Proper Precautions to Take Before Making Chlorine Gas

I wan't to make chlorine gas right in my garage, is there a way to ensure I don't get injured or die when making it?

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>is there a way to ensure I don't get injured or die
Yeah, just don’t try to make it

Why do you want to make chlorine gas?

If you have to ask about safety precautions for an extremely poisonous gas, you probably are best off just not making it.

yeah just be sure to take a deep breath of it to make sure its the right stuff

Y'all ever see breaking bad?

Exactly, or don't do it, or use a gas mask, or do it in the open field and then run after the chlorine gas is done.

chlorine gas is harmful so you dont want to let it escape. only do it in a closed room.

Why the hell do you want to make chlorine gas in your garage?

Don't listen to the brainlets, just make sure you have proper glassware.

I would suggest getting a cold finger, dry ice, and acetone. Condense the chlorine at -68 °C and store in a pressure safe vessel.

Here's a precaution: Don't make chlorine gas you half-wit.

Why not make VX instead? It's a lot safer until you mix the two compounds.

Don't be a pussy. I did this when I was 12 and just did it outside and didn't breath it in.

I'm only moderately retarded now.

Yum free radicals in a confined space
Enjoy your cancer OP

Leave the garage door open, place a fan facing outwards at the edge of the garage, place the gas container in front, so when you inevitably make way more than you intended the fan will blow it outside and you hopefully don't die. Your neighbors will be gassed though. Probably a bad idea op

Do it in a fume hood or contain all the gas

Just take a gas mask..
I heard from /k/ that should be enough...

with no ventilation preferably.

You're going to need up to date filters and a proper sealed gasmask for non lethal exposure.
If you don't want to blister like hot tar you're going to need to get an NBC suit.
If you cannot get an NBC suit you want to do this outside away from the home and be upwind from the site.
You are going to want to use a container that can be sealed in the event the wind changes.
When done dig a hole and dispose of the container used to make it in some type of plastic bag.
Washing the NBC gear with a hose should be fine.

i kind of hope that was fake, but the burns look too real
does it really absorb through the skin? wikipedia says moist tissues are the most susceptible but i'm not sure if that includes skin burns

Confined space, so yeah.

if you look around the internet there's lots of people saying you can get basically the exact same burn effect with cheap stage makeup

>one of Bill Gates' 10 favorite books
Has anyone read this and thinks it's worth buying?


I have yet to see an actual news report on this incident.

Okay you guys are being useless, I got the shit right here; what do I do?

I'ts getting real foggy in hear; what do I do?

My skin is starting to swell up and burn real bad; should I seek medical attention, or is this normal?

Op gonna fucken die like that one madman from /k/

Hory shit it looks like you used a crayon! Call the amberlamps!

Considering how dumb the average person is, shit like this probably happens so often it goes unreported on the news. Anyway, do you really think the death of one idiot would be national news?
Yes, skin absorption is a real chemical threat. It's not universal, as most nerve agents require either injection (i.e. through cuts/scrapes) or inhalation to effect you. Blister agents are named as such as they damage skin tissue to the point where they cause peeling and blistering on skin contact. Oddly, they've lost common usage since the end of WWI. Main reason for that is they're not as effective in damaging enemy manpower as other chemical or physical weapons.


No, chlorine gas doesn't absorb through the skin. It's too reactive to go through. It'd just damage the skin. Inhaling is the biggest threat.

Are you accounting for the fact that it was made in a small confined space thus making the concentration of the compound very dense?

Absorbing would mean instead of reacting with the skin & flesh it'd just permeate them. I don't see that happening.