Hey lit, i wanna start reading again

Hey lit, i wanna start reading again
These are the books i got. Which ones do you recommend I read first?

Catcher in the Rye, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Hitchhiker's Guide, The Road. The rest are, to my knowledge, varying degrees of utter garbage, to the point that part of me thinks that your post may be bait. Steven King is a VASTLY overrated writer, though I found the extended version of The Stand a fun read.

it would be better to not read and lurk this board desu

Don't listen to them, read whatever you want. Even if most of them are shit, at least start from somewhere.

Those are pretty good choices to ease back into reading.
I'd suggest starting with Catcher in the Rye or Gatsby, they're both good books and easy, comfy reading. The road is good as well, Hitchhiker's Guide is fun, 1984 is pretty good.
Can't recommend King as I'm not much of a fan. He's not that great, I personally would avoid him.
So get reading.

McCarthy, Orwell, Catcher and Gatsby. Throw everything else out.

If you faggots hate king, who is good horror?

>In b4 Frankenstein/Dracula/house of leaves meme

that looks great user! great taste!

My recommendation would be for you to skim through various genres of pirated ebooks, dedicate your free time to ones you enjoy, establish your taste, emphasise on developing it and avoid the pleb trash you got on your hands right now.

creepypasta and chain emails

Something tells me you're not familiar with Veeky Forums

I suggest holding a bonfire

that bed looks really comfy
also catcher in the rye and then burn the rest

Where do you pirate your e books? Tpb hasn't been great in my experience

libgen, myanonamous, bibliotik

Man that's some reddit tier bait.

>leaving reddit's all time favourite

Ditch the Kings and read one of the others, preferably Catcher, Gatsby or 1984. Veeky Forums may moan about them being 'entry level' but that's what makes them good for getting into reading.

There is no good genre fiction. You can read King, but be aware it is just mindless entertainment.


there is absolutely nothing wrong with
>mindless entertainment

Sure, but it ain't lit. >>> Veeky Forums

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. Just that you should be aware of what you are doing. And that you won't get any respect for it on a board about literature.

Sometimes I watch stupid action movies, sometimes I eat junk food, sometimes I read genre fiction. But I won't compare Transformers to Dr. Strangelove, I won't compare Burger King to a Michelin star restaurant and I won't compare George R.R. Martin to Dostoyevsky. Catch my drift?

It's a complete waste of time. Other than that, yeah, nothing wrong.

>Burger King to a Michelin star restaurant

Good analogy, some people don't realize they're starving and shoot immediately for the stars.

Catcher in the Rye

>no good genre fiction

meme wolf disagrees

Maybe reading just isn't for you.

Read The Road last. McCarthy has a pretty unique prose.

Lovecraft and Ligotti