If all humans and other sentient observers stopped existing, would the universe have any meaning?

If all humans and other sentient observers stopped existing, would the universe have any meaning?

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It also doesn't have any with sentient beings.

So the very claim you just made doesn't mean anything?

>meaning of existence != meaning in a sense of etymology and semantics
>playing the word game
>considering yourself profound and witty


The universe would have a new meaning if you remove elements from it, and would constitute a new universe if it remained a universe. Read more Venn diagrams.


It would cease to exist

The universe wouldn't exist. When you die, the world dies with you.

Same as now. No.

It would mean something to some other being that sprouted from it, of course, but that wasn't allowed for in the OP's question.

People die every day and the world still goes on.

Are you all those people?

I like this idea. Since we're born and stuck for the rest of our lives with the same body and mind, all we know as life and universe is what we perceive as individuals... When we die, we stop processing all that information and, therefore, the universe dies with us...
Where can I read more about this?

You don't know if they're real people. Maybe you're the only real person in the world, and after your death the entire universe will just dissolve.

I don't know, I can't remember where I read it the first time but it just struck me as making sense and because of that I've always remembered the idea of it.


Yeah, and it's possible that a fire-breathing unicorn could appear in my room and roast me alive. Who knows, man.

hi where are the literature

I'm not postulating the existence of any non-existing object, I'm the one being the skeptical here

hi the literature are there you can bought it if you wants amazon.com/dp/B000S1M9LY/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

>Time doesn't real guis
>Material doesn't real to

The universe would continue to not have any meaning, but it would continue.

Great fucking post, fat hairy pussy.

define meaning you cretin, this question resolves itself once you get clear on what you're asking

read maps of meaning plebian

>smugposting as though solipsism is any more disprovable than it is provable
just shut your whore mouth, dumb cunt

sorry I don't read pseudoscience

PROAbbably not

>I haven't decided what the nature of my universe is.

Are you a hard-fate too, or do solipsists go the other way, like, 'life is a dream, yo'?

Yappity yappity yap. Shut your hole cunt, no one cares.

you don't read at all

no because then the universe wouldn't exist

No. The only reason we're here is so the universe can appreciate itself.

The question wouldn't even be up for consideration.

The universe would be better without us