Latin Novels

I just got into reading books in Spanish. What are the best books en español? Who are your favorite authors?

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The last author I read in Spanish was Alfonso Reyes. You should read Visión de Anáhuac (essay) and/or La cena (short story). They are both amazing, but I don't how good your Spanish is. Still, give it a try and see if you like him.

Isabel Allende is just a watered down García Marquez, OP. Don't ever put her horrible books in this board again or I'll get sad.
Chile has a lot of better authors, try José Donoso or Manuel Rojas. El vaso de leche is a good short story, I highlt recommend it.



I'm about 100 pages in. It's not the worst, but the characters are shitty and unrelatable. It frequently goes too far with the magic also. Might put it down soon. Thanks for the recs.

Pedro Páramo by Rulfo
El Túnel by Sabato


Rayuela by Julio Cortazar.

Obviously Isabel Allende isn't exactly high literature, but La Ciudad de las Bestias was fantastic for helping my Spanish reading skills. Easy YA writing but interesting enough to keep me studying without getting bored.

Isabel Allende is underrated imo

Jorge Luis Borges

this, spanish authors are shit

I don't know why this is the case, but there's something about, them, maybe spanish just wasn't meant for books.

what are your favorite authors?

Joyce and the authors of the Gospels

You don't even know how to use a fucking comma. How are you going to criticize a whole language when you have such a weak grasp of your own?

Cesar Aira

He usually writes novellas. I find them easy to read and haven't been reading Spanish very long


If you dont have an understanding of something as simple as the coma, then how can your judgement be trusted?

You didn't even put forward any arguments, fuckface, you just wrote your shitty opinion.

Try reading Borges, and Cortázar, they're classis lit.
I really enjoy reading Alberto Fuget, look him up.

>the coma
As your post proves, a post on an anonymous image board shouldn't be held to the same standards as a widely published work.
See above, a single typo doesn't invalidate my point. There has been one "great work" written in Spanish, and that is Quixote. French, English, Greek, and Russian authors have provided us with hundreds of meaningful philosophical and literary works, yet all Spanish has is Cervantes and maybe Borges.

Isabel Allende is a clown. Jesus.

Again, that's just your opinion. If you have not read more that's your problem. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. What's more, you probably read translations and only have read what Veeky Forums and Bloom like to namedrop. That is no argument. It's just an uninformed, ignorant opinion.

Should I just go ahead and get a physical copy of this book? Reading it as a PDF seems like a pain.

She's a total best seller in this country between all the suburbian old ladies. Her books lack of the substance that magic realism should provoke. She's a vain author, for vain people.
But if that's your coup of tea I don't have anything about it.


Alejo Carpentier, Reinaldo Arenas, Cesar Aira, Julio Cortazar, Juan Rulfo, Eduardo Galeano, Jose Lezama Lima

> Isabel Allende
> Underrated