Give me some comments about the works of Dostoevsky that are useful for faking having read him

Give me some comments about the works of Dostoevsky that are useful for faking having read him.

I read The Gambler a long time ago but don't know much anymore, except that winning when starting gambling is a sure sign of impending doom.

I want to impress a girl that's all brainy and stuff and likes Dostoevsky to quite some extent, she even wrote a scholarly paper in a medical journal about some scene in The Brothers Karamazov.

That's pathetic, my man

Trying to trick someone who knows a great deal about a book into thinking you've read it is retarded and you're likely to stumble into getting caught.

However since you're a faggot you probably deserve to get caught.

Wait until she asks you what you thought of The Grand Inquisitor then kiss her on the lips.

No it's a way of making conversation without spending hundreds of hours I don't have reading ancient books.

I don't remember everything from every book I read. Being able to say what you did and didn't like about it goes a long way.

Call her a scoundrel. All you need.

that's actually a sweet reaction

Dont let ur autistm take the best of you. Simply say you're interested in the book and ler her talk about it for ages, actually pay attention so you have anything of value to say about the book afterwards. As soon as you feel the conversation start to die out tell her you havĂȘ a kink for smart girls.

Low quality bait. Instead of thinking such nonsense you would be better off with suicide. Just a thought of mine.

Don't know what I expected from this board. No constructive responses, only negativism, not answering my question but telling me the question is stupid. That's why y'all ain't got that lit qt I guess

>hey guys I have a supremely bad idea doomed to fail - help me out
>don't do it you will only fail and hurt yourself and any future chances with that person
Yeah, this person probably wouldn't stay with you for very long anyways, so don't feel sad.

More of the same bullshit

Any normal non-stuck up person would have said something like "tell her about how you found it remarkable how in The Idiot the Beautiful Woman always acts as if she isn't interested in the protagonist, and then after she's gone the englishman reveals that SHE WAS INTERESTED all along and the protagonist was an idiot for believing she wasn't!!!!", stuff like that. If you have casual conversation about a book with someone they don't usually try to prove that you didn't read it. But I guess you wouldn't know about such things.

confirmed tested tactic but not with books.When girls start talking about things they like all you gotta do is nod and agree most of the conversation

>Any normal non-stuck up person
Any normal person would tell you that you're a cretin, because your plan is retarded. If you were trying to impress some random blonde fuckdoll whose last book was by Dr. Seuss that might work, but you yourself told us that the person is rather fond of Dostoyevsky to the point that she wrote scholarly papers about his works. That means she's not going to be impressed by the mere fact that you read at all or read the classics or read Dosto. And no, she isn't going to try to prove that you didn't read it, but it would be obvious the moment she poses any simple innocent question after you blurt out your prepackaged sparknotes-infused 'opinion' and wouldn't be able to answer it. Being a pseud is great to impress dilettantes, but not people familiar with the subject - you're going to be found out in no time. Just pick another book or author or another medium altogether - something she's not quite as well acquainted with and proceed to bullshit as much as you can. That's how pretending and seducing works.

Honestly though, judging by your posts, I'd say you're an underage fag trying to covertly get help with his homework assignment, in which case the best thing to do is ask for an extension and read the fucking book instead of shitposting.

My favourite part was when Raskolnikov turned back time and still turned himself in. It really brought out the fact Dostoevsky was truly a fatalist.

You have a point OP. Here is something you can say about the grand inquisitor (a famous chapter in the brothers karamazov -- likely the one she wrote about).

Paradoxically Dostoevsky failed to have Ivan (the atheist brother) prove his basis for atheism and instead had the Christian brother, Dmitry, contradict himself; therefore showing the illogical possibly of a caring God. In the parable Dostoevsky seems to support the Spanish inquisition and the view that the church is infallible.
Ivan misses the mark by trying to prove the problem of evil contradicts a caring God by using children in his examples. This is contradictory to other parts of the book which says that children are inherently sinless and therefore not within the scope of the problem of evil.
Dmitry though, says that ivans inquisitor is just in "fooling" the masses into religious bliss. That is, the lies the church says are justified by the results (happy population) this is contradictory because the problem of evil states that evil comes from free will.

Reword as you want I am not a native English speaker (i am Russian) but the ideas are all right.

That really is quite pathetic. Let me guess what better things you do with your spare time: playing vidya and beating off to pics of girls far smarter than you?

I was once talking to a girl and books came up. She was a barista at a Starbucks I frequented with some friends once a week and we became regulars. We talked about books and she mentioned she like Paper Towns by John Green. This book is a guilty pleasure for me. It is stupid at times, but it hit me like a ton of bricks when I read it. I asked her what she liked about it. She couldn't give me an answer. Then I remembered that I mentioned it a few weeks previously in conversation to one of my friends. She had overheard me and said it was her favorite despite never having read it. It's 300 pages at a middle school reading level. Its not a hard or long read. After that and a few other conversations that bothered me I realized she wanted to someone to take care of her and her kid from when she dropped out of high school at 15. She didn't even have a GED. One on one she was boring and kinda stupid.

What I am getting at is, read The Brothers Karamozov. Preferably the Pevear and Volokhonsky translation. Ask to borrow her copy. Attempt to understand it. Ask her for her opinion on certain parts or characters. Take an interest in something she wrote scholarly papers on. That will go far further than lying and coming of as a know it all who can't answer basic questions. Most every guy on this board would kill to meet a girl with an interest in Dostoevesky.

>Most every guy on this board would kill to meet a girl with an interest in Dostoevesky.

It would give an interesting spin on discussing Crime and Punishment.


Use this qoute from The Idiot
"OP is agiant niggerfaggot" -Jesus Christ

What a brilliant idea
Im gonna try this