Does the word Umami trigger you?


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No, why would it?

ooo mommy

how can I add umami to my marinara without anchovies? it's for a restaurant


That doesn't seem right, I thought it was mostly all on the tip of the tongue

Yes msg is your best bet. It's the salt of a umami

Your taste buds are all over your tongue and mouth, there aren't zones.

I don't understand why non japanese people don't just say "savory"

don't have a word for savory
what now

Because it's trendy.

Because they are actually different. Umami is characterized by the flavour of high concentrations of glutamic acid. Not all savory tasting foods have high glutamic acid so something can be savory but not umami. For example comparing a potato to fish. Both are savory but a potato is not umami.

Yea but I thought the tip of your tongue had more sensitive taste buds or something

Without other flavors? MSG. Without fish? Meat, cartilage. Without meat? Seaweed, soy sauce, celery, mushrooms...a few others I can't remember.

Well I started hearing about umami, and anchovies seemed like the way to go, but I don't want to get people sick

Why would people get sick from anchovies? You are aware that anchovies are a staple in actual Italian cuisine right? Why are you afraid of adding Italian ingredients to your Italian sauce?

savory, though

This is true-ish. But I heard zoned can change from person to person.

A number of sauces make use of anchovies, sardines, or fermented fish sauces to get that kick of umami plus that slight taste of fish to give it a more complex flavor profile.

Yeast extracts like Vegemite and Marmite. Maybe shit like Bovril too?


Yeah, vegemite and marmite. Really good for adding a really strong beefy flavor without beef.

it's a reddit word

it sounds like something an annoying faggot would tell you about as if it's something new and interesting that you haven't heard about approximately ten million times

because it's a high volume pizza parlor and fish allergies exist

Why not invent a new flavor and name it after yourself? Like if you were named Daniel, then it would be Danieltaste.

>marinara on pizza

Shit nigga what are you doing? Pizza sauce and marinara are different. Unless you are specifically making pizza alla marinara then you are doing it wrong.

for our pizza sauce we simply blend our marinara down till smooth

Trendy? Like a trend that's been going on for over a decade now and Veeky Forums has been complaining about it for over a decade now type of "trendy"?

It's very, very slightly true. Like, a couple percent of intensity per flavor.

It doesn't trigger me but if I heard someone say it in public I'd probably raise an eyebrow.

Calm down hipster, it was a joke. Go wax your beard and relax.

my god, people never stop talking about reddit on this site.
seems like you're obsessed

A potato is starchy, not savory.

Kinda yeah. Just say savory.

I really really really like this video

I don't want to add more allergens though so I'll probably just go with the MSG

what the fuck does "umami" mean
is that like "wasabi"?

Im more triggered by the "you taste x on this part of your tongue!"

No, you dont.

gonn get bullied talking in english
being bullied is bad

It means savory. Which is a flavor discovered by a japanese guy. It's mostly associated with msg.


Even knowing Japanese, it does sound a little ridiculous, and it feels strange to say when talking to someone about taste. That said, you can either call it "savory," or just accept that Japan has a ton of loanwords from all over the world, so adding "umami" to the comparatively-small collection we have from them isn't much to cry over.

No but this retarded image does

Ooo daniel

>N-No it's like we're obsessed...with reddit. Baka !

>actually being annoyed at the word Umami
I can't believe the retardation at play here
how the fuck else do you even describe that flavor? and no, savory is not the same thing at all

This. Nothing on the internet surprises me. I just assume anyone who says "umami" is from California or some equally gay place. If I heard this in real life though I would cringe.

Are you somehow excited or satisfied by the word "triggered"? A word is just a word, son.

>Reading comprehension
>Bullying doesn't get me off

Your mommy triggers my penis.

Summers lasting a long while.


Try using that word correctly, kid.

>triggered numale detected