Is it worth it to try LSD/Acid/Shrooms and the final boss, DMT, for literary purposes? Yeah...

Is it worth it to try LSD/Acid/Shrooms and the final boss, DMT, for literary purposes? Yeah, I know it won't automatically make you a literary/creative genius, but is it worth the risks involved, and does it actually benefit you? How does it change you? Does it just make you into a weird babbling hippie like Terence McKenna, or does it enhance your creative process in a beneficial way? Would prefer answers from people who have actually tried this shit.

>Is it worth it to try LSD/Acid/Shrooms and the final boss, DMT, for literary purposes

It's one of the most interesting, alien and surprisingly safe experiences available to human beings. Would have Blake, Nietzsche and Leopardi avoided it? I don't think so.
You should try, just take all the necessary precautions (don't do it if you're not in a good place in your life, and be sure that there is no mental illness running on in your family).

>but is it worth the risks involved, and does it actually benefit you?
It's a great and new inspiration and more kn general a temporary new outlook kn the world. There is not much to be learnt from it: you will, for the first time, grasp to its entire extent basic questions of philosophy (the usual solipsism, skepticism of your own sense, a detatched analysis of society and its norms, analysis of your consciousness and mode of thoughts and so on), but it won't help you solving them. It's just a way to internalize fully these questions. It's the difference between reading about death for your entire life and suddenly discovering that you've got 3 days left: in the same wya you may have thought about the fallibility of your own senses many times, but never in your life your sense have failed you so radically.

>Does it just make you into a weird babbling hippie like Terence McKenna, or does it enhance your creative process in a beneficial way?
It amplifies your attitudes. If you were a babbling wanna-be hippie you'll end up being a even more pretentious one.
Spirituality is not the only possible outcome for such an experience: having a deeply nihilistic one is just as easy.
Generally it won't brainwash you. It is a intense experience and it will stick on you for a while, but eventually you'll shake it off.

t. Have tried a few times LSD, DMT once
If you've got any question just ask, don't hesitate.

LSD is acid is LSD. Acid and shrooms might give you some new perspectives on things, which can help with writing. DMT is an incredibly intense rush of visual hallucinations with a small chance that you'll start to believe in weird shit. I did it a lot and don't feel I learned anything useful from it.
A small percentage of smackheads seem to become extremely verbose, if you look at Coleridge, Will Self and DFW there's maybe something there but I don't think the risk is worth it. There are some really beautifully written trip reports from people who've taken datura, but they're also horrifying so I'd avoid that.

Lsd is babby first drug. Get deschloroketamine

It's one of the most subjective experiences you can have. Might benefit you might not. Definitely try them at least once.

I used to do a lot of acid and looking back it was a waste of time and money. All drugs really are. Get a really nice setting some place you already feel nice in/get inspired from that's the most important thing. More things you have in your brain the better the trip is gonna be.

First post best post m8

Do you have to work your way up to DMT, seeing as it's the strongest of the bunch? And how do you even get your hands on reliable, high quality stuff?

It's not really the strongest in any sense of the word, given how much you have to take relative to LSD and how short a time it lasts. Acid trips can last up to 12 hours, that's quite an experience in its own right.
You can extract it from the root (see erowid) or buy it on the dark web, same precautions as for any drug from there.

>HURR, my RC of the month is le best drug

There was exactly one arylcyclohexylamine research chemical that wasn't shit, and that was methoxetamine.

Deepweb bro.

go for it. It is an eyeopening experience to say the least.

>muh MXE!
poseur detected. Bet you havent even tried mxe. DSK = ketamine without chlorine so its same, but healthier and legal

You should start with weaker psychedelic drugs and work your way out: DMT is the mlst extreme dissociation from your current experience there is, you'll just get this new way of being that is as detailed and lucid as the current one. It makes sense to experiment with middle grounds first.

Start with LSD, don't do it often (I'd say once or twice every year is ideal) and start with a low dose. If you can't find it buy 1P-LSD: same thing but it's legal almost everywhere.
About contents: avoid literature related to these drugs (it may be a bit too polarizing), instead, while on LSD, read poetry, look at paintings and listen to classical music. After that you will be a enthusiast of these fine arts for the rest of your life.

Never abuse it: it won't fuck you up, but it will make the experience shallow. It's like losing the ability of appreciating flowers and beautiful landscapes.

