If you could cut funding from any field of science, which field would you kill?

If you could cut funding from any field of science, which field would you kill?

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evolutionary biology

no applications, no predictive power, nothing more than charlatanism.

OP said science

Soft robotics, its only good for sex toys

This. Math has no relevance outside itself. Even if, say, particle physics does not yield benefits to the populace, it is at least a descriptor of the world and can 'appreciated' by the average person.

90% of modern math requires you to be a mathematician to even have an idea of what it is any given paper is implying.

OP said science



Anything which has a potential to lead to biological immortality. You're going to die and I"m going to make sure that you die, fucko. No crab ever gets out of this bucket.


Gender studies? You all seem to hate gender studies.

Math isn't a science, that's why it's STEM not STE.

Why would you ever cut funding from any field of science unless you absolutely had to?

The notion of cutting funding for any other reasons than purely financial ones is completely foreign to me.

>Gender studies?
OP said science


Only pseudo-scientists and autists believe psychology isn’t science.

Only psychologists believe psychology is science

economics, obviously (it can be "science", right?)

>economics, obviously (it can be "science", right?)
No, economists don't make use of the scientific method

well alright then, asshole. I'll just develop that shit in my spare time, and you'll all come groveling to me when I'm the only one laying cyber bitches.

I know this is bait but fucking kill yourself.

Sorted out your reproducibility issues yet?

brainlet spotted

>Soft robotics, its only good for sex toys

I completely agree. Seriously, who the fuck does that Archimedes guy think he is? When the fuck is pi gonna be useful? All he did was waste a huge amount of time, figuring out how to measure a circle, when you can just use a string.

And that the Pythagorean guys? Don't even get me started. What the fuck would the square root of 2 ever be used for?

Mathematics is fucking stupid and useless because I'm too stupid to understand it. It's all theoretical and has no impact on my peasant-farmer life, so it doesn't deserve any funding.

String theory.

>String theory.
OP said science

Gender studies. Only produces equlity officers anyway.
Not being political, this shit just gives you qualifications for essentially nothing and nobody in it actually knows what they want with their future.

Breast cancer research

Informatics/CompSci relies heavily on maths.
Physics rely heavily on maths.
Architecture relies on maths.

But I guess we don't need any of those.

>I am getting pissy at a meaningless thought experiment/what-if
Grow up.

but you have no real education in math, science or physics.
Keep RPing as educated faggot tho

>Gender studies
>field of science

>Keep RPing as educated faggot tho
Why the homophobia?

It feels loike you are that girl who crept outside the BOYS ONLY NO GIRLS ALLOWED club-house, waiting for the perfect moment to chime in on their discussion so that you'd be accepted as one of the boys.

Hard to sort out reproducibility issues when psychology as a science when it's essentially at the stage equivalent to chemistry before the periodic table and there's no easy way to directly view or write down what's going on. Give it a few more decades.

Scientific Method =
>Update Theory

Seems like science to me dood. Fuck, psychology is probably more scientific in the proper sense than physics these days, considering how theoretical that field has become.

t. psychology faggot

>Give it a few more decades
Until then, it's still not a science.

The discipline isn't the issue - it's the pomo cucks in the field that cause the replication issues


Welcome to Veeky Forums.
This has nothing to do with homohobia. You weren't called gay, you were called a faggot.

No theories in psycholgy can stand on their own, they all need to be tested and even then the test resaults are subjective.

Psychology as it is today is an inexact meme science field and you know it.

I swear it's the same guy going around posting that on every thread

Why would I want to do that?

cancer research, alcheimers, and all other BS scams, reseach that havent actually produced anything even after spending literally billions of dollars


This is literally the first time I've been on Veeky Forums.

Are you a brainlet? faggot = gay

All three of those rely on math that was solved nearly one hundred years ago at best. No math done today has any meaning to non-mathematicians save for maybe Terrance Tao's work

Nice false equivalence. They literally used real world geometry to discover all their work, and the people outside the field itself could at least understand and appreciate what they did. Not so in modern times.


If PhDs can't even understand their own thesis a few years after writing it, it is fair to say the field is officially too far up its own ass to realize that it ceased being a beautiful descriptor of reality and instead a series of esoteric questionable mind games that only serve to demonstrate false intelligence.

I know. Thing is, the string theoreticians get funding as if they were scientists.

