How long can an adult human go without normal sexual pairbonding experiences before they experience permanent...

How long can an adult human go without normal sexual pairbonding experiences before they experience permanent psychological damage?

(asking for a scientific perspective only please)

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There's no evidence abstinence causes "psychological damage." And there's no such thing as "permanent psychological damage."

About 3

Three what?

3 hundred years

Three Fiddy

Didnt Newton die virgin? I think it may be ok.

A very interesting question. I am in my mid 20s and never had any intimacy with women.

A couple years ago i started sperging out not due to my virginity but the fact that i could not get a single date and i was not even close to kissing a female being.

While i have calmed down now and no longer care about women i became broken and pulled out of society.

As i am writing this i am incapable of holding a conversation with anyone for more than a few minutes and i love being alone.

>tfw 19
how do I get off this ride

All his life. You adapt to loneliness, contrary to beliefs, sex and love is not like eating or sleeping.

The permanent psychological damages come from complete or almost complete isolation when you stay at home without seeing anyone.

Also love being alone, for a long time I thought that was "wrong", but as an adult I've come to realize it's just better for me to be alone. I always hated being forced to go places with my family, I found once I moved out I never felt any desire to go anywhere. Other than work, I spend all of my time alone in my room. I stay up and study or play guitar or read books or just shitpost on here, and I go out for walks at 2-5am when the city is assleep and I have the world to myself. I usually go to the park and I take the dog with me. I feel very little desire for any relationship, the idea of one repulses me. Having a girl around sounds really obnoxious and burdensome. I imagine any girl would be extremely disgusted by my isolated lifestyle and I don't see any appeal in having to explain my weird personality traits to another person. I'd only want a girlfriend if she's just as much of a social recluse as me and desu I'm not convinced such a girl actually exists.

Not sure. But if i was 19 again i would put in more effort instead of being on computer playing games most of the time.

I wasted several years of my life doing nothing. I did not improve myself at the time at all. Now that i am in my mid 20s i value my "youth" more and try to improve myself.

Their whole life, provided they don't have a strong belief in the notion that pair-bonding is necessary to avoid psychological damage.

I like being alone because i have nothing in common with people around me. I do not watch any new tv shows, listen to the current year music or share the same views on the world.

I also do not like getting wasted and partying at clubs. The only time i went to a club i took ecstasy so i could handle the crappy music and i still could not do it and ended up sitting outside getting fresh air and drinking water.

Another thing that i do not have in common with men is the whole looking at "hot" women. Instead i get pissed off by their short shorts and disgusted by their over use of make-up

Forever. You need social interacting and some form of social bonding, with regularity, however.

Don't get too hung up on whether or not you've gone out with a woman or fucked one desu.
Just chill out and stop obsessing over it. It's going to make you happier and if you want it, it's also going to make it easier to actually get women.

you're already fucked

>cuddling for the first time in your life
>realizing how much deprived you've been the whole time

not sure guys

Cuddling has always felt incredibly unfulfilling to me, even with a grill that i loved.

three fiddy


1. doubtful newton was telling the truth.

2. netwon is the quintessential autist who would have been considered extreme even by all the niche communities we have today. Guy was mindbogglingly brilliant but not exactly someone you would want to aspire to.



Most, if not ALL, of your life experiences boil down to whether you got teen sex. It is the most important thing in the growth of a man and the defining moment in his life. If you missed out on it, you are PERMANENTLY psychological damaged. There is NO coming back. You will never have the emotional, intellectual, and social wisdom required to become a fufilled member of the human race.

Can you just imagine what its like? To watch her slide off her clothes for the first time, blushing ear to ear? The soft touch of her unblemished skin. This sweet tingle you get when your lips connect? The sudden jolt of adrenaline when she first says "No, lets go all the way". The life changing feeling when your penis first enters? The indescribable emotional bond and experience you both feel as you go faster and faster? The awe in both your eyes when you finish? The slow but true beat of both your hearts as you stay indoors, snuggling in your underwear, bright eyed to what the future has to offer? You missed ALL of these. You CANNOT recover.

damages comes from social shaming. so it depends on your culture.

>t. Virgin

I know bro, I know

I didn't like my first kiss (tongue n shit). I didn't like sex. I don't like connecting with people except if they have that 'thing' (perhaps autism).

Am I doomed? Or is your argument just totally invalid?

