Cooking for picky eaters

What do you go to in this situation Veeky Forums?

what are your staples that work for most people

A grilled cheese sandwich because I'm not going out of my way to prepare a whole separate dish because someone doesn't like onions. They're lucky I just don't toss it into the dog's foodbowl and make them eat it out of that.

Tell them to fuck off or grow up

Tendies & butter noodles.

Considering im tasked with feeding a literal child it can eat some bread/nuts/berries that I can find from the fridge.

I remember that thread.

>TONs of flavor

Tell them what my parents told me.

They can eat what's on their plate or they can leave the table.

>The children are dead at this point

This. Picky eaters are their own problem. They are not my problem.

My cousin has always been a picky eater so when we stayed at our grandma's house she would just put a slice of cheese between two slices of bread and make him eat it or go hungry. I've never understood picky eaters

Go away, weeb.

I am severely intolerant to fodmap, which is included in many food. If I ingest food with lots of fodmap, I get a massive foamy diarrhea. Instead of shitting proper liquid shit, I shit yellow foam from my ass. Terrible.
Doesn't stop me from cooking nice meals everyday. It's a pain in the ass when I dine at people's home but I will always go for something easy and clean, like some soup or a nicely grilled meat.

First of all, what are they picky about? Smell? Some types of food?


good, it'll teach it to pack its own meal if going to a place, not expect a vegetarian dish. a meat eater doesn't expect meat options at a veggie-off or whatever

You have the countenance of a witch you ugly jap slit.

>proper liquid shit

First post best post.

Sounds like my roommate. His diet consists of hot pockets, cereal and milk though. Fuck loads of milk for some reason. We tell him to eat real food but he refuses.

I keep cans of soup and stuff to make sandwiches at all times. I don't mind excluding an ingredient from a dish, but I won't cook a separate meal for one person.

Dessert ramen is a classic.
The only thing wrong about OP's image is that she isn't shamelessly oblivious to how disgusting the concoction is.

I just ask what they hate to eat right off the bat.

If they still hate what they see on their plate, they can fuck off

There's two types of picky eaters: The ones who don't want to try new things or new combinations, and the ones who know what tastes ruins their appetite. Fuck the former.
I'm the latter. If you make something with beans, I'll give it a try. Maybe I'll like it, though I probably won't. I'll either eat it anyway with less satisfaction or I'll pick around them. If you make something cooked with nuts, I'll at least take a bite or two to try it, but that's most likely as far as I'll get. If it's encrusted with a lot of nuts, or the nuts are the center of the dish, I won't even bother because I know I don't like nutty flavors.

>go grab pho with my 18 year old cousin
>all he got was noodles and meat
>say pho is godly with basil and bean sprouts
>gives me the NAWWW face

Holy shit, how do people not like veggies?

I'm picky, so I'm just always the one who cooks. It works out well for everyone.

anyone know the artist of the pic in the op?

eat what you're given or fuck off

Eat or don't eat, pretty easy.

because fuck veggies tryna die fast not healthy

I don't cook for picky eaters. I always suggest we go out instead. I'll be damned if I spend my time cooking a nice meal to have them pick at it like a little bitch.
The only exception to this is holidays. But even then, I cook what I like and if they don't eat it, then it's their problem.

it's pixelnoodle.

>the ones who don't want to try new things or new combinations
>the ones who know what tastes ruins their appetite
Dude, you missed one:
>the ones who suffer from horrible medical bullshit and are just trying not have a horrible time and/or die

>I am not a 'picky eater' you frothing jizzwizard. I am trying to avoid literally bleeding to death through my arsehole.
Shit like this is why I don't eat out any more. It's just too much hassle and drama.
That and everyone puts chilli in everything ever, because reasons.

Did you fuck her?

>I always suggest we go out instead.

"Ay bruh where you wanna go"
"I dunno man, what do you feel like?"
"finna straight murder a whole bowl of pho my dude"
"ehhh i don't really want a soup"
"they also do, like, noodles n shit. they do chinese."
"you wanna hit the pub then? get like some ribs or scotch eggs or something"
"nahh that's a bit much"
"aight dawg how bout that new turkish cafe just opened?"
"can't we just go to Wendy's?"

If I know beforehand that I'm going to be serving picky eaters I prepare simple dishes. Karage, plain grilled meat, etc, etc. I cook/prep various sauces and flavorings so it ends up with a "choose your flavor" scenario.

That said, I only cook for my wife, my friends, and myself 99% of the time and I don't tolerate kids well. So the rare time a picky eater is involved it's when I'm hosting for work and telling them to fuck off isn't a good idea.

