/ S I P / G E N E R A L: Rare sip edition

Look what I found boys. Spotted this baby in a Chevron station in the middle of the Arizona desert. It was the last one. Weirdest thing about it is this stuff was discontinued in 2014.

>current year
>not sipping deadstock sips

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are /sipgrils/ so rare?


they're free of the instagram virus that beancucks have


that's a long thumb


Jesus Cucking Christ. Maybe its a good thing sipgrils are rare. Btw, I have it on good authority that Janet Yellen is the OG sipgril.


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Is no one going to comment on the giant pile of cum on her bag

I like sips but I am drinking only sips and water but my pee is still yellow sometimes dark yellow, same as if I drink soda.

Starting to wonder if sips are actually good for you or just faking it

anyone else here miss bookoo?

Your pee turns yellow due to the vitamin B found in the drinks. It isn't bad per se, your body just takes whatever it needs and expels out the rest in the form of urine. If anything I'd be more worried about your pee not turning yellow, means your body is unable to filter the excess shit which could be toxic for you if accumulated over time in your system.

Anyway, I just tried a sip for the first time and it wasn't as good as dumb sip shills claim. Think I'll just stick to the original from now on, still the best flavor.

if you like the original flavor then drink which is a zero calorie version

If you go full beetus, gronk is way better than the original

Good night sip lads. I am off to slumber. I have a lot of work left to do this weekend. I have a lot of paperwork I have to have finished by Monday morning for work. I need my sleep so I can keep my wits about me tomorrow. Tomorrow night may be an adrenaline, caffeine, and b vitamin fueled nightmare of corner cutting and busting it out tho. Wish me well.

Goodnight - S I P B O Y S -

im more confsed at why shes in jap land

Friendly reminder sipbros

My bro monstermatt got gout from too many sips, be careful out there you goddamn savages


... I know I should lurk more but why are these called sip threads?

lurk more

What is it about coffee that makes me poop but sips don't?

It's a Veeky Forums meme that has spilled over.

Lurk more

Probably one of the other 1499 chemicals present in coffee.

its gud

Are there any sips that don't taste terrible? I tried all the Monster Ultra's White, Yellow, Orange, Red and each one tastes terrible. They all have this gross artificial aftertaste that's hard to describe. But normal energy drinks have too much sugar. I think the best are those with sugar+artificial sweetners.

how is ultra red/ultra sunrise compared to the white one

Try Import.

To me Sunrise tastes like obviously fake orange juice. Think Sunny D with a hint of bleach.

Mistranslation of the bible. The correct translation is 616.

orange is pretty good

Zero Black > Zero White > Zero Orange > Zero Blue > Zero Red

I'm not keen on any of the Monster drinks. Amp has a lot of different flavors (with orange being the absolute BEST) and taste better in my opinion.

Ever heard of tourism?

I got 9 dollarinos should I walk to the store and get a sip or 2??? I need to know very soon my mouth is watering

$9 better get you three or four

is that a serious question? morning sip time is almost over

>that first so of the morning
Damnit now I'm fucking craving.

Because shiposters gonna shitpost.

They 3 for 5 at twice daily

>amazon has cases of 24 ultra sunrises at a unit price of $1.20 each

Bought this on a whim yesterday as blue is my favorite flavor. A very good choice.

Where my hurricane S I P B O Y S at??

FYI: Hurricane S I P B O Y S have been downgraded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to Tropical Storm S I P B O Y S as of the first sip of the early morning.

These Brisks are wonderful. A giant amount of tea/juice/whatever for usually $1. Never managed to try that flavor -- haven't seen it before.

My university cafe marks those $1 bottles up to $3, though. Fuck them.

My go to flavor of Brisk is fruit punch but they're all good choices. That is one of the best flavors in my opinion. Unfortunately if I want to enjoy a Brisk without driving 45mins, my only options are sweet tea, lemon tea or strawberry melon. They're good too but they get repetitive and the gas station nearby stopped carrying the drink for some reason

>family getting worried about my /sip/ping habits
>did a mini intervention trying to stop me from /sip/ping so many times every day
non-sippers, when will they learn!

Flew all the way to New York just to try this...so worth it!! Sipper till I die!!

Wtf seriously?
Theres like 3 stores by me in Illinois that have this

hardcore sipmaster right here

The rise of a S I P B O Y

Do 2 x 250ml store brand sugar-free energy drinks count as a sip or does it have to be a Monster Energy Ultra®?

There is no substitution for Monster Energy Ultra™. I can't believe we are almost in September of 2017 and people are still asking this.


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Any sipfriends try this before?
Saw it at the gas station and it looks neat. How's the flavor compared to og monster?

Whoops forgot the pic

Hey it's the guy who ends every post with "Retard." Gotta be at least 18 to post here bud. Also get a new picture.

That one and anti gravity are a bit to harsh of a flavor for me to enjoy. I like the size though, would like it if they made rehabs in that size.

I'd never actually tried getting a monster outside of walmart before, I was at a gas station and said "hey maybe I'll just get one here" but it's fucking 4 dollars. 3 dollars at my local supermarket. How can walmart get away with charging less than 2 dollars for it?

>convenience store
>economies of scale

I just drank it, it's not too bad
It tastes like mutant but a little thicker and slightly more intense. The can is very nice

Fuck that, they need Rehab Orangeade in at least a 24oz can

You're lactose intolerant

Absolute madman. Sip safely.

>tfw the other sip thread hit page 11 and all the memes are fair game again
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7


The greatest.


>the you're officially presented your first sip of the evening

>tfw 3 for 6$

Energy drinks are the hip thing for middleschoolers, most drink coffee to pretend to be mature

>he doesn't drink fentimans

monster is the go to drink of any thin or alternative girl

there's been sip threads on myproana since before Veeky Forums existed


sb 2017

>tfw fresh after work sip is ice cold
Literally no better feeling exists

Those are not sips. Step your game up, nigga.

Seriously like 7 years now, I'd kill for a can of that, shit was magic.

Liquid lung cancer

The only good sip u plebz


if you smoke.

>MILFs dig it


>manicured nails
>dude hands
>red bull

you sure she aint a trap?

>not trannies

literally this

>not washing down your progynova and cyproterone acetate with some Monster™ Zero Ultra™

Hello sip bros,
I got FOOLED into drinking this fucking BEETUS JUICE thinking it was a new sip. Why did they make the can look so similar? Be wary of imitations!

-concerned sip boy

>I got FOOLED into drinking this fucking BEETUS JUICE thinking it was a new sip
That's because you're a retard.

I once got a soda from a non-chain sandwich store in the middle of nowhere. Opened it up. Zero fizz. Completely flat. Thing expired years ago.

>paper thin, unnourished nails
>drinking redbull instead of Monster Energy Ultra™
Yeah. Sounds about right.

Hey man this is a NO NEGATIVITY zone! Don't hate on a fellow sip bro. We're all gonna make it.

Okay, now pay me in Ultra Blue, Ultra Zero or bring back Cuba Libre.

I was almost fooled by this too but I noticed the subtle differences

>drinking the beetus bull

I know it's not a sip, but I just bought The Doctor and it's great in the heat, my nigs.

Drink the sugarfree one then to keep your sugar level okay.
Who cares redbull is way better than monster
Post ur nails

Probably because you're an idiot as well.