>t. missed out on PTP

As long as you got teen sex, you MIGHT have a chance

Some guys lose weight, get laser surgery, fuck a few escorts, get into pingazz in their 20s and become pretty alpha, even if didn't get ripe teen pussy, still getting 20 year olds.

Gotta be 6'2 though

>t. degenerate
Sex should be reserved for marriage and teens aren't psychologically prepared for marriage in the current world.

This is normal.
That user watched too many anime

>.t Snowflake
But seriously some of what you mentioned comes down to demographic as well. Maybe go find a club or something with your interests like Veeky Forums and meet a beautiful girl. If not on the outside, then on the inside.

are you german

Lmao, are you me?

I also hate that looking at hot women bullshit. It's intense cuckoldry. "Damn look at that chick." Instead of being a man and talking with her they are looking and groupfantasizing like pussies.

This. The only scientifically relevant post.

>pissed off by make-up
How do i say this my friend but it really sounds like you have a rare mental condition called "faggotry"

There are some scientific researches on group bonding. Google scholar will show you several, try to read the ones with more citation/recent

About sexual pairbonding the studies are related on what and how those sexual acts affect you. Could not find anything about directly psychological damage from not having sex for a while.

In general, you are ok for being alone for a while, friends and sex.
The worst thing that might happen it that you don't hone your social skills, that leads to more loneliness or accepting things just to be part of, like not saying " no " when is needed.

There are some "allegations" about not being part of a group for a while might lead to depression.

You asked for a scientific reason. Google scholar is the best place to get it. Most people here clamming their reasoning for being alone are, as I said, just reasoning something to justify their acts. People don't go to bars with friends just to get wasted, and do not watch current movies or music all the time. Those kind of reasoning is just so they feel like an snow flake, But if you read the other comments here you will see their are the same reasoning and justification all again and again.

I just got a guy from gym that fit would call alpha male into anime soundtrack, it was nujabes, but still. You just need to ask and show,

So do yourself a favor and hone your social skills, even if you put yourself in awkward moments at first, and try to improve that. You are good to go.

Thanks user.

>Another thing that i do not have in common with men is the whole looking at "hot" women. Instead i get pissed off by their short shorts and disgusted by their over use of make-up

I see no way how you'd rationalize such an emotional reaction to shorts and make-up, while seemingly being so untouched by sexual appeal. The sexual frustration is as evident as it could get.

I believe that wearing make-up deceives people into thinking that one looks better than they do.

As for the short shorts. They are impractical and only used for obvious reason by narcissistic women. Many of them are not signle but still love the attention of men and do not wear said clothes for themselves.

Fuck off.

>wanting to be pretty for guys
>guys hate you for this

uh oh

Lose some weight, style your hair and dress nicely.

Do not put on a mask as an easy fix for your issues. Fat chicks especially love make-up

What's so bad about this narcissism, really? That it contradicts motherly sacrifice? Is this craving for attention their fault? Do you blame a tiger for hunting down the gazelle?

>I imagine any girl would be extremely disgusted by my isolated lifestyle and I don't see any appeal in having to explain my weird personality traits to another person. I'd only want a girlfriend if she's just as much of a social recluse as me and desu I'm not convinced such a girl actually exists.

this is true, I used to be the partying type but that life led me nowhere so today I have 0 friends left, and hardly talk to anyone outside work, and I quite enjoy it, I have time to do things I need to do, work, study, gym.
I recently got involved with someone by accident (not romantically) and all my schedule just collapsed, I got behind on things and didnt enjoy it. Also I am 28 and when I was 18 I could easily communicate with women but these days they literally drive me mad, most of things they say are BS, they repeat it constantly like I didnt hear them the first time and use like 500 to 1000 words to convey a simple thought when a simple sentence would be enough.

I would not mind sex but just thinking what comes with being in relationship makes me stay away from any contact with women.

>(perhaps autism)
cant be autism because autism isnt real

Yeah man, I have nothing in common with the people I interact with either. I don't watch tv, I don't keep up with pop culture, I listen to obscure music, only video games I play are roguelikes and dwarf fortress. I'm also just really introverted. I have one online friend and other than that I find Veeky Forums satisfies my social desires well enough. Like I said, if I'm not at work, I spend all my time in my room playing guitar or reading books or studying. I was a heavy drug user in my teens but I no longer want to do any hard drugs. I never drink more than a beer or two. Weed makes me anxious and fills me with existential dread so I partake very sparsely.

