Veeky Forums needs a daily Japanese food general

Veeky Forums needs a daily Japanese food general

nice salmonella faggot

>eating leaves and uncooked food
Do Japanese really do this?

Do you know what a garnish is?

Sounds gross. Leave it to the japs.

Before I really contracted salmonella from sashimi, I would have heartily slammed that and asked for more. I haven't eaten raw fish since then and I miss it.

>What is food pics from Japan?
Whatever happened to those threads anyway?

Veeky Forums became a normie site

hopefully went away for good

no we don't
if there's 5 japanese people on this board I'd be surprised, and literally nobody else here cooks actual japanese food
so there's absolutely no reason why we should have one
if you want to look at japanese food that was cooked at some restaurant in japan you can just go to google images for that

at least imo the main point of this board is to post your own cooking, especially if it's some specific kind; posting pictures of food cooked in a restaurant teaches you just about nothing

just my two yen

oh and here's my attempt at tamagoyaki :3

i cook japanese food. i stopped posting it when people sperglorded out that a fresh seasonal menu bumped their soda thread from page 1.

>i cook japanese food
Nice contradiction. The food in the OP is raw meat, raw fish, raw veg and leaves. Literally dog food.

Enjoy your parasites.

This thread needs some sushi.

ok user we get it you're freaked out by food that's not cooked to a lump of charcoal, it's cool

if you can imagine it though, this is popular in japan because they can actually acquire fresh produce, especially fish, and _some_ food is very nice even when on the raw side

on the other hand they do like their fried stuff too

I would never advise doing this in 95% of the places outside japan because it's less likely that they're the obsessive customer service and quality maniacs that japanese people are (which gets annoying incredibly fast)

>giving 2 shits about anonymous' opinion
m8 just post whatever you feel like posting, that's the beauty of this site, nobody gives a fuck, nobody knows who's who, and it will all disappear and be forgotten in a very short while

>how many parasites do you want senpai?
>just **** my **** up

They freeze the fish to kill parasites.
Do you also refuse to eat cured salmon because the parasites werent killed by heating them up?

>Do you also refuse to eat cured salmon because the parasites werent killed by heating them up?
I don't eat any fish or meat that is uncooked. I guess jerky might be an exception but I've never tasted it.

I guess your parents also never made you eat mushrooms or broccoli either.

if i want to talk japanese cooking I can also just go to dat/t, or dat/20 for the sipchicken containment board. if i'm doing it here it's for the benefit of other anons, but something went wrong in Veeky Forums psychology over the past couple years and we've completely lost the openness to new and foreign things that used to be our signature.


You have to be patient with the flyovers, they're still getting used to not saying "the orientals"

Literally worst asian cuisine.

>mushrooms & broccoli
They didn't feed them to me but they are delicious.

>hurr why did my chinese [product] harm me??????? fucking japs!!!!

Thread over now

this thread reminds me of how long me and my family haven't had sushi in a long time

gonna have to drag them this week to a sushi place

>hurrr japanese can eat raw meat and fish because their knives are folded 1000 times and made from the purest tamahagane and it's so fresh it literally doesn't get stored except when it gets frozen

Hipster meme food for normies.

Are you implying the japs dont have really high food standards?
Are you implying flash freezing doesnt kill parasites and in fact makes the fish shittier?
Are you implying basic food hygiene is capitalist western pig american sneaky jap propaganda and that the worm riddled chinese sushi is pinnacre of food?
Are you implying that your midwestern immune system is so fucking fragile that a morsel of sushi will plunge you into shock?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, sleep on train tracks.


>goes through a torturous process
>killed instantly by the knife

Holy fake news. Are (((they))) even trying anymore?


next thing ya know we're gonna be eating human ovaries and balls

>meatball rolls off plate
OMG that poor cow! it's still hungry, it obviously wants to graze on my lawn! how could we do this?!

>an acquired taste
so it's shit

>tastelet posting

Japs basically eat anything. You can still get shit like bee larvae as bar food

ikr brah

hey, are you free next weekend? i'm having a cookout
gonna have that beef offal stuffed in pork offal and served with fruit paste, if you want i'll make it with dyed plastic too
a big old piece of pork covered with bee vomit and left at room temp for a few weeks
a cold keg of rotten mugicha
wifey's gonna make her specialty for dessert, corn extract jelly baked in pounded grass seeds with pigfat


This explains everything you need to know about why he got sick

delicious. my mouth waters just at the sight

they kill it with cold

Can they cook it with cold too? :^)

How much is a step up for a4 and a5 wagyu compared to a3

no, you can only 'cook' with heat or acids.

you can sterilize something with heat, acid, extreme cold, radiation, and chemicals. Rinsing and preventing growth is the top go-to in preventing sickness however.


1 meme unit.

it depends on whether you mean actual grade or marbling scale, and the two are often mixed by crafty foreigners to fool other, more gullible foreigners

gradewise, 3 is somewhere around the best usda choice to the lowest prime, 4 is consistently better than us prime, and 5 is at least as much of a linear improvement over that

scalewise is also linear, and runs with 3 as an choice equivalent and 4 as a flat prime equivalent but goes all the way up to 12

the a/b/c is techically the physical beefiness of the cow, but it's rare to get good c because those are culls and aged-out milk cattle. so apart from the rarity of having been properly fattened to marble well, it may be old with gamier flavor and toughness from muscle development.




A fucking delicious omurice I got in the land of the rising sun.

>"sounds gross"

I'll help you OP. Delicious Tonkotsu ramen.

When did Texas become "fly over?" It's literally the first place most non-Americans think of when you mention the USA and/or American stereotypes.

>he doesn't know
forever plebs on this board I swear

It's not. New York, California and Florida all feature higher

No, no they don't

Yes, they do.

This is a dumb argument. Texas is both flyover and non-flyover depending on the part

Mullet roe (female egg sacks and male gonads) are often battered and fried in the south and called "redneck caviar". I live in the south and have not once met anybody who didn't think it was absolutely revolting, even though they had tried it.