Im depressed lonely and on the verge of suicide what book should i read>

im depressed lonely and on the verge of suicide what book should i read>

no longer human


Ignore the Deepak Chopra quote on the cover. Book is good but why Chopra man?

Can you read spanish?

Does Stoner count as depressing? I found it almost happy in a very stoic kind of way.

I thought Anna Karenina was a really comfy novel to read if you're in that depressed mood. Especially the final part when Levin is having his spiritual crisis.

That being said, any Russian novel is god-tier if you want to get your noggin joggin about life, depression and philosophy.

If you need a book to get even more depressed then Journey to the end of the night

I had Stoner on my shelf for the last year and never got around to reading it as I assumed it was about pot smoking university douchebags but I finally picked it up and my god it is phenomenal. Genuinely one of the best books i've ever read, going through Williams's other stuff now. Augustus is fantastic also

Is Hunger really depressing?

Start living authentically.

Read the Bible.

>Journey to the end of the night
>Death on the installment plan


This. I found Stoner kinda sad but in a life affirming way. People who think Stoner is depressing are probably just pseuds desu

we need an answer

Ancient History

We're trying to help him, not kill him!!

You sjhould read LEaves of Grass by whalt whitman

Not really

no. but post it anyway because others may be able too.

2/3 through it right now. SO far I love levin's part but the Karenins are boring.

The Bible

my diary desu

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

No books for this. Look around at the world. Choose something to care about.

Go out in style.
Jk seek help

t. Sean Goonan

seeking help. Your post made me smile, thank you.

Just hoping a book can be a coping mechanism, not a motivation to end it.

I suggest "The Book of Joy." It's a little cheesy, but it's quite nice.

I hope you are able to escape this state of mind. In some moments, life can seem very meaningless and bleak; you can get better, though. Simply an optimistic outlook will change the way you interpret the world. Love is all around you, user.
