Easy Way to Learn Coding?

I'm a total noob who does not know a lot about coding who needs to learn C++. What is the quickest way to learn something simpler like Python or Java so I can actually know what the hell I'm learning when I move onto C++?

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There isn't a hard way.


People will recommend books or codeacademy, but honestly the best way to learn a programming language is to actually program. Just work on a project, it doesn't have to be original just something to get your feet wet.

Thank you for your assistance! I will see what I can do!

You're honestly better off starting on C++. Java holds your hand too much, so you may develop bad habits that C++ will punish.

Great point and advice. I'll see how I feel when I start doing a little on C++. thanks!

Learn C. It's C++ but without all the bad programming habits.


>having to override 12 constructors

it's garbage and a piece of shit

Recommending this one. Forces you to understand what you're doing from the very beginning.

guys I was taught programming in c++ in HS
I managed to program a minesweeper and a cardgame from my country called "Truco".
Can i do sth with this?

C++ is the worst programming language ever created. As a first language, learn C.

Learn basic algorithms, data structures and shit with C. Move on to the greatest language so far, Go.

You can also learn python for some quick scripting, it's useful, worth the time you spend for learning.

This is a serious and honest answer. Ignore meme answers. I can back up everything i say here in great detail but let's hope you are not a complete brainlet and it's not necessary.

>C++ is the worst programming language ever created.
That is one of the worst opinions I've ever seen.
C++ doesn't hold your hand or obfuscate all the hard work from you, but that's only a bad thing if you're lazy and looking for a childproofed nu-language.
And in terms of being convoluted Java's somehow worse anyway despite being an attempt at childproofing.
I could see using something other than C++ for convenience (e.g. I wouldn't want to use C++ for web services), but calling C++ bad for that reason is like calling a 3 star michelin restaurant bad for not being as fast or easy to order from as McDonalds. Most of the conveniences of other languages were built off of C++ innovations anyway, like dynamically allocated arrays or the way most everyone does object oriented programming today.
And C++ is the only realistic embedded systems language other than C or straight assembly, so that alone makes calling it the worst or even just bad a goofy joke opinion.

>mark and sweep garbage collection
>good for anything
how about you shut the fuck up instead of giving such bad advise?

>only realistic embedded systems lang.
try gamedev pajeet. C is far superior in embedded systems.

C++ is a clusterfuck. It's impossible to learn and master. There are maybe 100 people who knows C++ in the world.

There are shittons of rules and as many as exceptions to these rules. There are 43435623 ways to do one thing.

As donald knuth stated;
>Whenever the C++ language designers had two competing ideas as to how they should solve some problem, they said, “OK, we’ll do them both”.

Every company uses a subset of the language, google doesn't use exceptions, some other company doesn't use multiple inheritance and yet other doesn't use templates. This makes it impossible to share C++ code. It's like two different languages.

Trying to learn C++ in 2017 is a big big mistake. If you're obsessed with speed, learn C or Rust. If you want a simple and capable modern language that's compiled, statically typed, learn Go.

Do not learn C++.

anyone who uses C++ properly uses a conservative subset, more like C with extensions. you don't use the full-fledged monstrosity

I cannot believe someone is able to give such bad advise on the basis that the language is too complex. By that same argument engineers should stop making things because nobody properly understand physics.
C++ is the fastest, most reliable language that is not C. It doesn't matter where you look, you will find that in all critical systems either C++ or C are being used. Google, SpaceX, Renaissance, Microsoft, Adobe, etc etc.
I'm definitely not against learning other languages such as Go, Erlang, Python, etc. But saying that C++ is bad because it is too complex? Please, the language doesn't even matter, once you take into account the million proprietary LoC that companies have the complexity of C++ will look trivial compared to the complexity that will have to deal with. It's why Sussman said

>(modern programming is) More like science. You grab this piece of library and you poke at it. You write programs that poke it and see what it does. And you say, ‘Can I tweak it to do the thing I want?'

C++ is perfect for that kind of approach.

Don't code monkeys ever get bored of arguing over what hammer they should use for their retard baby projects? It's literally all I ever seen them talk about on here with the same arguments over and over again going around and around and around.

Like holy fuck is all of CS just arguing over programming languages because that's what they make it seem like.

well start believing kumar.

