What the FUCK did he mean by this Veeky Forums?

What the FUCK did he mean by this Veeky Forums?

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Falcon Heavy demo launch next month with his Tesla as the payload. Destination Mars

>next month



I will shit my pants from laughing if the launch fails

Smart mother fudgers sound crazy to dumb mother fudgers

Am I the only one who is unsure if this is a joke or not? Because this is both a joke he would make and also a thing he might actually do.

Hes gone insane

SpaceX has confirmed it true

Elon Musk, billionare corporate N.A.S.A. weasel wants you to buy electric cars. I don't get it?

no they haven't

Joy Dunn confirmed it, which I suppose is as close as you can get to an official

Dont listen to women. Theyre pieces of shit.

Well the rocket is in fact completed, so its entirely dependent on scheduling conflicts at this point. Also I would imagine the payload fairing issue could fuck things up, but that affects all of the non-CRS launches, not just falcon heavy.

The absolute madman.


reddit are already creaming their pants over it.

How can you send up a dirty car from the road.

By the time space archaeologists reach it in 50 years all the bacteria and skin flakes in his car will have eaten and degraded everything.

Isn't Elon an ambien user? Could be him ambien tweeting since he would just be communicating a string of what's most on his mind, i.e. A jumbled mess of what he's worrying about?

So will the car just orbit around in a capuse or will it be the actual car floating around mars?

He will actually do it as a joke.

You mean the ones that can't live in space? Those bacteria?

He's just trolling plebs.

My guess is it will be stuck in a transfer orbit between earth and mars.

>by the time we get there Elon's skin flakes will have terraformed the planet for us

Will the launch vehicle try to land?

all three boosters will try to land

I think it would be funnier if it succeeds.

Mars transfer window is still few months away. Even if the destination was Mars it will lack the means to capture in its orbit.
More likely, the target is the "Mars orbit" itself. Unless they pack some serious delta v in there for some less than optimal trajectory. But in that case, might as well imagine a solar escape trajectory.
The voyagers will have an alien mindwrecking companion.

What a fucking waste of a launch, Musk is a retard.


At least put a sat link and solar panels on it.
You could race the Mars rover then.

>telling him what he can or cannot do with his own fucking rocket

>More likely, the target is the "Mars orbit" itself.

its just a joke payload
You can fire at mars outside of transfer windows
It'll sling shot past mars, probably have a camera to take pictures, and keep heading out to deep space.

He's obviously memeing, but what will the actual payload be? F9 is just going to leo, right?

Well then you'd need to make a lander. What Musk is probably going to do is lob the car at mars, no propellant or anything. At best maybe they'll put some solar panels and a radio beacon on it.
It's a demonstration flight and the car is ballast. It is not uncommon for new rockets to do this
>>" Regardless of whether we fly a customer or a purely demonstration mission, we’ll make that mission useful, whether it’s to demonstrate something for a GTO (geostationary transfer orbit) capability for our commercial customers, or whether it’s to demonstrate some requirement for national security space,”
---'Gwynne Shotwell, President and chief operating officer of SpaceX


>not realising spacex relies on government subsidies

>not knowing what a subsidy is
they receive billions from the government but they are not subsidies...

>drumming up publicity for your company with a test launch for a yet to be certified lifter is stupid

>FH heavy payload to Pluto: 3500kg
Forger Mars. We're going interstellar.

It makes sense. He wants to be sure that the rocket is capable of sending a payload of x weight to Mars orbit. They could just load it up with bricks, or Elon could donate his personal vehicle, which he probably intended to swap out for a newer model anyway, and get free advertising for Tesla from every single news outlet on the planet. Then he can start saying things like “the only car to survive a trip to Mars” or “Earth to Mars on a single charge”. Its a pretty brilliant publicity stunt actually.

This, honestly this might be the largest and most ambitious publicity stunt ever attempted in the history of mankind. It maybe just a stupid publicity stunt at the end of the day, but you've got to admit that it's a hell of a lot cooler than sending another fucking probe like NASA seems to do every year or two.

>but you've got to admit that it's a hell of a lot cooler than sending another fucking probe like NASA seems to do every year or two.
it's really not

You REALLY think this launch would get more traction if Elon decided to launch some boring fucking probe?

Perhaps you don't care about popularity and getting people excited but understanding of those factors made Elon a billionaire while you're a basement dwelling autist.

>You REALLY think this launch would get more traction if Elon decided to launch some boring fucking probe?
No, it'd be about the same. People will worship Musk even if he sent a container full of dragon dildos into space.

>polluting space with junk

Is this legal?

You are extremely autistic aka defective. Don't worry about it, just try not to breed.

>replying to my first post twice
what is your end game faggot?

I guess there's no point in sending something useful when there's a big chance it will fail.

1. He'll do it
2. It's a joke

They don't expect the rocket to make it all the way to Mars orbit. Elon himself won't be surprised if it blows up on earth.

It's a test launch to collect data to finetune the systems for real missions.

So he made it all up:

I'd see this is a legitimate complaint if it was staying in earth orbit.

I guess was right

Yes but the point is that Elon doesnt have a dildo company... yet. By launching a Tesla he creates publicity for both SpaceX and Tesla. If you still don’t understand the logic behind this you might actually be retarded.

>is a Tesla the most practical thing to send to Mars from a scientific point of view?
>is a Tesla the most practical thing to send to Mars from a business point of view?
If you own the company that makes Teslas and the rockets the answer is undeniably “yes”.

wow no shit. doesn't make it more interesting though, and I wager most people who know or care about this are already well aware of what spacex and tesla are. it's easy and makes sense from a business perspective, it doesn't make it some genius PR stunt. arguing about this is really autistic

It takes two to argue senpai.

Hope they put a BO bumper sticker on it, that way they can claim to finally having some hardware in orbit

>nasa sends babby robots to mars
>musk sends a sports car

Is there any limit to his genius?

yea im sure there are laws against such a common and relevant crime

Most people who are dogmatically against Musk parrot 'muh subsidies' from the Exxon/GM shills (which is ironic cause every oil and car manufacturer in the US is subsidized to fuck)

nobody cares tho

if advertising gets us on mars who cares?

any publicity is good publicity

hey everybody
get a load of this fucking retard

who the fuck cares?
like space isn't big enough
are you american or something?

Can we get someone who watches Rick and Morty in here? I don't think anyone on Veeky Forums has a high enough IQ to understand this.

>I wager most people who know or care about this are already well aware of what spacex and tesla are
"SpaceX launches car" will generate more headlines than "SpaceX launches reused rocket" for sure

Speaking of which, this Friday they're planning to launch a reused capsule on a reused booster.