About buying DMT: darknet is the only way. Finding IRL sources for that has been, at least from my experience, borderline impossible.
DMT is easy to be shipped safely, and customs don't have the tools to analyze it (which means that, at worst, they will just throw it ou). Still, don't start with it and don't be too hasty. Treat the experience as a work of art.

>It's not really the strongest in any sense of the word, given how much you have to take relative to LSD and how short a time it lasts.

I think it could be fair to call it the strongest in terms of otherworldly experiences. Unless you dose LSD/psilocybin/mescaline heroically, you'll still have a pretty solid foundation in normal reality. I mean, you don't exactly see self-replicating machine elves from 200ug of acid.

>DSK = ketamine without chlorine so its same,
>DSK duration of action: 3-6 hours

I fucking hate internet drug e-penis measuring contests, but m8.

How does one use the darknet safely without getting hacked and kidnapped and getting one's life turned into a creepy pasta?

It's the strongest in terms of visuals but it's difficult to descend into paranoid psychosis in the course of the 15 minutes it can last, but when you're tripping for hours at a time it's pretty easy for things to go bad, and that's not easy to handle if you're not sure what you're doing. I'm fairly sure Leary was experimenting with a bunch of things and combinations for that to happen.

>final boss, DMT
No final boss is ayahuasca.

No, it won't make you smarter or more creative. If it was it would be regulated and only available to the elites.

the active ingredient in ayahuasca is DMT

Yes, but it's still different. DMT is smoked, aya is a drink with other ingredients that change the effect from 15 minutes to an hours-long thing.

I've smoked DMT five times and I don't like it. It's better to stay sober and have a clear mind.

>all these degenerates
I hope you're all arrested

I honestly feel like my first ever psychedelic trip completely changed the person I would have otherwise grown into.

I was some dumb, hick kid when my friends and I first ever ingested magic mushrooms, really simple minded. After that first trip though, I seemed to take a different path. I became interested in seeing things from different perspectives. I became more empathetic. More aware. I ended up more interested in philosophy and literature. I feel like I would have just been some dumb working class kid if it weren't for that, forever a shit-kicker and loser. I truly think it was one of the most defining points of my life.

Give it a go, at least once. It might not have the same effect on you, but they are fairly harmless drugs for one-time users, as long as you take the necessary precautions, of course. There isn't all that much that can go wrong.

What if you are already a highly empathetic, highly introspective person with an unshakeable passion for literature? Will my brain just explode?

I researched a lot about shrooms before i tried them out, basically from all experiences that I read about, you get what you're looking for most of the time out of them.

For me my brain worked at insanely fast rate at analysing a bunch of different aspects of my life and rationalised them etc etc etc, basically the guy who says don't take them if you're in a bad place is full of shit, most people that take them are in a bad place and are doing it for anxiety/depression between they're looking for answers/treatment/realisations.

Take it in a safe place, basically just research it, you'll get most of the information about the best way to use them, i cbf telling it all, just know nothing is a one stop shop, you have to work at fixing yourself and delics most likely help you find some footing on the way up to normalcy.

You may think you are these things, as I did before my best acid trip, but I was wrong. Also that trip cured me completely of social anxiety. Not sure if anyone else has had this experience

>What if you are already a highly empathetic, highly introspective person with an unshakeable passion for literature? Will my brain just explode?

I imagine it will still have some effect, and if not, you'll probably still have a lot of fun. Music sounds amazing on acid, and everything looks quite beautiful. At best, acid can open you up to possibilities that you haven't even considered before.

It really does seem to affect certain people more though. It might completely deconstruct your self perception.

>basically the guy who says don't take them if you're in a bad place is full of shit, most people that take them are in a bad place and are doing it for anxiety/depression between they're looking for answers/treatment/realisations.

I'm not quite sure this is good advice. I agree that it isn't true that if you're happy you will have a good trip, and if you're depressed you'll have a bad one, but people with severe mental issues shouldn't be encouraged to take psychedelics so haphazardly.

If you suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, PTSD or whatever, you should probably do quite a bit of research.

That said, psychedelics can often nudge you a bit out of depressive states, giving you some perspective on life.

As user says, the key is to take them in a safe place.

>If you suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, PTSD or whatever, you should probably do quite a bit of research.
If you or anyone you're related to has any sort of schizoid or schizotypal mental disorder or you even just suspect or are unsure, you should not take psychedelics, full stop.

"It doesn't have chlorine so it's better" represents almost the exact same misunderstanding of chemistry that makes soccer moms go anti-vac.

t. biochemist

this. it makes you dolan dcuk