He hasn't reread his favorite book

>he hasn't reread his favorite book

Why read it again? I've already read it. It's like going on an amusement park ride for a second time because you enjoyed it. I enjoyed the Mouse Trap play. I will never watch it again. I enjoyed reading Catcher in The Rye. I will most probably never read it again.

Read Nabokov's "Good Readers and Good Authors". You'll find it if you google it. It will answer your question.

I want to reread moby dick so I asked mummy to buy me a copy for my birthday but she bought me a disgusting hipster-tier minimalist art paperback


if you get any less pleasure from re-reading a book than you get by reading it the first time, then you don't actually enjoy reading in the first place.

You should read it again just because you deny experiencing things more than once this harshly.

It makes me wish I was in that situation so that I could observe how I would react to it.

That's objectively false. I enjoyed it the first time I read it. That is over now. If I read it again, my interpretation of it almost certainly will not get any better.

>*retard pepe.jpg*


If you don't enjoy reading it the second time, it wasn't really your favorite book.

Whether you should re-read a book or not is dependent on what you get out of reading.

Are you studying the material for any reason? A refresher might be nice.

Do you lack a perfect eidetic memory and want to remember a specific part?

Perhaps suspension of disbelief is so easy for you that you can read the same book multiple times years apart and glean nearly the same amount of enjoyment out of as you did the first time.

Maybe you're going to recommend it to a friend who was asking about the genre and you want to make sure it retained it's relevant qualities
before you offer it to your friend.

I'm sure I could come up with more than even these 4 reasons but the point is made. People have read their favorite books many times over for these and other purposes. To each their own, right? Try not to be so confident that your feelings are the template for everyone else's.

>It's like going on an amusement park ride for a second time because you enjoyed it

Exactly. Except you'll potentially enjoy it even more.

But I'm still reading my favorite book for the first time, OP.

>it's already his favorite book, even though he hasnt even finished reading it

Fucking pseud.

If you don't need to reread a book you shouldn't have read it in the first place.

By this level of writing and your inability to shop for yourself if you're at the least old enough to browse this site, I think you haven't read Moby dick.

To be fair, I was about halfway through Moby Dick when I assumed it would be my favorite

Do people on here actually read books? I just look at the summaries online then come on here to shitpost about them.

Well I can't if every time I finish a book I take a shit in it.

>mfw I haven't read my favorite book

A perfect book only exist in my imagination and any contact with an existing work will inevitably lead to disappointment and disillusionment.

I reread it every year

I think I know your favourite book.
Read the book of disquiet by pessoa it captures way you think i guess

>not rereading the Iliad yearly