>start dating older lady
>she has a 17 yr old daughter
>17 yr old only eats hot pockets and fast food

I dunno what to do anons. I bought some mayonnaise that's not Hellman's and she refuses to eat it.

Careful with that edge there kiddos.

I don't understand how people are picky eaters. I can get not liking a few food items, because I do not like coleslaw, potato salad, black liquorice or macaroni salad. I'm funny about blue cheese, but I like the dressing for hotwings.

Shit I'll eat sardines straight out of a can, I'll eat mayo, cottage cheese, okra, squid, any kind of seafood really, mushrooms, liver, I love onions, mustard, spinach, boiled eggs, any kind of meat, sushi, hot sauces or peppers. Like I said it's hard for me to find something I won't enjoy.

Picky eater detected. What's a matter, triggered because your mom made you eat your carrots?

Most picky eaters are people that were over indulged as a child. Their parents, either lack of time or lack of effort, just fell back on making them their familiar favorites over and over. It's why you have grown men that eat chicken tenders but won't touch a vegetable.

I consider myself lucky. Unless it was a birthday, my parents didn't ask my siblings and I what we wanted for dinner. They made dinner and either we ate it or we didn't.

Stop feeding a kid that isn't yours.

My buddy's kid is like this. Sometimes when I go over there for dinner his wife will make something really excellent, his two other kids will eat it right up. His son will sit there and refuse to even touch a single bite. It could be anything from grilled chicken with rice to meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Every once in a while they'll try the "sit there and finish your plate" but he'll literally sit there and cry for two hours, like actually tears coming out. Then all of a sudden you'll hear the toilet flush, "I'M DONE!".

They've mostly just given up. It's either a grilled cheese sandwich or chicken nuggets.

thank you!

>letting the child win

If I didn't eat my dinner, it went in the fridge and I was not offered anything else.

If I had flushed perfectly good food down the toilet, my Dad would have yelled at me until I pissed myself (he was really good at yelling) I would have been put n a corner for the rest of the night and I probably would have had any and all fun things taken away from me for about a week.

Your buddy needs to establish what is acceptable behavior and enforce consequences for misbehaving.

Second type here, I've never cared for red fishmeats, or really most seafoods or it's accessories, of them I only really eat white fishmeat, which is okay. I've tried (and semi-regularly eaten some of them growing up) but they're just not tastes I enjoy. I also fucking hate dressings.

I'll try new stuff at restaurants unless I'm starving, I actually found one of my favorite dishes at a thai place, but the owner turned out to be a violent fuckhead so I can't eat there any more in good concience.

i was like this, like full real 'tism kid, and my sis just traumatized me until i got over it by forcing me to eat it, even if i vomited, over and over

like, it sucked during, but i'm better for it, so i'm not mad. she didn't actually harm me. all of the harm came from myself and my overreactions and she helped me fix it

Straight from my "For me its" folder

Yes I agree, but it's not my fucking kid and they didn't ask for any advise from me. I have my own son, and I would get pretty annoyed if someone was giving me advise. He's not a picky eater.

Gonna need more pictures from that folder





Bake chips in the oven. That and ketchup is all they're getting

Had an ex who went zero gluten diet and refused to eat anything that didn't specifically say "gluten free" (Even the fucking sugar bag couldn't escape scrutiny), so I ended up cooking in secret and adding gluten to the food. To my eternal shame, she couldn't taste the difference.
>"B-but muh gluten!"

Yakitate is a bizarre show

I had a single food I was sure I hated until I was a teenager but it wasn't for lack of trying. Eggs! Fucking eggs are everywhere and I never liked them growing up. However I did eat them in just about every prep you can imagine. If they were fully incorporated like quiche or hollendaise sauce I could do it.
Finally I tried a cheese and tomato diner omelette and liked it. Ate like a dozen of them in a week.
Now I realize it's the component parts that bother me. Yolk on its own I don't like. Runny yolk grosses me out totally. Scrambled fine

To/dr egg yolks are my cilantro

That's not really the same. Being picky seems whiny while staying alive seems pretty smart

>Wait a year, trade for the daughter, enjoy your own hot pocket

Here you go user. Have some more images to add to that folder if you want.

You should have sued your dad for abuse.

I banish them from my life

picky eaters are subhuman


This is the tread that brought me to Veeky Forums from /b/ way back when
These are devastating.
This is the best board hands down. Where else can I feel ill looking at cooking travesties, enjoy earnest cook-a-longs with anons, and discover awesome things like Drunk Cook, Soulful T, and Maangchi? Thanks ck

fuck off /b/tard
cancerous prick

This is what it's like eating with my gf
she can't go a week without tendies

Onions are the only things I cannot stand and I hate it, they're a key ingredient to most great dishes