I don't relate to you about women. They don't piss me off, I do think a lot of them are narcissistic and shallow but desu I find just as many undesirable traits in men. I never understood why so many people assume being reclusive == being misanthropic. I find a sort of beauty in humaniy, from a distance. I say this as someone who has had to deal with being mugged and being threatened by strangers. Some people suck, but I just try to avoid people, we're not the same and I don't see any reason to judge them by the same standards I judge myself.

To make this blogpost somewhat on topic:

the((( article))) is behind pay wall

>loneliness can kill you
But how am I supposed to get shit done if I'm constantly going out?


These should be free, they're not great but I can't find anything better atm. I do think extended social isolation carries some serious concequences. Cortisol can really fuck you up.

I wouldn't ever feel bad about being a lonerboi if it wasn't for social norms. Like if people didn't expect me to have friends and fuck bitches I wouldn't feel lonely at all.

Pretty much this. I had problems with feelings of loneliness for a while, but at some point I realized my only issue with being alone/friendless/virgin was other peoples perception of it.

cuddling is awful, youre gay

>I take the dog with me. I feel very little desire for any relationship

And yet you have an animal relationship? It seems you aren't as detached as you like to think yourself. Unless you mistreat your pet you must have some empathetical characteristics to form a bond with another living creature and look out for its welfare.

>Google scholar is the best place to get it

>letting scroogle gather more data and information on yourself than absolutely necessary

found the pop-sci fag

Having a pet is way different from having friends. T. have dogs, cats and friends

>I'm not convinced such a girl actually exists.
Such girls do exist, though they're scarce and, by definition, hard to actually meet. And most of the time they have reasons for being so secluded so don't expect a 10/10 on mind and body.

The Great Cope

>implying Feynman got laid in his teens

I'm not particularly attached to the dog. It's my roommate's and he doesn't take her for walks. I hate to see any living creature suffer. It is also for my own protection, I live in a relatively high crime area and it's not entirely rare for me to come across some weirdos at those hours. I think the dog is deterrent. For example the other night at about 3am, I came across a guy carrying a baseball bat while pacing back and forth and muttering to himself angrily. At times like that, I am very glad to have a dog with me. Besides the point though, when I said "relationship" I meant an intimate relationship. I value friendship as long as it isn't too demanding, I've had friends before but I don't like expectations or social obligations so most don't last.

This post is like looking into the future. Holy shit I need to change something and fast.

i dunno, how old are you, OP?


>The permanent psychological damages come from complete or almost complete isolation when you stay at home without seeing anyone.

Shit, so that's why people tell me I'm histrionic when I rarely talk with other people. No wonder it always feels like I'm putting on a show.

>tfw lost the ability to socialize by heart.

almost there

I'm going on 29 years and doing okay.

I'm 32, and lived through 8 years of abstinence (started having sex at 18, and didn't engage in any form of it from 20 to 28).

I gradually turned into a heavy recluse arround my mid 20s, and developed a premature ejaculation problem(which started occuring arround year 6). I have no evidence this is linked to abstinence, but I wouldn't rule out a possability of mild psychological damage due to this.

you're not alone

Yeah, because you TOTALLY can't experience that feeling in adulthood XD

Sloppy teenage virgin sex sucks. I had it. The sex I have as an experienced 28 year-old is by far superior. Don't worry, user... this is all a meme borne out of a culture of cheap machismo. You'll be fine.

kek I meant 'same here', I guess I used the wrong phrase there.

I've always been different. But not like the others.

I have been in only one serious relationship and the ending was rather rocky. I took that as motivation to improve myself.

Now that I have and got my career going...I find myself with little time to put into a relationship. I've always wanted a pet but I have no time for that either.

But my friendships at work and outside of work are okay. I'm not exactly socially awkward. I act like an extrovert when I prefer to be an introvert. I can talk to people and remain independent. I like to read, I like to learn, and I find that more fulfilling.

I've been single for 5 years, approaching my mid 30s, and the farthest I've gone with a woman is 3rd base...there are times where the desire for a relationship grows but in the end, I know this would negatively impact how I want to live my life and improve myself.

