No one here eats less than a six, right?

no one here eats less than a six, right?

>Wasting bananas

Tastes like raw potato, wait a bit
Zone of comfort
Peanut butter & banana sandwiches or on top of cereal
Banana bread.

7 is as low as I would ever go

I don't like bananas so 1-5 is all i eat, ever. They taste okay and are tart and firm. After that i find them cloyingly sweet and the texture is gross

I'm too colorblind to trust any banana that doesn't have spots

Low quality vitamin B[spoiler]8[/spoiler]

This guy gets it also I'd accept anything past 8 is good for milkshake and icecream

10 is perfect

breakfast banana, slice onto yoghurt or crisp bread
snack banana, eat as it is
banana bread or trash bin

6-9 is prime.

I like getting a big 2-3 pound bag of bananas at work when they mark them down to 99 cents a bag and using them to make milkshakes for breakfasts. I tend to use coconut milk and a bit of vanilla extract and/or cinnamon and drink it on my way to work.
They usually get marked down at the 9-12 stage.

Americans truly are all 12 year olds mentally









Here's a non-blurry version of that pic, since OP is blind.

I have a 15 atm. Going to throw it in a blender with two eggs and some cinnamon and see if the mixture makes good pancakes.

for sweet things 10 as lower, can surpass 15
1 to 5 for salty food


More like 8-12 for best taste

thanks m8

I'll only eat from 10 to 15.
Above that it makes me feel bloated and my tongue uncomfortable.
Honestly never understood why western people hate ripe banana's.

You, me and the fruit flies are friends

5-10 is good as is. 1-4 is good for frying and boiling, 11-15 is banana bread and milkshake material.

y'know, kiddo, that appearance is usually associated by a certain taste which is, in some people's opinions, inferior to a less ripe banana's taste. you're deluding yourself and grasping for any straw to feel superior to Americans in some fantastical and irrelevant fashion.

I'm a 9-11.

I don't eat those until they are atleast 10

Anywhere between 9 and 11 is optimal, with 11 being the best. You can't wait for them all to get there though so inevitably you either have to let some go to shit and salvage them in banana bread or eat them in their subpar condition. Such is life.


These exactly.

i target 7 or 8

6 is my favorite number.

Picked green
>wait till 8

Picked fresh
>five is just ok

You know you have a good Nana when the flesh is yellow.

I only eat 9, everything else goes straight into the trash.

Never if it's a Cavendish. I buy 40-pound boxes and keep my freezer full of them so I never run out. Cooking bananas I eat at any level of ripeness.

Doesn't freezing fuck them up?
They don't like being refrigerated, to brown after a day.

Anything lower than 9 is not ripe enough.

There should be no traces of green left anywhere on the peel.

I'd say 10-12 is my sweet spot.

I wait for them to be fully ripe before peeling, bagging, freezing.

10 is perfect
I'll go as low as 8 and as high as 13, maybe 14, in a pinch.


What's the point of eating unripened fruit? 10 and above is the only time to eat otherwise there's no point.

It's often sold exclusively that way and many can't plan ahead enough to have it ripe when they want it.

When it's ripe just refrigerate it, the skin will continue to ripen but the fruit wont. Or freeze them.

Many can't plan ahead enough to do that.

Me too – I love destroying twin bananas.

9-10 is when the banana is actually ripe, why you would want to eat a banana that tastes green is beyond me

Too sweet for me. 6-9 is perfect.

I'll eat up to 12 or 13 if I have to, but if you plan your ripeness levels, you get what you want, so no problem really.


then it goes into the bread

Did it??

7-10 would be my zone, anything past that goes to banana bread.

My dad likes them green and won't eat them if there is a single brown spot on them. He also hates tomatoes. I don't really understand him.

banana is fucking disgusting

This, but I'd also throw 11 in the 8-10 and also use them for shakes.

