me what Veeky Forums is all about.

if you actually live in the middle of nowhere I'm sure you can buy directly from a farm or go hunting and cut your own meat

You asked a Veeky Forums board how to find a deli for you? Are you literally fucking retarded? Seriously, what advice could we give you besides "google it"?

That's fine for raw meats, but what does that have to do with deli meats, which are typically cured? You're not going to get ham or pastrami by hunting alone.

Mail order is a very good option. I buy my ham from Benton's. Even after paying shipping it still works out to a lower cost than buying Boar's head from the supermarket and the difference in taste is incomparable.

deli meat is not food.

What's your zip code?

77845, Texas.

See if you can find an ethnic deli around you.

I go to a Polish deli, and there I get amazing ham, sausage, kielbasa, condiments, etc.

How far are you from 77840 area?

Quite close, why?

Well I searched Google for "butcher shops" and that zip code (77845) and one place came up that says it's in the 77840 area code. It's this address 730 Olsen Blvd, College Station, TX 77845 and is called Texas A&M Rosenthal Meat Center

I fucked up and reversed the codes. I looked for ones in 77840 and that place came up that is in 77845.

There's also a place in 77801 called Readfield Meats & Deli

Yeah, I know that place well. I'm curious why you're bringing it up though.

1) I'm not OP.
2) That "meat center" is attached to the university. They sell the by-product of the students who are learning the meat trade. It's a great place to get good deals on things like steaks, but their selection is atrocious and they don't sell any "deli meats". It's not a real butcher shop. It's a place where you can buy the misshapen and oddly cut meat produced by students. Very limited selection.

There is an old-school butcher in town, but their deli meats are commercial stuff like Boar's Head and Eckrich.....which is why I mail order Benton's Ham. It's crazy good, and I'm honestly shocked that it costs as little as it does. A Benton's ham costs about $70 but I'd put it up against ones costing $200 or more. The only thing I've had better was in Spain, and that cost over $100 per *kilo*

Yeah, that was the butcher shop I just referred to in I still think you're confusing me with OP. I'm very happy with my lunchmeat selection. I buy Benton's ham and I make my own roast beef and pastrami. If I'm feeling lazy the HEB supermarket has some excellent in-house roasted chicken, turkey, and beef.

Yeah, I started to realize you weren't OP oh well.

>They sell the by-product of the students who are learning the meat trade

So they're learning to like work in farms or butcher shops at a university?.

What is your opinion on Oscar Meyer's deli meat?

>So they're learning to like work in farms or butcher shops at a university?.

Yeah, it is an Agricultural-centered university user.

>What is your opinion on Oscar Meyer's deli meat?


Why so?. I don't know crap about cooking or meats but would I be better off actually rolling dice on ANY of the ones they have at the deli counter instead of packaged ones?.

Even Walmart here has a deli counter where you can get sliced meats and cheeses.

>Why so?
Very little "meaty" flavor. The turkey (and I assume the chicken, but I haven't tried it) is too salty. The so-called "smoked" products contain very little smoke flavor. The ham isn't actually cured the proper slow way, instead it's injected with flavored salt water.

If you're stuck with deli counter brands then Boar's head is among the better ones. Not great, but better than Oscar Mayer.

>>but would I be better off actually rolling dice on ANY of the ones they have at the deli counter instead of packaged ones?

Almost certainly. Packaged deli meat is a clear indicator of suck. And you don't have to roll the dice at the deli--ask for samples to taste before making your decision.

Ask a Jew...

I dunno if you have a publix super market, but they almost always have a deli section where you can ask them to make a 1/2 pound or 1 pound or whatever youre looking for of freshly sliced meat.

It's a step above pre packaged shit for sure.

one day i want to visit the great state of shitpostia where there are no bakeries, no farmer's markets, and no delis.