Bottom line, you don't need sex to live. But social interaction is important. Learning how to properly interact with people is a key to survival. I mean...idk...don't masturbate too much and develop an abnormal sexual habit? Avoiding loneliness is preferred so you don't end up a weirdo but learn to find contentment in being alone.

im about to be 23, graduated with a dual degree, and ready to kill myself because ive never dated a girl, held a hand, or hugged. Shit, i dont even have girls that actively talk to me. I already drive a sports car, have no debt from college, gonna start out making 80k+ a year and then move up, but none of this interests me. My true desires are not with money, so i just wanna fucking die.

yeah, no.

>making your entire life about needing a fucking woman.
How weak can you be user?
Redpill the fuck up and stop caring about women. Jesus you're already about to have the good life.

Don't listen to this faggot, user, go out there and just get a fucking hug for fucks sake god damn. Then get a blowjob. Just get the fuck out there. This WILL be a mental block for you permanently if you dont man the fuck up and get out there and do it. You will get shot down, that's just life.

Baby steps.

humans are made to be social creatures, its within our nature. Wanting to breed and be social has been deprived from me my whole life. I just want a person who i am able to talk to, that understand and share feelings and interests. Also i like nature a lot and wish i could go hiking more often, shit id love to spend like 8 months out of the year just out traveling the world and being in nature, but im stuck being a slave and doing things that bring me no true joy.

So i am weak for realizing what human nature is, and what admitted to myself what i desire? I dont hide behind lies of 'being strong' to justify being single, i am a real man that is conscious about his life.

Get a better personality.

>Wanting to breed and be social has been deprived from me my whole life.

i'm not some beta male. I've gone up to girls and asked for numbers, i tried to find a new chick to go after each semester. I've joined groups like the Society of Physics Students, and done other social shit. I even play pokemon go quite often, but girls just dont want to talk to me. Someone has to be the statistic, so i guess its me. Im the pathetic outcast loser no one enjoys being around, and will die alone after suffering endlessly through his life.

>I just want a person who i am able to talk to, that understand and share feelings and interests.
You don't have any friends?

you sound damaged

You sound depressed. I lived that life for 8 years before I snapped out of it. Go see a therapist.

just one that i can truly call close, but he still needs a pussy because i wanna breed. Breeding creates stronger intimacy and feelings.

i consider myself a pretty well adjusted person socially

lost virginity at 17

have had sexual experiences with ~7 or so women

one LTR and multiple ONS

however i'm 25 now and going on almost 2 years without sex. mostly self induced, as in i don't pursue opportunities because i'm too picky about who i sleep with.

as a result ive been going much longer without sex than i ever had before. i haven't had a dry spell this long since i've had sex at 17.

i've gone on dates with women i consider attractive yet i haven't bedded one in quite a while. i get a fair amount of matches on tinder, etc.

really not a bad looking guy or have weird mannerisms. decent dress sense, tall, ok looking facially, good career track, etc. maybe i feel entitled to hot pussy and think it should just fall in my lap without any effort or investment on my part.

i wonder if going long times without sex is bad for you psychologically.

Just research monks you dope

>well adjusted
>uses tinder
>goes on dates
Either stop lying, or get off the board.

This but only semi-ironically. There are other things you can only experience in a certain part of your lifetime.

>tfw I experienced all this but never realized how important it was until I read these words

Nice copypasta. I don't think I've seen much of this around, maybe just once.

I can only talk for myself, but the feeling of having sex again with a new girl a almost a year after breaking up with my ex really did something to my psyche. My brain cleared up, and the cucked feeling went away almost immediately. My brain basically told me, "you win again, keep winning breh".

William, is that you?

People are generally shit. Why waste your time? Genuinely curious.

The thing is, you can still experience this in your 20s.

Also OP's question is retarded, asexual people don't experience desire for sex, so the answer is whole life, since he didn't ask about any specific adults.

If your whole point of life and self esteem resolves around opposite sex, then please do proceed with killing yourself.

asexual people already have permanent psychological damage so his question still holds.

>the literal purpose of life, biologically, is to have sex and reproduce
>kill yourself if this is your purpose in life
welp found the cunt with permanent psychological damage due to being a permavirgin

you're in your mid twenties. ie, you're still in "your youth" by any purposeful measure. your most productive years have likely only just started. stop bitching the fuck around, start going to a god damn gym three times per week and build some fucking confidence, you sissy.