Ahha, i call bullshit, but the girl is super dope, i her clap thing is awesome, that's what i would do if i had her

ahha, i call bullshit, but the girl is super dope, i her clap thing is awesome, that's what i would do if i had her youtube.com/watch?v=UJjp_oBTju4


hahah, dude silence is dead, why you make BS shit like this

i just downloaded off scene you fuck face, he's back

yeah confirmed, the download is there, but that doesn't mean shit

this appears legitimate, for those wondering, or too young to remember, silence orchestrated a reletively large bonnet in the mid 90s - he was known for his theatrics, riddles, and general annoyingness

and by bonnet, i mean botnet, but yeah, actually i mean bonnet, cuz he was a pus

have you looked his actual code you pleb, i don't think it's real either, but have of what we know about about trojans and windows exploits can be attributed to this russian fuck - so get the fuck out

everyone in here is at least 30, but have confirmed for myself, this is exactly the kind of shit he'd do, you can be assured silence is back

but why, why this now? it makes zero sense, i know the fucker is theatrical, but what's the point - why make it even known through a fucking shitty youtube video modified off of some brainlet shit - he doesn't care about that, wtf is he playing and why even say appear at all - that's just going to get your on radars

uh, it's pretty clear

we've never been weaker, our leader is the definition of brainlet, silence is laughing, and it's not inordinately russian to aggrandize a coming win

i step away for two seconds, and this is what i come back to, i remember that tiny dick, honestly his role was negligent, fuck it, and fuck his rantings - he can't do shit

if you knew anything about anything, that logo strikes fear if you were even 1% close to scene

holly shit, silence is back, holly old school shit - haha, the US is fucked


yeah, not exactly an army of 4channers from 1999, they were 5


>An old hacker comes back from the 90s.
The real question is: what's his IQ?

i heard it's around 1, because bogus bullshit

Also, what's the FTP address?

let's all be real here, that girl is really dope, silence or not, it's clear that he knows marketing, i want to stick my iq dick in her

Who is she?

Jesus Christ fuck off OP, your massive samefag is not fooling anyone.

tell that to your pussy munch echo chamber derps, i don't give a fuck what people reply to a post i give minimal shits about

>Gives so few shits he samefags until people pay attention.