I think I am going to watch this movie tomorrow, I'm intrigued

I think I am going to watch this movie tomorrow, I'm intrigued.

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So he's basically just having someone give him an opinion without forming one himself. Sounds pretty stupid to me.

not OP, it's a good movie
my mom saw this part of the movie and agreed that's how I know it's wrong

what is the movie title sir the actress looks familiar

looks like the worst movie ive ever seen t b h

metropolitan dir. by Whit Stillman

that's right thanks

>I don't eat food in restaurants, I eat shit that finest restaurant critics have produced

Idiotic. The film's making fun of her.

The movie is critical of this.
She doesn't say the line.

This movie is Wes Anderson's father and it's pretty funny if you like that style. However, everything else by Stillman is just terrible.

How are you guys so bad at spotting satire? It's /pol/-levels of perception, in here.

Almodovar and Rudolph are fathers along with WS. Woody's grandfather to them all.

Save it for the holiday season. Watch Barcelona now instead.

And in the end you don't have the trouble to think for yourself.


The last days of disco is the most literary

Oh, pardon me- I was simply recommending the better movie.

Veeky Forums has always been one of the thickest boards on Veeky Forums. I truly don't understand why.

Probably because of the jews

Lubitsch, Truffaut

I think Barcelona, Last Days of Disco, and Love & Friendship are good as well. Damels in Distress was disappointing though.

I couldnt finish any of his other movies and to be honest, I find Metropolitan difficult to rewatch but I did like it when I first saw it.

To be fair, I have a particular weakness for smarmy Chris Eigeman characters, as they essentially represent my own (inaccurate) self-image.

youtube.com/watch?v=DH9nqX9sYUs (the Shakespeare discussion cracks me up, and that jacket is outstanding)

And, of course youtube.com/watch?v=oEUGmWlkJZk which is what I like to imagine a Veeky Forums gathering would actually devolve into.

I saw some of Barcelona after watching Metropolitan and I loved what I saw.


who /momlet/ here