Pepsi is Veeky Forums for sure
pepsi is Veeky Forums for sure

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Kendall just needed to launder her Saudi sex gold.

Are there any right-wing cyberpunk novels? Most of what I've read is decidedly left-wing, but I think we're ready for a more reactionary perspective

Just read Nick Land. A lot of reactionaries don't see us making it to a cyberpunk-era before civilizational collapse so it's not a genre you'll see a lot of content from

Probably gonna buy a pepsi later today after reading this t b h

Clearly it has not. We still do not have the necessary technology for global communism.

More capitalism is needed.

t. Marxist

I'm thirsty...for revolution.

I don't get it. What's so special about marketing towards teenagers with the "diverse and rebellious" images? It's been done for a very long time

Nothing. Pepsico are radical Marxists who have read their Gramsci.

Praise Hegel ok.

She's so hot. Only good looking one in the family. I really want a pepsi now. I'm gonna carry one around on me always so I can diffuse tense situations.

Where is Alone when you need him?

When is David Lynch going to come out of retirement and direct a movie on the Kardashians?

Poor Zizek is going to have a fucking stroke from all the ideology once he sees this.

>twin peaks literally out this year

oh dayum


C-Capitalists are digging their own graves, r-right?

Capitalism co opts the darnest things

based liberals making protests and insurrection decidedly uncool with their one-two punch of the pussy hat march and now pepsi's killing blow

Here, and in this sense at least, we have to accept as a fundamental feature of the analysis of
consumption McLuhan's formula that `the medium is the message'. This means that the true
message the media of TV and radio deliver, the one which is decoded and `consumed' deep down
and unconsciously, is not the manifest content of sounds and images, but the constraining pattern
-- linked to the very technical essence of those media -- of the disarticulation of the real into
successive and equivalent signs: it is the normal, programmed, miraculous transition from
Vietnam to variety, on the basis of a total abstraction of both.

This, then, is the truth of the mass media: it is their function to neutralize the lived, unique,
eventual character of the world and substitute for it a multiple universe of media which, as such,
are homogeneous one with another, signifying each other reciprocally and referring back and
forth to each other. In the extreme case, they each become the content of the others -- and that
is the totalitarian `message' of a consumer society.

Thus, on a confused, conflictual, contradictory world, each medium imposes its own more abstract, more coherent logic; it imposes itself -- a medium -- as message, to use McLuhan's expression. And it is the substance of the fragmented, filtered world, the world reinterpreted in terms of this simultaneously technical and `legendary' code, that we `consume' -- the entire material of the world, the whole of culture industrially processed into finished products, into sign material, from which all eventual, cultural or political value has vanished. - The Consumer Society

Is this satire. It has to be. Right?

Life satirizes itself

he wasnt wrong

lmao what a nerd

What did we do to deserve this abomination? When has consumption become so ingrained to our identity?

I can't tell, is this a real document or satire?

We're all consumers and what we consume speaks volumes about us.

desu I always thought that our identity informs our consumption, not the other way around

It's real IIRC and makes a lot more sense as part of a presentation. It's not trying to be deep, but is more "how the fuck can we catch the eye of customers and make them remember pepsi in particular compared to all the generic brands"

But then when you miss out all the notes and are left with only the pictures some intern made that are quickly skipped through it starts to get weird

Now be a good, quietist, fatalist Marxist dog.

>implying we cannot sail to communism without such cultural abuses

I hate obvious shill threads

>Da Vinci's Mona Lisa


Adulthood is realizing Bruce Jenner is hotter

damn, nigga, pepsico woke as fuck

>this is what leftfags believe

They're not digging their own graves. You're an idiot for thinking this.

> not supporting the revolution

back to /pol/, coke cuck

When you convert the image of a protest into an advertisement the whole thing becomes a myth. It works only if you evacuate all of the actual historical, political or cultural concept from the idea of a protest and reduce it to a series of theatrical cues, Hollywood cinematography and anthemic pop music. The whole concept of a revolution has to be reduced to symbolic theatre and so much backdrop so that the commodity and its romanticized handlers can ritualistically present it in the right way.

Of course all of the necessary implications are there; diversity, religious inclusivity and so on. But the commodity itself is always-already maximally diverse: Pepsi excludes no one because it stands for nothing except enjoyment. The fact that the guard likes it also is the discrete nod towards the universality of this, that pleasure cuts across all political and cultural divides. Which is why the story necessarily ends there, because otherwise reality would have to enter the frame.