>Sometimes I do write C++ instead of C. C++ I think is basically too big a language, although there's a reason for almost everything that's in it. When I write a C program of any size, I probably will wind-up using 75, 80, 90% of the language features. In other words, most of the language is useful in almost any kind of program. By contrast, if I write in C++ I probably don't use even 10% of the language, and in fact the other 90% I don't think I understand.
>Brian Kernighan

>C++ is an insult to the human brain.
>Niklaus Wirth

>Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out.
>Bjarne (fucking) Stroustrup

>Whenever the C++ language designers had two competing ideas as to how they should solve some problem, they said, “OK, we’ll do them both”. So the language is too baroque for my taste.
>Donald E Knuth

>C++ may not be the worst programming language ever created, but without a doubt it’s the worst ever to be taken seriously.
>Mason Wheeler

>C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.
>Steve Taylor

>C++: glacial compiles, insane complexity, impenetrable errors, laughable cross-platform compat, basically useless tools.
>Aaron Boodman

>If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor and when was the last time you needed one?
>Tom Cargill

>C++ has shown that if you slowly bloat up a language over a period of years, people don’t seem to mind as much.
>James Hague

>To me C++ seems to be a language that has sacrificed orthogonality and elegance for random expediency.
>Meilir Page-Jones

I'm sorry you're too dumb to learn how to program, user. Maybe try taking up cooking or guitar playing instead.

>C++ is the worst programming language ever created
Said no one whose opinion actually matters

>C++ is the worst programming language ever created. As a first language, learn C.
come on man save the trolling for /g/

that doesn't mean anything, sure the language is complex but there's a distinction between complexity and usefulness
you still haven't addressed Go's appalling garbage collection, even after calling it the best language ever
i guess it muse be THE KEWLEST EVAH if you're doing script kiddy stuff, but it just doesn't cut it in the real world

Did you read your own quotes? Half of them aren't even bad, they just point out what Stroustrup said from the beginning, that he'd rather give you tools than hide them from you.
>The connection between the language in which we think/program and the problems and solutions we can imagine is very close. For this reason restricting language features with the intent of eliminating programmer errors is at best dangerous.

what kind of stupid are you? i didn't answer it because you are not worth (you).

who cares about implementation details of garbage collection. i only care about pause times. i write a fucking game that updates 60 times a second and i don't feel any pause. I don't see any pause because after 1.7 gc pauses dropped below 5ms and it gets better in every release.

also go is a pragmatic language both in implementation and language itself, it didn't even have ssa compiler before 1.8, but now it has.

mark & sweep and pause the world is the simplest implementation of gc and it works very well.

>Implying anyone who doesn't see the use of endlessly repeating the same arguments about programming languages doesn't know how to program
Really says something about your state of mind.

>i write a fucking game
Why is code monkey shit allowed on Veeky Forums again?

/g/ is only for battlestations now

Do you think C restricts programmers?

We are talking about mutually inclusive rules and paradigms in the language. you can create 10 different languages out of C++. there are too many ways to accomplish one thing. It's always impossible to use all the language and if you don't use it, you forget it.

That's why even the smartest people don't know C++ fully. It's a scary language. Everybody who defends C++ here don't know C++. I probably used it more than any teenager here that defend it.

Using C++ in production is a huge pain in the ass. I don't even talk about compile times and shit.

i thought Veeky Forums was smarter than /g/ and appreciate simplicity more but i was utterly wrong.

>Off-topic content is fine if the board it belongs on is shitty
Nah fuck off.

Sadly Veeky Forums's janitors don't give a fuck and let these shit threads hang around.

>Game developer
Please leave Veeky Forums you brainlet

well on my defence, i am a systems programmer, who writes compilers, av engines, emulators and hobby os etc.

now i have to earn some money so i started developing game, at least it's not a stupid mobile game, it's a pc real time strategy game.

Sure thing buddy.


C's fine but it doesn't have classes. That's the main reason for C++, to do object oriented programming while still keeping things low level (e.g. you could use Java for object oriented programming but you won't use Java for embedded systems).
You could reinvent classes in C, but at that point you're just using bootleg C++.

C++ is objectively horrible by every metric except runtime performance. This is literally the only reason it is still used.


So much this.
Even if you want to go with C++, it's better to learn C first, just to understand what the abstractions hide and why some of them are bad.
Also, picking up a book is recommended. C++ gives you a ton of tools to do anything, but many of them are objectively worse than others. Google and stackoverflow give you solutions, but they are not always good.

I've done projects in the past and hope to continue doing so in the future, but sometimes I have some doubts regarding your advice. I understand that people don't program enough, but when you already code a lot, shouldn't you start looking at other people's code for inspiration and ideas?
Many times in the past I have had an idea and started to program. But sometimes my implementation was far from the best, and there were parts of the code that either "miraculously" worked or were an ugly workaround.

What do people mean when they say that Java holds one's hand too much? Could you give me any examples of that "hand-holding"? I've been learning to program in Java and sometimes I feel like crap thinking that I'm fucking up my learning.