What are the best (cheap) restaurants in rome? are there any actual italians here or just larping americans...

what are the best (cheap) restaurants in rome? are there any actual italians here or just larping americans? going in a few days

Italians were wiped out 300 years ago during the Great Spaghetti Famine. Italy is now entirely populated by Americans doing funny accents

There are absolutely shitloads of them.
I like the Antica Boheme which is on the Esqualine.

You're missing the point. There's a long-standing "thing", even in Italy, that "there are no real Italians south of Rome".

Gotta go to the North to get real Italian food. Or so they say.


That's bollocks though, the northern cities at least are all v. cosmo fashionista dominated. Not sure about the rural north but my impression is that it's a bit "rivieraesque".

>are there any actual italians here or just larping americans?
why in God's name would anyone want to be a disgusting Italian

I never said it was true, user. But there really is some kind of long-standing cultural divide. I don't pretend to know the how-and-why of it, but it really is a thing.

It might have been true once. But you'll find Tuscany a lot more "Italian" than Milan these days.

There is some form of cultural divide, but you missed it entirely.
The basics is north-center-south, but when it comes to food is much more complicated than that.

>gotta go to the North to get real Italian food
Absolute bullshit.
If we're talking about iconic "italian food" that the average foreigner would recognize, actually, the best regions are Emilia-Romagna, Lazio and Campania.
Notice that one is in the south, one is in the center, and one is debated to be either center or north.

Anyway, since you're going to Rome, know that the best pasta dishes (like carbonara, cacio e pepe) are from there. Most restaurants, expecially those not really targeted for tourists, elevate them to absolute masterpieces. And they are usually cheap.

The southern italians are more closely related to romans than the northern.

Really makes you think on who the real 'italians' are, also their cuisine is better. Fact.

get fucked burger

>"Angry Pig panino e porchetta"
it's not a restaurant actually, but you can taste the real "porchetta", which is a rome and lazio's special roasted meat.
People usually eat it with bread, with the vegetal carbon bread is even better than normal bread, actually.
>"La fata ignorante" - The ignorant pixie (translated)
Pretty good place, Recommended, not very expensive.
>Trastevere neighborhood
There are many traditional restaurants there, just look up for something on the guides
>"Sora Lella"
Very Very traditional place

AVOID AT ALL COSTS places that serve "fettuccini alfredo" and such, these things aren't italian by any chance
Italian cuisine is a meme, actually every single region has his OWN cuisine, since you're visiting Rome, go for a traditional roman or lazio restaurant similar to "sora lella".
Menus written in english are usually a bad indicator, meaning that they could be tourist
Tourist traps are located near monuments and points of interests, DO NOT DINE IN FRONT OF THE PANTHEON, it will likely result in a bad experience.
If you see something written in italian, feel free to ask.

Enjoy your trip to Rome

>t. Lombard Italian

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't gnocchi alla romana a specialty in Rome, also?

I agree 100% with this.

We are all Italians, dipshit


Yeah, sure. Just you wait until Abu Abdullah al-romani, shows you what a true italian looks like with his amazing sicilian cuisine, you pretender.

Since this is Veeky Forums I'm also gonna fling the metaphorical shit and give a basic tier list of regional cuisines:

Top tier: Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Campania and Sicily

Shit tier: Tuscany and Calabria

Good tier: anything else



Did you get offended because of the salt free bread they serve?

I live in tuscany and that's the least of its cuisine's problems.

Literally the only good traditional dishes are Fiorentina, which is just a big ass steak (though the quality of the meat you can find here is generally very high), and cacciucco.

Everything else is niche, not just tuscan (say cecina is exactly the same thing as farinata), or complete crap.

This list confuses me.

Can you scale them by the internationally known 'JUSTA LIKE-A MAMMA USETA MAKE' scale of italian cuisine?

There isn't such thing, italian cuisine is a meme perpetrated by the uninformed.
Every "italian" recipe or food originates from a peculiar region
Pizza = Naples - Campania
Carbonara = Rome - Lazio
Pizzoccheri = Valtellina - Lombardy
Tagliatelle alla bolognese = Bologna - Emilia Romagna

youre the best, user. really came through

but were they justa like-a mamma useta make?

I'm sure everything "alla romana" is a safe bet, like saltimbocca alla romana

there's a really good restaurant just off Via Brescia called Pizza Pizza. Would recommend.

Rome is compact and touristy. Expect pickpockets if you use the subway. If your goal is food you're better off with Florence of Sicily. If you're stuck with Rome, the good food usually isn't near the sights.

>enjoy your trip
stopped reading there