>that appearance is usually associated by a certain taste which is, in some people's opinions, inferior to a less ripe banana's taste
And that's where they're wrong
Also t. 12 year old

but it's not. have fun eating a completely brown peeled banana and tell me it tastes exactly the same as a green peeled banana. you dullard

Have you guys left banana out for a while that the inside turned into liquid? It smelled disguisting

I won't eat a banana past 3 or 4. They get weird and mealy once they've sweetened.

Green bananas make your teeth feel mad weird though

green bananas have an appeal of their own

6-10 it's where it's at

Made me laugh for some reason. Thanks.

I can eat 6-8. 1-5 makes my throat, inner ears, and mouth swell & itch like mad. 9-15 gives me diarrhea and hives; even as banana bread.

6/7 is the perfect ban, I will eat up to 10.

>green bananas have an appeal of their own
I sea wut u did thur

Accurate, but I like the raw potato ones sometimes


Anything before 9 or after 12 is inedible

10-11 is perfect

I'm very slightly allergic to bananas as well as many other fruits. I've avoided them since I was a child because of this.

My mouth and throat gets slightly itchy and swells up a bit when I eat bananas, its relatively unnoticable but if I eat apples, shit will ruin my day. Throat, gums, and tongue will itch like hell, and my mouth will swell a bit.

After 12 is best for baking. In fact, the best for baking is when they turn completely black and mushy.

You have Oral Allergy Syndrome. I have the same.

I can eat bananas, but I can't have raw strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries. Other fruits are OK. Also, note that COOKING the fruit destroys the allergen so while you can't eat those fruits raw, you can eat them cooked in a sauce, pie, jam/jelly/preserves, etc.

15 master race

I'm a 10 man

Depends how poor I am. Sometimes I gotta eat the poor guys the day after I buy 'em. 10 is absolute master race, though.


9+ only

your hidden fantasies, user, they are showing


i boil 1-5

>take the paperboard of a toilet roll
>stick banana peel in
>cut off excess
>microwave for 20-30 seconds
>ouch hot as fuck
>wait a bit, test with finger
>fuck the shit out of it with wurst

This fucker knows what he's goddamn talking about dammit. Fuck.


15 and up have a smoky caramel flavor.

You the real MVP, m8.

>tfw can't fit dick in toilet roll OR banan


Had a nice 10 in the counter and decided to give it a go.

My dick is too thick for a toilet paper tube, so that was out. But I did nuke the peel for 15 seconds, then waited until cooled down a bit, then used it in between my hand and my dick. Felt pretty great, like an organic fleshlight. I blew a load in the peel and threw the whole thing away.

Of course, I diced up that banana real thin, stuck it in a plastic bag, and popped it in the freezer. That's going in to a shake tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the tip. I'm gonna get some more bananas at the store tomorrow.

9 is absolute perfection

Who the fuck eats more than 6 bananas, let alone 2 a day?

Eating a banana under 10 makes me gag....the texture is weird.

my fat fucking family eat all the bananas before they get to 4. even if i hide some in my room one of the fuckers sniffs them out and steals them.

animals. ANIMALS


6-8 for me

I found that most of my allergies to veggies and fruit was to the pesticides used on them. When I either scrub the shit out of them to get it off or cook them the allergy goes away. Like apple skins make me break out, but if I scrub them with soap, water, and a plastic pot scrubber I'm fine. If I eat a raw carrot I break out, but cooking it makes it fine.

I ended up becoming a farmer. Now I can eat anything I want and it doesn't bother give me an allergic reaction at all. Then again I use compost for fertilizer and only water gets put on the plants, nothing else. I've been searching for a good hardy banana cultivar so I can have bananas from time to time and see if my reaction to them is pesticide based too.

1-3 good for frying up like a plaintain

I love green bananas.

I usually try for an 11 or 12. 13 is fine, but by the time they get to 14-15 they're starting to get slimy inside.

Another case of fpbp

for a fun time, poke a dry spaghetti into the end of a banana, break it off, and leave it for someone else

Image relevant

me too. I really like the texture, some areas that are a bit harder. Don't know anyone other than me who goes below 3.

You look like somebody who knows his shit.

Same here

Oh God