So it is necessary, of course, for this protest to take place in a scenario which *looks* like reality except that we have no idea what's going on. It's a myth, in other words. Everything is connoted, but nothing is actually said that woud break the magic spell. Because, of course, for capital nothing ever is really happening. Only consumption.

If only Mandela had a cool Pepsi to end the apartheid (a bad thing btw)

>a bad thing btw
stopped reading

So if I drink Bepsi, I'll turn into a cuckolded race mixing refugee apologist too?

You're right, it's bad that it ended.

I would love to get paid to be a reactionary shill for Pepsi.

nothing like the refreshing taste of Pepsiā„¢

That's because you've been lied to by your Marxist professors. The right-wing isn't about capitalism at all. Capitalism is a biproduct of freedom.

> tfw 900 pages into novel about reactionary e-shill for Pepsi which will be the novel of the century

we'll let you know

Zizek is sure creaming himself as we speak


Used to be a Monster sipper, but what does Monster stand for? Can't live a life without meaning...

I want a 3.5 hour video of him vivisecting every frame of that commercial.

In some sense a shift towards this may already be beginning. Not so long ago Kellogg's withdrew advertising from Breitbart and Trump reacted on Twitter, basically saying that Kellogg's wasn't Making America Great Again. And there were all these images of people dumping their Corn Pops in the trash.

There doesn't seem to be any reason why commodities too can't get co-opted by politics in the long run. The tipping point is profit. I read somewhere that Richard Spencer wanted to make milk the unofficial drink of white supremacy. But this stuff will never play on television.

But advertisement can and does create values. Lexus car ads are marketed completely differently than family cars - luxury products cannot represent themselves as boringly democratic, and family products cannot represent themselves as luxuries.

What's interesting is that drink like Pepsi, by contrast, which has a gigantic consumer base, is necessarily obliged to market itself accordingly, for the widest possible group: basically, Everyone. Pure inclusivity.

Which is what makes a mythological Protest such a good way to do it. What are they Protesting? Something. Who's involved? Everyone. What do they want? Happiness. Yay!

How am I an idiot for thinking they are not digging their own graves? I do think they are digging their own graves

Why is the grievance caste so upset about this anyways? They go around demanding that media and corporations pander to their political beliefs, but when they get pandered to they throw yet another internet tantrum. This ad is a pitch perfect representation of the Democratic party's economic and social platform, so what exactly is the problem? Drink your fucking cola, you cattle; you know you want it

it proves they can't beat capitalism
whatever gay little thing you're complaining about capitalism just absorbs with a little ad

>it is another user thinks liberals are the biggest critics of capitalism

>it's another communist thinks capitalism cares about meatcucks criticising it

Personally I see it as the continuation of liberalism, which became at some point simply synonymous with consumption. Zizek has spent his whole life writing about this. Freedom means the freedom to enjoy, however you please, but it also comes with an increasing alienation from the world and a dependency on ideology and advertisement to fill in the void.

The Dark & Scary parts are where you start reading Nick Land and the accelerationists and so on for answers to where capitalism is headed, and everything slowly starts to turn into a nightmare perpetual-motion machine of automation and tech acceleration that renders human beings obsolescent before exterminating them altogether. Baudrillard saw it too, of course: the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Once we put on the magic hat and are able to make the brooms dance as they please, eventually they don't need us anymore.

I read somewhere that for a while Baudrillard was called a proto-fascist (even by Zizek himself!), which never made much sense to me. For me I guess the thing is that fascism is what haunts the bourgeois imagination because it seems to understand the long-term implications of consumption better than liberalism does. It's very much like Hillary thinking that Bernie was off the mark and paving the way for Trump through her own inability to see what was happening.

The consumer society is like a hamster habitrail slowly waking up to its own realization that it needs the hamster to keep running in order to grow - so long as it runs in place and does not go elsewhere, everything will be fine. The wheels never stop moving, and it learns to enclose and develop an ever-more Fun series of games and distractions around the hamster.

Baudrillard himself never really figured out an end to any of this either. But he did write some awesome stuff about seduction and desire.

That's basically it.

This commercial is so cozy though

>c-capitalism doesn't care about you a-anyway
>in a thread where Pepsi is literally trying to co-opt and appeal to protestors

Got ya, hippy scum!