You must be new to human interaction.
According to you, people who call an object they dislike "gay" mustthink that object has a sexual attraction to objects of the same gender.

I dread what will happen to your brain once you witness a man being called a cunt for the first time, you genius.

>According to you
citation needed

Feynman was neither a pseudo-scientist nor an autist.

The post is literally inked in the post you are demanding a citation from, faggot.

Those are just synonyms of the word homosexual, what else does a homosexual mean??

>According to you, people who call an object they dislike "gay" mustthink that object has a sexual attraction to objects of the same gender.
I never said anything like that. I personally dont call people (objects wtf?) homosexual or any related terms if I dislike them only if they are literal homosexuals.

So you truly ARE new to human interaction, if you think literally everything is always meant seriously, especially on the internet and especially on Veeky Forums.

no, I just personally dont use word homosexual/gay/faggot to insult straight people. I think constant usage normalizes it and the meaning somewhat loses significance. It becomes 'OK' to use it and that is not a bad thing.

>Only pseudo-scientists and autists

Your favourite field of science

>took an intro psych class
>think you’re smarter than the professor
Let’s thank mathematics for teaching us about the unconscious mind, human behaviorism, and how to raise our children (not like math students will ever have kids)

no, because math isn't a science

It should be a just hobby.

OP said science

cosmology, astrophysic and astronomy



any physics

None; all science is important. Why would you want to cut funding for science?


>what Is encryption
>what is data compression

>pushing a unbacked theory to satisfy ones own need to feel superior.
Please return to your java calculator assignment Mr.cs grad.

The real answer is anthropology and sociology.
This practically kills every social science and X Studies.

If they were truly intelligent AI you would still be a virgin

t. psychologist

this. we need to do this.

>It's not a bad thing and the word loses its meaning.
Which is precisely why it isn't homophobic to call people afaggot and completely contradicts so I guess i don't need to add to this anymore. Thanks for reading my point back to me.

Nothing is useless, even things that are purposefully useless. While cutting funding somewhere might open up more funding for other research, you're losing out on a lot by ignoring something. Even if we think we know everything, we could be wrong and we could be missing something important.

I hope this post was made by a woman.

All the dogshit that relies on self reporting or studying groups of volunteers of any kind . all that shit is biased in unquantifiable ways and is utterly useless .

not science; invalid

>All three of those rely on math that was solved nearly one hundred years ago at best
>has literally no idea what modern physics or comp sci are like


Mathematics is a formal abstraction of quantity and logical deduction. There is no concept of evidence within it. Everything is deductive. Deduction is a fundamentally different kind of knowledge than observation. You can do it all in your head, with your eyes shut, in a sensory deprivation tank, at least in principle. There's no such thing as mathematical hypotheses and experiments.

>There's no such thing as mathematical hypotheses and experiments.
conjectures ~ mathematical hypotheses?
numerical evidence ~ experiments?

who's this semen demon?


What's the tl;dr?

>In this case as with the others, a conjecture is made (equivalent to a hypothesis in normal science), evidence is gathered and tested, and a solution is produced that must survive the most detailed scrutiny.

I would cut public funding from all of them

if research doesnt pay off itself either via commercial value or donor interest it isnt worth doing in the first place

>didn't take an intro psych class
>still smarter than the professor

most autistic comment of the day

you would do without cryptography?

just post all your passwords then

I guess you'll never get into encryption, signal processing, neural nets, graphics, or really anything to do with computers ever then.


Let's thank clueless cocaine addled vienna psychologists for ignoring one of the basic steps in the life cycle of a lot of animals: Imprinting.

Instead of reading up on the stages of development, Freud took his personal experience (lusting after his mom because he imprinted on a wet nurse) as a concept called "the oedipus complex" that in turn was amplified by lesser retards.

Entire books and careers were made in the dissection of a non-existent complex!

And to be honest, imprinting on people who are not your mother (any caste with the excess wealth and status to offload the initial stages of child rearing to other people/slaves) probably explains a lot of royal incest. They promoted an ideology but didn't realize that the key to descendants still following it was the lack of imprinting they had on their actual mother.

Imagine seeing your mom or sister as just another woman who teases you by being so close.

>it's essentially at the stage equivalent to chemistry before the periodic table
So literally Alchemy? kek
I guess pic related is the equivalent to the DSM-5

Not sure you'd save a lot of money though since all evolutionary biocucks are unemployed.

economics. just jews jewing other jews