Roko basilisk approves

Your computer
Your smartphone
Your books

>Weh Capitalism is evil!

and in the process nullifies it
anti-capitalism becomes another product to consume
capitalism is an AI sent from the future

That's literally the exact opposite of what I think and said

same girl, different dress

You could argue that we are currently (at least on the precipice of) a cyberpunk era. I can't find it now, but I know Land did a piece where he theorised that ISIS is a weird-quasi cyberpunk, what with their use of social media, coupled with other people (I think it was on /pol/s syrian general) that are fighting them through media channels.

Warrants mentioning that for all of his faults Trump does occasionally pull off an impressive social media judo throw.

>tfw but i am already drinking from the trash can

welcome to ideologychan

Is that a real tweet?

you stopped reading at the end of the sentence?
so did everyone else, you fucking idiot

He was being post-sincere you fucking mongoloid

honestly one of the best tweets of all time

>Which is what makes a mythological Protest such a good way to do it
Or, you know, avoid the toxicity of a controversial subject matter, the kind people are willing to claim they would die over? Just this one time?

>the widest possible group
You can target the widest possible group with only one person in the ad. Yes, you can survive as a brand despite failing to show a gay couple or a hijab every three seconds. Maybe it can wait for the next ad.

They're so in love with ideology, that they completely forget what they sell are products in the process.

Turn the news off, make an effective and, dare I say, "cool" ad first, and concern yourself about the political climate later - lest you provide a reason to associate your brand with the cause of butthurt in the ad's viewers.

I think we are heading that direction. Increasingly uninhabitable cities, massive wealth stratification, global corporatization, the breakdown of international order, China ascending (well, maybe), cyborg technology, awakening AI...hell had to come from somewhere.

Of course, Victorian London was no picnic either for those at the bottom.


10/10 post I especially find the last point you made about consumption centering more and more around experience and image than around the products itself interesting. Something to look out for

Plus both posts you responded to is mine.

Not really, if anything it is a struggle of capitalists and liberals to contain something it cannot grasp in the first place


It's nice to see ladyboys finally represented by mainstream brands.


Oh by grievance class you meant liberals?

Do not consume other things than necessities
Install Adblocker
Do not go outside
Do not fall for the marketing schemes (like this one - you think this was an oversight by Pepsi?)
Do not internet shop
Do not look in store windows

If you do not see it, you do not wish it. Avoid, block out.
It's not impossible.

Capitalism is kinda like a god

We serve it more than it serves us

will fucc tbqhwy

capitalists and capitalism are separate

I honestly don't get it

Holy fuck no wonder marketing degrees are worthless.

Did they just delete the video?


too many dislikes lmao

>They're so in love with ideology, that they completely forget what they sell are products in the process.

I actually find it weirdly interesting to conflate these ideas in order to understand this process; beyond a certain horizon everything becomes an advertisement for everything else, and this is to enter Baudrillard's looking-glass reality. Part of it comes from Baudrillard himself finding this new component of Marxist criticism, the sign value of the commodity and its place in a coded system of referents. In his world to own and display is to mean. This is all part of that elusive 'code' he talks about but doesn't quite articulate all the way. I'm actually glad that he didn't. Of course, there are other writers who talked about this as well, such as Bordieu, but Baudrillard's writing is more interesting to me. Eventually he starts to fall in love with what he is criticizing and he makes this dark and fatal turn away from Marx and towards Nietzsche, talking more about seduction and less about capital.

Cheers fella. Thanks for supplying interesting posts to reply to! The experience is indeed the thing...I read somewhere that Goebbels actually studied Coca-Cola advertisements in order to come up with the propaganda posters for Hitler.

I wonder if Zizek ever saw *this* poster. Coke ist es!

it's still up on twitter in case you missed it.

What a bunch of bullshit

It's just art

Blending science with art or humanity is one of the most fundamental mistakes you can do

notice how the Coke ad is so much more well-received?

everyone is dressed in traditional garb, the bottles are multi-lingual, overall there is a respect and deference shown towards national culture. The ad is all about getting along, not about forcing social change.

really made me think


Y'all act like this is some Brave New appropriation of our consumptive sugnifiers.


> any day now, capitalism will implode!

; )

I love the brand color-coordinated, professionally-amateur-made, non-political and message-free protest (?) signs.

This is actually the real problem

Capitalism won't implode

It will just keep going on even when everybody living under it becomes exhausted and miserable